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Alan Orth 2022-04-16 18:44:20 +03:00
parent 3c507ddacf
commit a1928cd53a
Signed by: alanorth
GPG Key ID: 0FB860CC9C45B1B9
4 changed files with 215 additions and 215 deletions

@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
dspace field name,element name,mandatory?,element description,element guidance,element link for more information,idss element cluster,fsc extension module,element options,element source,element type,element link for dublin core attributes
fsc.audit.documentationCat,FSC audit documentation categories,,,select from control list,,FSC,Assurance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.audit.samplingSystem,FSC audit sampling system,,,select from control list,,FSC,Assurance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.audit.site,FSC audit site types,,,select from control list,,FSC,Assurance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.audit.stakeholderEngagement,FSC audit stakeholder engagement types,,,select from control list,,FSC,Assurance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.audit.stakeholderType,FSC audit stakeholder types,,,select from control list,,FSC,Assurance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.audit.type,FSC audit type,,,select from control list,,FSC,Assurance,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.certificate.category,FSC certificate category,,Categories of FSC certificates,select from control list,,FSC,Certificate,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.certificate.type,FSC certificate type,,Types of FSC certificates,select from control list,,FSC,Certificate,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.coverage.region,FSC coverage region,,FSC region the resource covers (different to the ISEAL list),select from control list,,FSC,Coverage,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.docCode,FSC resource type,,,select from control list,,FSC,Form,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.standard.type,FSC standard type,,,select from control list,,FSC,Form,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.evidenceCategory,FSC evidence category,,,select from control list,,FSC,Evaluation,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.pesticide.biocontrolAgent,Pest biocontrol agent,,Alternative biocontrol agent to control a pest,,,FSC,Pesticides,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
is.pesticide.pestName,Pest common name,,Common name of a pest,,,FSC,Pesticides,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
is.pesticide.pestSpecies,Pest species name,,Species name of a pest,,,FSC,Pesticides,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
is.pesticide.pestType,Pest type,,Type of a pest,select from control list,,FSC,Pesticides,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.pesticide.activeIngredient,Pesticide active ingredient,,Pesticide active ingredient,select from control list,,FSC,Pesticides,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.pesticide.challenge,Pesticide alternatives challenge,,Challenge a pesticide aims to control,,,FSC,Pesticides,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
is.pesticide.alternativeMethod,Pesticide alternatives method,,Method used to control a pest,select from control list,,FSC,Pesticides,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.pesticide.alternativeStrategy,Pesticide alternatives strategy,,Strategy to tackle a pest,,,FSC,Pesticides,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
is.pesticide.alternativeTrial,Pesticide alternatives trial status,,Type of alternatives strategy,select from control list,,FSC,Pesticides,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.pesticide.alternativeType,Pesticide alternatives type,,Whether the alternative pesticide approach has been trialed,Yes or No,,FSC,Pesticides,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.pesticide.commonName,Pesticide common name,,Common name of the pesticide,select from control list,http://www.alanwood.net/pesticides/index_cn_frame.html,FSC,Pesticides,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.wood.code,FSC controlled wood code,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.issue.economic,FSC economic issues,,Outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
fsc.topic.economic,FSC economic topics,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
fsc.issue.environmental,FSC environmental issues,,Indicate the outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
fsc.topic.environmental,FSC environmental topics,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
fsc.focus.forestSpecies,FSC forest and tree species,,Species included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.forestZone,FSC forest biome / zone,,Forest zone(s) included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.harvestingTechnique,FSC forest harvesting techniques,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.fmPrinciple,FSC forest management principle,,Forest Management principle(s) the resource supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.fmControl,FSC forest management type of control,,Forest Management control type(s) included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.forestMonitoring,FSC forest monitoring methods,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.forestProduct,FSC forest products,,Forest products included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.forestProductIdSys,FSC forest products identification system,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.forestType,FSC forest type,,Type(s) of forest included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.forestrySafeguard,FSC forestry environmental safeguards,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.highConservationVal,FSC high conservation values,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.nonForestryActivity,FSC non-forestry activities,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.nonForestryService,FSC non-forestry services for local communities,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.outcome,FSC outcomes and benefits,,Outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.issue.political,"FSC political, systemic or legal issues",,Outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
fsc.topic.political,"FSC political, systemic or legal topics",,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
fsc.focus.scope,FSC scope - SLIMF type,,Small or Low Intensity Managed Forests,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.issue.social,FSC social issues,,Outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
fsc.topic.social,FSC social topics,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
fsc.subject,FSC subject keywords,,Keywords that help to describe the resource content or coverage,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
fsc.focus.sustainDimension,FSC sustainability dimension,,Sustainability dimension(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.tenureManagement,FSC tenure management,,Tenure management included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.focus.tenureOwnership,FSC tenure ownership,,Tenure ownership included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.inTransition,Transition status,,Whether the standard is in transition,Yes or No,,FSC,Status,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.transitionEndDate,Transition end date,,Transition end date of the standard,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,FSC,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,FSC,DATE,
fsc.contributor.member,FSC entity contributor,,Association with an FSC entity or office,select from control list,,FSC,Provenance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,FSC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
fsc.audit.documentationCat,FSC audit documentation categories,,,select from control list,,FSC,Assurance,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.audit.samplingSystem,FSC audit sampling system,,,select from control list,,FSC,Assurance,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.audit.site,FSC audit site types,,,select from control list,,FSC,Assurance,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.audit.stakeholderEngagement,FSC audit stakeholder engagement types,,,select from control list,,FSC,Assurance,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.audit.stakeholderType,FSC audit stakeholder types,,,select from control list,,FSC,Assurance,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.audit.type,FSC audit type,,,select from control list,,FSC,Assurance,single select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.certificate.category,FSC certificate category,,Categories of FSC certificates,select from control list,,FSC,Certificate,single select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.certificate.type,FSC certificate type,,Types of FSC certificates,select from control list,,FSC,Certificate,single select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.coverage.region,FSC coverage region,,FSC region the resource covers (different to the ISEAL list),select from control list,,FSC,Coverage,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.docCode,FSC resource type,,,select from control list,,FSC,Form,single select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.standard.type,FSC standard type,,,select from control list,,FSC,Form,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.evidenceCategory,FSC evidence category,,,select from control list,,FSC,Evaluation,single select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
is.pesticide.biocontrolAgent,Pest biocontrol agent,,Alternative biocontrol agent to control a pest,,,FSC,Pesticides,repeat values,FSC,free value,
is.pesticide.pestName,Pest common name,,Common name of a pest,,,FSC,Pesticides,repeat values,FSC,free value,
is.pesticide.pestSpecies,Pest species name,,Species name of a pest,,,FSC,Pesticides,repeat values,FSC,free value,
is.pesticide.pestType,Pest type,,Type of a pest,select from control list,,FSC,Pesticides,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
is.pesticide.activeIngredient,Pesticide active ingredient,,Pesticide active ingredient,select from control list,,FSC,Pesticides,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
is.pesticide.challenge,Pesticide alternatives challenge,,Challenge a pesticide aims to control,,,FSC,Pesticides,repeat values,FSC,free value,
is.pesticide.alternativeMethod,Pesticide alternatives method,,Method used to control a pest,select from control list,,FSC,Pesticides,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
is.pesticide.alternativeStrategy,Pesticide alternatives strategy,,Strategy to tackle a pest,,,FSC,Pesticides,repeat values,FSC,free value,
is.pesticide.alternativeTrial,Pesticide alternatives trial status,,Type of alternatives strategy,select from control list,,FSC,Pesticides,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
is.pesticide.alternativeType,Pesticide alternatives type,,Whether the alternative pesticide approach has been trialed,Yes or No,,FSC,Pesticides,single select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
is.pesticide.commonName,Pesticide common name,,Common name of the pesticide,select from control list,http://www.alanwood.net/pesticides/index_cn_frame.html,FSC,Pesticides,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.wood.code,FSC controlled wood code,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.issue.economic,FSC economic issues,,Outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,repeat values,FSC,free value,
fsc.topic.economic,FSC economic topics,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,repeat values,FSC,free value,
fsc.issue.environmental,FSC environmental issues,,Indicate the outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,repeat values,FSC,free value,
fsc.topic.environmental,FSC environmental topics,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,repeat values,FSC,free value,
fsc.focus.forestSpecies,FSC forest and tree species,,Species included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.forestZone,FSC forest biome / zone,,Forest zone(s) included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.harvestingTechnique,FSC forest harvesting techniques,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.fmPrinciple,FSC forest management principle,,Forest Management principle(s) the resource supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.fmControl,FSC forest management type of control,,Forest Management control type(s) included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.forestMonitoring,FSC forest monitoring methods,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.forestProduct,FSC forest products,,Forest products included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.forestProductIdSys,FSC forest products identification system,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.forestType,FSC forest type,,Type(s) of forest included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.forestrySafeguard,FSC forestry environmental safeguards,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.highConservationVal,FSC high conservation values,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.nonForestryActivity,FSC non-forestry activities,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.nonForestryService,FSC non-forestry services for local communities,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.outcome,FSC outcomes and benefits,,Outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.issue.political,"FSC political, systemic or legal issues",,Outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,repeat values,FSC,free value,
fsc.topic.political,"FSC political, systemic or legal topics",,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,repeat values,FSC,free value,
fsc.focus.scope,FSC scope - SLIMF type,,Small or Low Intensity Managed Forests,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,single select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.issue.social,FSC social issues,,Outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,repeat values,FSC,free value,
fsc.topic.social,FSC social topics,,,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,repeat values,FSC,free value,
fsc.subject,FSC subject keywords,,Keywords that help to describe the resource content or coverage,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,repeat values,FSC,free value,
fsc.focus.sustainDimension,FSC sustainability dimension,,Sustainability dimension(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.tenureManagement,FSC tenure management,,Tenure management included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.focus.tenureOwnership,FSC tenure ownership,,Tenure ownership included in the coverage of the resource,select from control list,,FSC,Scope,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.inTransition,Transition status,,Whether the standard is in transition,Yes or No,,FSC,Status,single select from control list,FSC,controlled value,
fsc.transitionEndDate,Transition end date,,Transition end date of the standard,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,FSC,Status,single value only,FSC,date,
fsc.contributor.member,FSC entity contributor,,Association with an FSC entity or office,select from control list,,FSC,Provenance,multi select from control list,FSC,controlled value,

1 dspace field name element name mandatory? element description element guidance element link for more information idss element cluster fsc extension module element options element source element type element link for dublin core attributes
2 fsc.audit.documentationCat FSC audit documentation categories select from control list FSC Assurance MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
3 fsc.audit.samplingSystem FSC audit sampling system select from control list FSC Assurance MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
4 fsc.audit.site FSC audit site types select from control list FSC Assurance MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
5 fsc.audit.stakeholderEngagement FSC audit stakeholder engagement types select from control list FSC Assurance MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
6 fsc.audit.stakeholderType FSC audit stakeholder types select from control list FSC Assurance MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
7 fsc.audit.type FSC audit type select from control list FSC Assurance SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
8 fsc.certificate.category FSC certificate category Categories of FSC certificates select from control list FSC Certificate SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
9 fsc.certificate.type FSC certificate type Types of FSC certificates select from control list FSC Certificate SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
10 fsc.coverage.region FSC coverage region FSC region the resource covers (different to the ISEAL list) select from control list FSC Coverage MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
11 fsc.docCode FSC resource type select from control list FSC Form SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
12 fsc.standard.type FSC standard type select from control list FSC Form MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
13 fsc.evidenceCategory FSC evidence category select from control list FSC Evaluation SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
14 is.pesticide.biocontrolAgent Pest biocontrol agent Alternative biocontrol agent to control a pest FSC Pesticides REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
15 is.pesticide.pestName Pest common name Common name of a pest FSC Pesticides REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
16 is.pesticide.pestSpecies Pest species name Species name of a pest FSC Pesticides REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
17 is.pesticide.pestType Pest type Type of a pest select from control list FSC Pesticides MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
18 is.pesticide.activeIngredient Pesticide active ingredient Pesticide active ingredient select from control list FSC Pesticides MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
19 is.pesticide.challenge Pesticide alternatives challenge Challenge a pesticide aims to control FSC Pesticides REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
20 is.pesticide.alternativeMethod Pesticide alternatives method Method used to control a pest select from control list FSC Pesticides MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
21 is.pesticide.alternativeStrategy Pesticide alternatives strategy Strategy to tackle a pest FSC Pesticides REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
22 is.pesticide.alternativeTrial Pesticide alternatives trial status Type of alternatives strategy select from control list FSC Pesticides MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
23 is.pesticide.alternativeType Pesticide alternatives type Whether the alternative pesticide approach has been trialed Yes or No FSC Pesticides SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
24 is.pesticide.commonName Pesticide common name Common name of the pesticide select from control list http://www.alanwood.net/pesticides/index_cn_frame.html FSC Pesticides MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
25 fsc.wood.code FSC controlled wood code select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
26 fsc.issue.economic FSC economic issues Outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to select from control list FSC Scope REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
27 fsc.topic.economic FSC economic topics select from control list FSC Scope REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
28 fsc.issue.environmental FSC environmental issues Indicate the outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to select from control list FSC Scope REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
29 fsc.topic.environmental FSC environmental topics select from control list FSC Scope REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
30 fsc.focus.forestSpecies FSC forest and tree species Species included in the coverage of the resource select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
31 fsc.focus.forestZone FSC forest biome / zone Forest zone(s) included in the coverage of the resource select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
32 fsc.focus.harvestingTechnique FSC forest harvesting techniques select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
33 fsc.focus.fmPrinciple FSC forest management principle Forest Management principle(s) the resource supports or contributes to select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
34 fsc.focus.fmControl FSC forest management type of control Forest Management control type(s) included in the coverage of the resource select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
35 fsc.focus.forestMonitoring FSC forest monitoring methods select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
36 fsc.focus.forestProduct FSC forest products Forest products included in the coverage of the resource select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
37 fsc.focus.forestProductIdSys FSC forest products identification system select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
38 fsc.focus.forestType FSC forest type Type(s) of forest included in the coverage of the resource select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
39 fsc.focus.forestrySafeguard FSC forestry environmental safeguards select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
40 fsc.focus.highConservationVal FSC high conservation values select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
41 fsc.focus.nonForestryActivity FSC non-forestry activities select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
42 fsc.focus.nonForestryService FSC non-forestry services for local communities select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
43 fsc.focus.outcome FSC outcomes and benefits Outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
44 fsc.issue.political FSC political, systemic or legal issues Outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to select from control list FSC Scope REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
45 fsc.topic.political FSC political, systemic or legal topics select from control list FSC Scope REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
46 fsc.focus.scope FSC scope - SLIMF type Small or Low Intensity Managed Forests select from control list FSC Scope SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
47 fsc.issue.social FSC social issues Outcome(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to select from control list FSC Scope REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
48 fsc.topic.social FSC social topics select from control list FSC Scope REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
49 fsc.subject FSC subject keywords Keywords that help to describe the resource content or coverage select from control list FSC Scope REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
50 fsc.focus.sustainDimension FSC sustainability dimension Sustainability dimension(s) the resource mainly supports or contributes to select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
51 fsc.focus.tenureManagement FSC tenure management Tenure management included in the coverage of the resource select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
52 fsc.focus.tenureOwnership FSC tenure ownership Tenure ownership included in the coverage of the resource select from control list FSC Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
53 fsc.inTransition Transition status Whether the standard is in transition Yes or No FSC Status SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
54 fsc.transitionEndDate Transition end date Transition end date of the standard Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. FSC Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only FSC DATE date
55 fsc.contributor.member FSC entity contributor Association with an FSC entity or office select from control list FSC Provenance MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list FSC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value

@ -1,156 +1,156 @@
dspace field name,element name,mandatory?,element description,element guidance,element link for more information,idss element cluster,idss schema module,element options,element source,element type,element link for dublin core attributes
dcterms.abstract,Abstract,,Narrative summary of the resource,Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/abstract/
dcterms.accessRights,Access rights,,Information about rights held in and over the resource,"Indicate whether the resource is confidential (and limited access), restricted (and limited access) or public (limited access or open access)",,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,CONTROLLED VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/accessRights/
dcterms.audience,Audience,,A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Form,REPEAT VALUES,dublin core,CONTROLLED VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/audience/
is.author.orcid,Author ORCID identifier,,ORCID identifier of individuals,Assign for each author,https://orcid.org,GLOBAL,Provenance,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
dc.contributor.author,Authors,mandatory,Persons or organizations intellectually responsible for the content of the resource,Consistent style recommended. Use resources like ORCID or ROR. Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. Data element used by Evidensia,https://orcid.org; https://ror.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,REPEAT VALUES,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/elements11/contributor/||https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/elements11/creator/
is.availability.fullText,Availability,,Whether the complete resource is available for use,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certificate.ID,"Certificate code, number or ID",,Certificate ID code,,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certificate.locations,Certificate coverage type,,Whether a certificate covers single or multiple locations,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certificate.duration,Certificate current duration,,The number of months a certificate is valid for,,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certificate.endDate,Certificate current end date,,End date for the current certificate,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,DATE,
is.certificate.startDate,Certificate current start date,,Start date for the current certificate,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,DATE,
is.certificate.firstStartDate,Certificate first issue date,,First issue date for the certificate,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,DATE,
is.certifiedOrganization.city,Certificate holder address city,,Complete name of a city or town in an address,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedOrganization.country,Certificate holder address country,,Full country name. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 format,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certifiedOrganization.email,Certificate holder address email address,,Email address of an organization,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedOrganization.addressLat,Certificate holder address latitude location coordinate,,Latitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m,Example of a latitude coordinate in Bolivia: -16.9013,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,GEO VALUE,
is.certifiedOrganization.addressLong,Certificate holder address longitude location coordinate,,Longitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m,Example of a longitude coordinate in Bolivia: -62.0244,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,GEO VALUE,
is.certifiedOrganization.phoneCountryCode,Certificate holder address phone country code,,International subscriber dialing (ISD) codes,,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,NUMERIC VALUE,
is.certifiedOrganization.phoneNumber,Certificate holder address phone number,,Official contact phone number of the organization - without country code,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,NUMERIC VALUE,
is.certifiedOrganization.postCode,Certificate holder address postcode,,Full postcode of an address,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedOrganization.streetName,Certificate holder address street name,,Full street name and number of an address,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedOrganization.url,Certificate holder address website url,,URL of the organization,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,URL,
is.certifiedOrganization.gln,Certificate holder GLN,,Global Location Number of companies to identify their locations,,https://www.gs1.org/standards/id-keys/gln,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ITC,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedOrganizationID,Certificate holder ID,,A number or other consistent code assigned to a certificate holder by a certifying body or scheme,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedOrganization.name,Certificate holder name,,Entity or individual certified to produce or market a product under the terms of the certificate,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedOrganization.role,Certificate holder role,,Role(s) organization plays in a supply chain,ITC database,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",MULTI Select from control list,ITC,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certificate.licenseCode,Certificate license code,,License applied to a certificate,,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certificate.licenseStatus,Certificate license status,,Whether a certificate license is valid or suspended,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certificate.ownership,Certificate ownership type,,Whether a certificate covers individual or group owners,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certificate.scope,Certificate scope,,Terms describing the scope of a certificate,,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certificate.status,Certificate status,,The current status of a certificate,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certificate.type,Certificate type,,Type of certificate,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certifiedSite.adminArea,Certified site admin area,,,Area in hectares,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedSite.analysisArea,Certified site analysis area,,,Area in hectares,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedSite.area,Certified site area,,"Total area certified (in hectares). For a group certificate, this would be the sum of the area of all certified farms in the certificate",,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certificate.siteID,Certified site ID,,Certified site ID code,,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedSite.coordDetail,Certified site latitude and longitude location coordinates detail,,Specific details on the coordinates and how collected/measured,,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certifiedSite.lat,Certified site latitude location coordinate,,Latitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m,Example of a latitude coordinate in Bolivia: -16.9013,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,GEO VALUE,
is.certifiedSite.locationName,Certified site location name,,The normal name used to describe the location,,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedSite.long,Certified site longitude location coordinate,,Longitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m,Example of a longitude coordinate in Bolivia: -62.0244,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,GEO VALUE,
is.certifiedSite.naturalSetAside,Certified site natural ecosystem set-aside,,,Area in hectares,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedSite.productionArea,Certified site production area,,,Area in hectares,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifiedSite.restorationSetAside,Certified site restoration set-aside,,,Area in hectares,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certificate.sites,Certified sites number covered by the certificate,,The number of individual sites covered by a certificate,,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.accreditationEndDate,Certifying body accreditation end date,,Date when a body's accreditation begins,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ASI,DATE,
is.certifyingBody.accreditationStartDate,Certifying body accreditation start date,,Date when a body's accreditation ends,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ASI,DATE,
is.certifyingBody.accreditationStatus,Certifying body accreditation status,,,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ASI,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.accreditedGeoScope,Certifying body accredited geographic scope,,Countries the body is certified to work in. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 format,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ASI,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.accreditedTechScope,Certifying body accredited technical scope,,,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ASI,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.accreditedTechScopeType,Certifying body accredited technical scope type,,,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ASI,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.city,Certifying body address city,,Complete name of a city or town in an address,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ASI,FREE VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.country,Certifying body address country,,Full country name. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 format,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ASI,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.email,Certifying body address email address,,Email address of an organization,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ASI,FREE VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.addressLat,Certifying body address latitude location coordinate,,Latitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m,Example of a latitude coordinate in Bolivia: -16.9013,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ASI,GEO VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.addressLong,Certifying body address longitude location coordinate,,Longitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m,Example of a longitude coordinate in Bolivia: -62.0244,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ASI,GEO VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.phoneCountryCode,Certifying body address phone country code,,International subscriber dialing (ISD) codes,,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ASI,NUMERIC VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.phoneNumber,Certifying body address phone number,,Official contact phone number of the organization - without country code,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ASI,NUMERIC VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.postcode,Certifying body address postcode,,Full postcode of an address,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ASI,FREE VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.streetName,Certifying body address street name,,Full street name and number of an address,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ASI,FREE VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.url,Certifying body address website url,,URL of the organization,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ASI,URL,
is.certifyingBody.asiCode,Certifying body ASI accreditation code,,,Select from control list,https://www.asi-assurance.org/s/find-a-cab,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ASI,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.name,Certifying body name,,Entity assuring/assessing the status and performance of a certificate holder/owner,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ASI,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.schemeAccredited,Certifying body program or scheme accredited for,,Scheme names the body is certified for,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ASI,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.standardAccredited,Certifying body standards accredited for,,Standard a body is accredited for - the official ID of the standard,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,REPEAT VALUES,ASI,FREE VALUE,
is.certifyingBody.standardCertified,Certifying body standards certified for,,Standard a body can certify for - the official ID of the standard,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,REPEAT VALUES,ASI,FREE VALUE,
dcterms.bibliographicCitation,Citation,,Sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the resource as unambiguously as possible,consistent style recommended. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/bibliographicCitation/
is.contact.email,Contact email,,Email address of an organization or person that can be contacted about the resource,Avoid addresses that are short-lived; check permission first,,GLOBAL,Provenance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.contact.name,Contact name,,Name of an organization or person that can be contacted about the resource,Avoid links that are short-lived; check permission first,,GLOBAL,Provenance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.coverage.countryAlpha2,Country ISO code,,Country code. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 format,Select from control list,https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search/code/,GLOBAL,Coverage,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.coverage.country,Country name,,Official country name. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 format,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search/code/,GLOBAL,Coverage,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,dublin core,CONTROLLED VALUE,
dc.date.accessioned,Date accessioned by system,,Date a system takes possession of item,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,DATE,
dc.date.available,Date available through a system,,Date or date range item became available to the public,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,DATE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/available/
dcterms.modified,Date changed,,Date when the resource was changed,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,DATE,
dcterms.created,Date created,,Date of creation of the resource,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,DATE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/created/
dcterms.issued,Date issued or published,mandatory,"Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource","Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. Data element used by Evidensia",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,DATE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/issued/
is.dateOfVersion,Date of version,,Date as indicated on the resource,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,DATE,
is.dateReviewed,Date reviewed,,"Date the resource was, is, or will be reviewed","Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,DATE,
is.dateRevised,Date revised,,"Date the resource was, is, or will be revised","Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,DATE,
dcterms.dateSubmitted,Date submitted,,Date when the resource is submitted to a repository or database,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,DATE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/dateSubmitted/
is.identifier.doi,DOI,,Digital object identifier - usually for articles and books/chapters,Data element used by Evidensia,https://www.doi.org/,GLOBAL,Form,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,URL,
is.extent.edition,Edition,,,,,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.evaluation.authorDirectionality,Evaluation author directionality,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.evaluation.comparison,Evaluation comparison,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.evaluation.counterfacts,Evaluation counterfactuals,,,"yes, no, not applicable",,IMPACT,Evaluation,SINGLE Select from control list,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.evaluation.dataSource,Evaluation data source,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.evaluation.collection,Evaluation data/evidence collection method,,,Select from control list,,IMPACT,Evaluation,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.evaluation.findings,Evaluation findings,,Summary of the key finding of an evaluative study,,,IMPACT,Evaluation,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.evaluation.noDifferenceDirectionality,Evaluation no difference directionality,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.evaluation.notes,Evaluation notes,,"Notes from a study, not elsewhere covered",,,IMPACT,Evaluation,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.evaluation.outcome,Evaluation outcome identified?,,,"yes, no, not applicable",,IMPACT,Evaluation,SINGLE Select from control list,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.evaluation.quotes,Evaluation quotes on impact,,Quotes from an evaluative study,,,IMPACT,Evaluation,REPEAT VALUES,FSC,FREE VALUE,
is.evaluation.recommendations,Evaluation recommendations,,Recommendations from an evaluative study,,,IMPACT,Evaluation,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.evaluation.significance,Evaluation statistical significance,,,Select from control list,,IMPACT,Evaluation,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.evaluation.test,Evaluation statistical test,,,Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.evaluation.scope,Evaluation study scope,,,,,IMPACT,Evaluation,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.evidenceSubType,Evidence resource subtype,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,Evidensia,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.evidenceResourceType,Evidence resource type,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,Evidensia,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.evidenceSummary,Evidence summary,,Narrative summary of the evidence presented in the resource,,,IMPACT,Evaluation,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,Evidensia,FREE VALUE,
is.evidenceType,Evidence type or category,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,Evidensia,CONTROLLED VALUE,
dcterms.extent,Extent,,Size or duration of the resource; Usually the total pages or other dimensions,,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/extent/
dcterms.format,Format,,File format or physical medium of the resource,Select from control list,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_formats,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,CONTROLLED VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/format/
is.contributor.funder,Funding source name,,Full name(s) of funders/investors that sponsored the resource,Usually the full name of an organization. Use resources like ROR.,https://ror.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,REPEAT VALUES,dublin core,FREE VALUE,
is.contributor.funderType,Funding source type,,Funder or investor types,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Provenance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.coverage.geographicLevel,Geographic level,,Level of geographic focus or coverage,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Coverage,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.identifier.ID,ID,,Any ID associated with the item or resource,Use other elements for ISBN or DOI. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
dcterms.isReplacedBy,Is replaced by another item or resource,,"A related resource that supplants, displaces, or supersedes the described resource",Normally a link to a later or improved resource,,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,URL,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/isReplacedBy/
is.identifier.isbn,ISBN,,International standard book number,,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.identifier.clause,ISEAL code clause number,,ISEAL code of practice specific clause(s) associated to the resource,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.identifier.code,ISEAL code name,,ISEAL code(s) of practice associated to the resource,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.delta.sustainIndicator,ISEAL Delta project sustainability indicator,,"Farm-level, outcome/impact indicators across the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability",Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.contributor.member,ISEAL member contributor,mandatory,ISEAL member organization or scheme associatd to the resource ,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Provenance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.focus.strategyPillar,ISEAL strategic pillar,,,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.focus.systemElement,ISEAL system element,,,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.journalName,Journal name,,Journal full name in its original language,Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Provenance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
dcterms.language,Language ISO code,,Official 2 letter ISO language code of the resource. Terms should be in lower case ISO 639-1 (aka Alpha 2) format,Select from control list,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,dublin core,CONTROLLED VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/language/
is.language,Language name,,Popular name for the language of the resource,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.coverage.latitude,Latitude location coordinate for the resource or its focus,,"Use for polygons, shapes, study sites etc. Latitude location coordinates should be recorded in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m",Example of a latitude in Bolivia: -16.9013,,GLOBAL,Coverage,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,GEO VALUE,
is.link.url,Link to a URL,,Internet link to any other associated item,"Try to always link to any standard and permament identifier (eg, not a PDF). Data element used by Evidensia",,GLOBAL,Form,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,URL,
is.link.image,"Link to an image, photo or other multimedia",,Internet link to an associated image,Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Form,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,URL,
is.coverage.longitude,Longitude location coordinate for the resource or its focus,,"Use for polygons, shapes, study sites etc. Longitude location coordinates should be recorded in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m",Example of a longitude in Bolivia: -62.0244,,GLOBAL,Coverage,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,GEO VALUE,
dcterms.description,Notes,,An account of the resource,Any additional information about the resource not covered in any other element,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.extent.number,Number,,"Journal article issue number, series number, or any other identifying number",,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.organization.bluenumber,Organization Bluenumber ID,,,,https://bluenumber.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.organization.ror,Organization ROR ID,,ROR ID for an organization,Assign for resources associated to organizations,https://ror.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
dcterms.alternative,Other titles,,Alternative name for the resource,"eg, the title another language; Only if explicitly mentioned on the resource",,GLOBAL,Provenance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/alternative/
is.extent.pages,Pagination,,Start/end pagination of a journal article or chapter,,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.item.reviewStatus,Peer review status,,Whether the resource has been peer reviewed,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.coverage.place,Place name,,"Name(s) of specific places, sites, towns, cities, districts, etc. that the resource is about",,,GLOBAL,Coverage,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,GEO VALUE,
is.focus.products,Product focus,,Certified commodites or products,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.item.publicationPlace,Publication place,,City and country name,"Usually entered as: City, country",,GLOBAL,Provenance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
dcterms.publisher,Publisher,mandatory,Entity or entities responsible for making the resource available.,Usually the name of an organization. Use resources like ROR. Data element used by Evidensia,https://ror.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,REPEAT VALUES,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/publisher/
is.coverage.region,Region name,,Region where data was collected or the focus of the research described in the resource. Terms should be in UN M.49 format,Select from control list,https://unstats.un.org/unsd/methodology/m49/,GLOBAL,Coverage,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.focus.sdg,SDG focus,,Sustainable development goal(s) associated to the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.focus.sectors,Sector focus,,Sectors that the resource covers,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,https://www.oecd.org/dac/financing-sustainable-development/development-finance-standards/dacandcrscodelists.htm,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
dcterms.isPartOf,Series name,,A related resource or series of resources in which the described resource is physically or logically included,Only if explicitly mentioned on the resource,,GLOBAL,Provenance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/isPartOf/
is.dateOfVersion1,Standard date of version 1,,Date when version 1 of a standard was first issued,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,FSC,DATE,
dcterms.valid,Standard effective date,,Effective date of a code/standard or other resource,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,DATE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/valid/
is.identifier.standardCode,Standard ID or code,,Official code describing or assigned to a standard,"For example ""FSC-DIR-40-004"".",,GLOBAL,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.identifier.standardStatus,Standard status,,Status of development of a standard,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.item.status,Status,mandatory,Stage the resource has reached,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
dcterms.subject,Subject focus,,Keywords that help to describe the resource content or coverage. The topic or thematic focus of the resource.,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,dublin core,FREE VALUE,
is.focus.sustainLens,Sustainability cross-cutting lens,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,Evidensia,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.focus.sustainDimension,Sustainability dimension,,Primary sustainability focus of the the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,Evidensia,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.focus.sustainIssue,Sustainability issue,,Specific sustainability issue(s) covered in the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,Evidensia,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.focus.sustainOutcome,Sustainability outcome,,Specific sustainability outcome(s) covered in the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,Evidensia,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.identifier.schemeName,Sustainability scheme name,,Name of certification scheme or body associated with the resource,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.identifier.schemeType,Sustainability scheme type,,The approach that best characterizes the sustainability scheme covered by the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
dc.title,Title,mandatory,Full official name given to a resource,Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Provenance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/title/
dcterms.type,Type,mandatory,"Nature, type or genre of the resource",Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,dublin core,CONTROLLED VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/type/
dc.identifier.uri,Uniform Resource Identifier,,"Usually assigned by a repository, eg a handle address in a DSpace repository",Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software.,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,URL,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/identifier/
dcterms.rightsHolder,Usage license holder,,Person(s) or organization(s) owning or managing rights over a resource,License holder of the resource,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/rightsHolder/
dcterms.license,Usage rights license,,Legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource,"Normally the type of license, indicated by a short name/code - Select from control list",,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,dublin core,CONTROLLED VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/license/
is.extent.version,Version number,,Version number of a resource,Only if explicitly mentioned on the resource,,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.extent.volume,Volume number,,Journal article volume number,,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.focus.gtin,Product GTIN,,Global Trade Item Numbers of products and items traded,Mainly used with barcodes assigned to products,https://www.gtin.info,GLOBAL,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,ITC,FREE VALUE,
dcterms.abstract,Abstract,,Narrative summary of the resource,Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,dublin core,free value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/abstract/
dcterms.accessRights,Access rights,,Information about rights held in and over the resource,"Indicate whether the resource is confidential (and limited access), restricted (and limited access) or public (limited access or open access)",,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,dublin core,controlled value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/accessRights/
dcterms.audience,Audience,,A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Form,repeat values,dublin core,controlled value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/audience/
is.author.orcid,Author ORCID identifier,,ORCID identifier of individuals,Assign for each author,https://orcid.org,GLOBAL,Provenance,repeat values,ISEAL,free value,
dc.contributor.author,Authors,mandatory,Persons or organizations intellectually responsible for the content of the resource,Consistent style recommended. Use resources like ORCID or ROR. Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. Data element used by Evidensia,https://orcid.org; https://ror.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,repeat values,dublin core,free value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/elements11/contributor/||https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/elements11/creator/
is.availability.fullText,Availability,,Whether the complete resource is available for use,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Form,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.certificate.ID,"Certificate code, number or ID",,Certificate ID code,,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certificate.locations,Certificate coverage type,,Whether a certificate covers single or multiple locations,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.certificate.duration,Certificate current duration,,The number of months a certificate is valid for,,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certificate.endDate,Certificate current end date,,End date for the current certificate,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,single value only,ISEAL,date,
is.certificate.startDate,Certificate current start date,,Start date for the current certificate,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,single value only,ISEAL,date,
is.certificate.firstStartDate,Certificate first issue date,,First issue date for the certificate,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,single value only,ISEAL,date,
is.certifiedOrganization.city,Certificate holder address city,,Complete name of a city or town in an address,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifiedOrganization.country,Certificate holder address country,,Full country name. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 format,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.certifiedOrganization.email,Certificate holder address email address,,Email address of an organization,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifiedOrganization.addressLat,Certificate holder address latitude location coordinate,,Latitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m,Example of a latitude coordinate in Bolivia: -16.9013,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single value only,ISEAL,geo value,
is.certifiedOrganization.addressLong,Certificate holder address longitude location coordinate,,Longitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m,Example of a longitude coordinate in Bolivia: -62.0244,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single value only,ISEAL,geo value,
is.certifiedOrganization.phoneCountryCode,Certificate holder address phone country code,,International subscriber dialing (ISD) codes,,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single value only,ISEAL,numeric value,
is.certifiedOrganization.phoneNumber,Certificate holder address phone number,,Official contact phone number of the organization - without country code,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single value only,ISEAL,numeric value,
is.certifiedOrganization.postCode,Certificate holder address postcode,,Full postcode of an address,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifiedOrganization.streetName,Certificate holder address street name,,Full street name and number of an address,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifiedOrganization.url,Certificate holder address website url,,URL of the organization,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single value only,ISEAL,url,
is.certifiedOrganization.gln,Certificate holder GLN,,Global Location Number of companies to identify their locations,,https://www.gs1.org/standards/id-keys/gln,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single value only,ITC,free value,
is.certifiedOrganizationID,Certificate holder ID,,A number or other consistent code assigned to a certificate holder by a certifying body or scheme,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifiedOrganization.name,Certificate holder name,,Entity or individual certified to produce or market a product under the terms of the certificate,,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifiedOrganization.role,Certificate holder role,,Role(s) organization plays in a supply chain,ITC database,,CERTIFICATION,"Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization",multi select from control list,ITC,controlled value,
is.certificate.licenseCode,Certificate license code,,License applied to a certificate,,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certificate.licenseStatus,Certificate license status,,Whether a certificate license is valid or suspended,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.certificate.ownership,Certificate ownership type,,Whether a certificate covers individual or group owners,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.certificate.scope,Certificate scope,,Terms describing the scope of a certificate,,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certificate.status,Certificate status,,The current status of a certificate,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.certificate.type,Certificate type,,Type of certificate,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.certifiedSite.adminArea,Certified site admin area,,,Area in hectares,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifiedSite.analysisArea,Certified site analysis area,,,Area in hectares,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifiedSite.area,Certified site area,,"Total area certified (in hectares). For a group certificate, this would be the sum of the area of all certified farms in the certificate",,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certificate.siteID,Certified site ID,,Certified site ID code,,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifiedSite.coordDetail,Certified site latitude and longitude location coordinates detail,,Specific details on the coordinates and how collected/measured,,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,single value only,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.certifiedSite.lat,Certified site latitude location coordinate,,Latitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m,Example of a latitude coordinate in Bolivia: -16.9013,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,single value only,ISEAL,geo value,
is.certifiedSite.locationName,Certified site location name,,The normal name used to describe the location,,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifiedSite.long,Certified site longitude location coordinate,,Longitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m,Example of a longitude coordinate in Bolivia: -62.0244,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,single value only,ISEAL,geo value,
is.certifiedSite.naturalSetAside,Certified site natural ecosystem set-aside,,,Area in hectares,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifiedSite.productionArea,Certified site production area,,,Area in hectares,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifiedSite.restorationSetAside,Certified site restoration set-aside,,,Area in hectares,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certificate.sites,Certified sites number covered by the certificate,,The number of individual sites covered by a certificate,,,CERTIFICATION,Certified Resource or Site,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.certifyingBody.accreditationEndDate,Certifying body accreditation end date,,Date when a body's accreditation begins,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single value only,ASI,date,
is.certifyingBody.accreditationStartDate,Certifying body accreditation start date,,Date when a body's accreditation ends,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single value only,ASI,date,
is.certifyingBody.accreditationStatus,Certifying body accreditation status,,,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single select from control list,ASI,controlled value,
is.certifyingBody.accreditedGeoScope,Certifying body accredited geographic scope,,Countries the body is certified to work in. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 format,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,multi select from control list,ASI,controlled value,
is.certifyingBody.accreditedTechScope,Certifying body accredited technical scope,,,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,multi select from control list,ASI,controlled value,
is.certifyingBody.accreditedTechScopeType,Certifying body accredited technical scope type,,,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,multi select from control list,ASI,controlled value,
is.certifyingBody.city,Certifying body address city,,Complete name of a city or town in an address,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single value only,ASI,free value,
is.certifyingBody.country,Certifying body address country,,Full country name. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 format,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single select from control list,ASI,controlled value,
is.certifyingBody.email,Certifying body address email address,,Email address of an organization,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single value only,ASI,free value,
is.certifyingBody.addressLat,Certifying body address latitude location coordinate,,Latitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m,Example of a latitude coordinate in Bolivia: -16.9013,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single value only,ASI,geo value,
is.certifyingBody.addressLong,Certifying body address longitude location coordinate,,Longitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m,Example of a longitude coordinate in Bolivia: -62.0244,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single value only,ASI,geo value,
is.certifyingBody.phoneCountryCode,Certifying body address phone country code,,International subscriber dialing (ISD) codes,,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single value only,ASI,numeric value,
is.certifyingBody.phoneNumber,Certifying body address phone number,,Official contact phone number of the organization - without country code,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single value only,ASI,numeric value,
is.certifyingBody.postcode,Certifying body address postcode,,Full postcode of an address,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single value only,ASI,free value,
is.certifyingBody.streetName,Certifying body address street name,,Full street name and number of an address,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single value only,ASI,free value,
is.certifyingBody.url,Certifying body address website url,,URL of the organization,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single value only,ASI,url,
is.certifyingBody.asiCode,Certifying body ASI accreditation code,,,Select from control list,https://www.asi-assurance.org/s/find-a-cab,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single select from control list,ASI,controlled value,
is.certifyingBody.name,Certifying body name,,Entity assuring/assessing the status and performance of a certificate holder/owner,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,single value only,ASI,controlled value,
is.certifyingBody.schemeAccredited,Certifying body program or scheme accredited for,,Scheme names the body is certified for,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,multi select from control list,ASI,controlled value,
is.certifyingBody.standardAccredited,Certifying body standards accredited for,,Standard a body is accredited for - the official ID of the standard,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,repeat values,ASI,free value,
is.certifyingBody.standardCertified,Certifying body standards certified for,,Standard a body can certify for - the official ID of the standard,,,CERTIFICATION,Assurance,repeat values,ASI,free value,
dcterms.bibliographicCitation,Citation,,Sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the resource as unambiguously as possible,consistent style recommended. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,dublin core,free value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/bibliographicCitation/
is.contact.email,Contact email,,Email address of an organization or person that can be contacted about the resource,Avoid addresses that are short-lived; check permission first,,GLOBAL,Provenance,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.contact.name,Contact name,,Name of an organization or person that can be contacted about the resource,Avoid links that are short-lived; check permission first,,GLOBAL,Provenance,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.coverage.countryAlpha2,Country ISO code,,Country code. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 format,Select from control list,https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search/code/,GLOBAL,Coverage,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.coverage.country,Country name,,Official country name. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 format,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search/code/,GLOBAL,Coverage,multi select from control list,dublin core,controlled value,
dc.date.accessioned,Date accessioned by system,,Date a system takes possession of item,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software.",,GLOBAL,Status,single value only,dublin core,date,
dc.date.available,Date available through a system,,Date or date range item became available to the public,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software.",,GLOBAL,Status,single value only,dublin core,date,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/available/
dcterms.modified,Date changed,,Date when the resource was changed,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,single value only,ISEAL,date,
dcterms.created,Date created,,Date of creation of the resource,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,single value only,dublin core,date,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/created/
dcterms.issued,Date issued or published,mandatory,"Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource","Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. Data element used by Evidensia",,GLOBAL,Status,single value only,dublin core,date,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/issued/
is.dateOfVersion,Date of version,,Date as indicated on the resource,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,single value only,ISEAL,date,
is.dateReviewed,Date reviewed,,"Date the resource was, is, or will be reviewed","Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,repeat values,ISEAL,date,
is.dateRevised,Date revised,,"Date the resource was, is, or will be revised","Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,repeat values,ISEAL,date,
dcterms.dateSubmitted,Date submitted,,Date when the resource is submitted to a repository or database,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,single value only,dublin core,date,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/dateSubmitted/
is.identifier.doi,DOI,,Digital object identifier - usually for articles and books/chapters,Data element used by Evidensia,https://www.doi.org/,GLOBAL,Form,repeat values,ISEAL,url,
is.extent.edition,Edition,,,,,GLOBAL,Status,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.evaluation.authorDirectionality,Evaluation author directionality,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.evaluation.comparison,Evaluation comparison,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.evaluation.counterfacts,Evaluation counterfactuals,,,"yes, no, not applicable",,IMPACT,Evaluation,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.evaluation.dataSource,Evaluation data source,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.evaluation.collection,Evaluation data/evidence collection method,,,Select from control list,,IMPACT,Evaluation,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.evaluation.findings,Evaluation findings,,Summary of the key finding of an evaluative study,,,IMPACT,Evaluation,repeat values,ISEAL,free value,
is.evaluation.noDifferenceDirectionality,Evaluation no difference directionality,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.evaluation.notes,Evaluation notes,,"Notes from a study, not elsewhere covered",,,IMPACT,Evaluation,repeat values,ISEAL,free value,
is.evaluation.outcome,Evaluation outcome identified?,,,"yes, no, not applicable",,IMPACT,Evaluation,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.evaluation.quotes,Evaluation quotes on impact,,Quotes from an evaluative study,,,IMPACT,Evaluation,repeat values,FSC,free value,
is.evaluation.recommendations,Evaluation recommendations,,Recommendations from an evaluative study,,,IMPACT,Evaluation,repeat values,ISEAL,free value,
is.evaluation.significance,Evaluation statistical significance,,,Select from control list,,IMPACT,Evaluation,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.evaluation.test,Evaluation statistical test,,,Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,repeat values,ISEAL,free value,
is.evaluation.scope,Evaluation study scope,,,,,IMPACT,Evaluation,repeat values,ISEAL,free value,
is.evidenceSubType,Evidence resource subtype,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,single select from control list,Evidensia,controlled value,
is.evidenceResourceType,Evidence resource type,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,single select from control list,Evidensia,controlled value,
is.evidenceSummary,Evidence summary,,Narrative summary of the evidence presented in the resource,,,IMPACT,Evaluation,single value only,Evidensia,free value,
is.evidenceType,Evidence type or category,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,IMPACT,Evaluation,single select from control list,Evidensia,controlled value,
dcterms.extent,Extent,,Size or duration of the resource; Usually the total pages or other dimensions,,,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,dublin core,free value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/extent/
dcterms.format,Format,,File format or physical medium of the resource,Select from control list,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_formats,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,dublin core,controlled value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/format/
is.contributor.funder,Funding source name,,Full name(s) of funders/investors that sponsored the resource,Usually the full name of an organization. Use resources like ROR.,https://ror.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,repeat values,dublin core,free value,
is.contributor.funderType,Funding source type,,Funder or investor types,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Provenance,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.coverage.geographicLevel,Geographic level,,Level of geographic focus or coverage,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Coverage,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.identifier.ID,ID,,Any ID associated with the item or resource,Use other elements for ISBN or DOI. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
dcterms.isReplacedBy,Is replaced by another item or resource,,"A related resource that supplants, displaces, or supersedes the described resource",Normally a link to a later or improved resource,,GLOBAL,Status,single value only,dublin core,url,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/isReplacedBy/
is.identifier.isbn,ISBN,,International standard book number,,,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.identifier.clause,ISEAL code clause number,,ISEAL code of practice specific clause(s) associated to the resource,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.identifier.code,ISEAL code name,,ISEAL code(s) of practice associated to the resource,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.delta.sustainIndicator,ISEAL Delta project sustainability indicator,,"Farm-level, outcome/impact indicators across the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability",Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.contributor.member,ISEAL member contributor,mandatory,ISEAL member organization or scheme associatd to the resource ,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Provenance,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.focus.strategyPillar,ISEAL strategic pillar,,,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.focus.systemElement,ISEAL system element,,,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.journalName,Journal name,,Journal full name in its original language,Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Provenance,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
dcterms.language,Language ISO code,,Official 2 letter ISO language code of the resource. Terms should be in lower case ISO 639-1 (aka Alpha 2) format,Select from control list,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes,GLOBAL,Form,single select from control list,dublin core,controlled value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/language/
is.language,Language name,,Popular name for the language of the resource,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Form,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.coverage.latitude,Latitude location coordinate for the resource or its focus,,"Use for polygons, shapes, study sites etc. Latitude location coordinates should be recorded in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m",Example of a latitude in Bolivia: -16.9013,,GLOBAL,Coverage,single value only,ISEAL,geo value,
is.link.url,Link to a URL,,Internet link to any other associated item,"Try to always link to any standard and permament identifier (eg, not a PDF). Data element used by Evidensia",,GLOBAL,Form,repeat values,ISEAL,url,
is.link.image,"Link to an image, photo or other multimedia",,Internet link to an associated image,Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Form,repeat values,ISEAL,url,
is.coverage.longitude,Longitude location coordinate for the resource or its focus,,"Use for polygons, shapes, study sites etc. Longitude location coordinates should be recorded in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m",Example of a longitude in Bolivia: -62.0244,,GLOBAL,Coverage,single value only,ISEAL,geo value,
dcterms.description,Notes,,An account of the resource,Any additional information about the resource not covered in any other element,,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.extent.number,Number,,"Journal article issue number, series number, or any other identifying number",,,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.organization.bluenumber,Organization Bluenumber ID,,,,https://bluenumber.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,repeat values,ISEAL,free value,
is.organization.ror,Organization ROR ID,,ROR ID for an organization,Assign for resources associated to organizations,https://ror.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,repeat values,ISEAL,free value,
dcterms.alternative,Other titles,,Alternative name for the resource,"eg, the title another language; Only if explicitly mentioned on the resource",,GLOBAL,Provenance,single value only,dublin core,free value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/alternative/
is.extent.pages,Pagination,,Start/end pagination of a journal article or chapter,,,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.item.reviewStatus,Peer review status,,Whether the resource has been peer reviewed,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Status,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.coverage.place,Place name,,"Name(s) of specific places, sites, towns, cities, districts, etc. that the resource is about",,,GLOBAL,Coverage,repeat values,ISEAL,geo value,
is.focus.products,Product focus,,Certified commodites or products,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.item.publicationPlace,Publication place,,City and country name,"Usually entered as: City, country",,GLOBAL,Provenance,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
dcterms.publisher,Publisher,mandatory,Entity or entities responsible for making the resource available.,Usually the name of an organization. Use resources like ROR. Data element used by Evidensia,https://ror.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,repeat values,dublin core,free value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/publisher/
is.coverage.region,Region name,,Region where data was collected or the focus of the research described in the resource. Terms should be in UN M.49 format,Select from control list,https://unstats.un.org/unsd/methodology/m49/,GLOBAL,Coverage,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.focus.sdg,SDG focus,,Sustainable development goal(s) associated to the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.focus.sectors,Sector focus,,Sectors that the resource covers,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,https://www.oecd.org/dac/financing-sustainable-development/development-finance-standards/dacandcrscodelists.htm,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
dcterms.isPartOf,Series name,,A related resource or series of resources in which the described resource is physically or logically included,Only if explicitly mentioned on the resource,,GLOBAL,Provenance,single value only,dublin core,free value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/isPartOf/
is.dateOfVersion1,Standard date of version 1,,Date when version 1 of a standard was first issued,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,single value only,FSC,date,
dcterms.valid,Standard effective date,,Effective date of a code/standard or other resource,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,single value only,dublin core,date,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/valid/
is.identifier.standardCode,Standard ID or code,,Official code describing or assigned to a standard,"For example ""FSC-DIR-40-004"".",,GLOBAL,Scope,repeat values,ISEAL,free value,
is.identifier.standardStatus,Standard status,,Status of development of a standard,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Status,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.item.status,Status,mandatory,Stage the resource has reached,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Status,single select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
dcterms.subject,Subject focus,,Keywords that help to describe the resource content or coverage. The topic or thematic focus of the resource.,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,repeat values,dublin core,free value,
is.focus.sustainLens,Sustainability cross-cutting lens,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,Evidensia,controlled value,
is.focus.sustainDimension,Sustainability dimension,,Primary sustainability focus of the the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,Evidensia,controlled value,
is.focus.sustainIssue,Sustainability issue,,Specific sustainability issue(s) covered in the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,Evidensia,controlled value,
is.focus.sustainOutcome,Sustainability outcome,,Specific sustainability outcome(s) covered in the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,Evidensia,controlled value,
is.identifier.schemeName,Sustainability scheme name,,Name of certification scheme or body associated with the resource,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
is.identifier.schemeType,Sustainability scheme type,,The approach that best characterizes the sustainability scheme covered by the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,multi select from control list,ISEAL,controlled value,
dc.title,Title,mandatory,Full official name given to a resource,Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Provenance,single value only,dublin core,free value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/title/
dcterms.type,Type,mandatory,"Nature, type or genre of the resource",Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Form,single select from control list,dublin core,controlled value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/type/
dc.identifier.uri,Uniform Resource Identifier,,"Usually assigned by a repository, eg a handle address in a DSpace repository",Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software.,,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,dublin core,url,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/identifier/
dcterms.rightsHolder,Usage license holder,,Person(s) or organization(s) owning or managing rights over a resource,License holder of the resource,,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,dublin core,free value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/rightsHolder/
dcterms.license,Usage rights license,,Legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource,"Normally the type of license, indicated by a short name/code - Select from control list",,GLOBAL,Form,single select from control list,dublin core,controlled value,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/license/
is.extent.version,Version number,,Version number of a resource,Only if explicitly mentioned on the resource,,GLOBAL,Status,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.extent.volume,Volume number,,Journal article volume number,,,GLOBAL,Form,single value only,ISEAL,free value,
is.focus.gtin,Product GTIN,,Global Trade Item Numbers of products and items traded,Mainly used with barcodes assigned to products,https://www.gtin.info,GLOBAL,Scope,repeat values,ITC,free value,

1 dspace field name element name mandatory? element description element guidance element link for more information idss element cluster idss schema module element options element source element type element link for dublin core attributes
2 dcterms.abstract Abstract Narrative summary of the resource Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core FREE VALUE free value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/abstract/
3 dcterms.accessRights Access rights Information about rights held in and over the resource Indicate whether the resource is confidential (and limited access), restricted (and limited access) or public (limited access or open access) GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/accessRights/
4 dcterms.audience Audience A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful Select from control list GLOBAL Form REPEAT VALUES repeat values dublin core CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/audience/
5 is.author.orcid Author ORCID identifier ORCID identifier of individuals Assign for each author https://orcid.org GLOBAL Provenance REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
6 dc.contributor.author Authors mandatory Persons or organizations intellectually responsible for the content of the resource Consistent style recommended. Use resources like ORCID or ROR. Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. Data element used by Evidensia https://orcid.org; https://ror.org/ GLOBAL Provenance REPEAT VALUES repeat values dublin core FREE VALUE free value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/elements11/contributor/||https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/elements11/creator/
7 is.availability.fullText Availability Whether the complete resource is available for use Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Form SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
8 is.certificate.ID Certificate code, number or ID Certificate ID code CERTIFICATION Certificate SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
9 is.certificate.locations Certificate coverage type Whether a certificate covers single or multiple locations Select from control list CERTIFICATION Certificate SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
10 is.certificate.duration Certificate current duration The number of months a certificate is valid for CERTIFICATION Certificate SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
11 is.certificate.endDate Certificate current end date End date for the current certificate Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. CERTIFICATION Certificate SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL DATE date
12 is.certificate.startDate Certificate current start date Start date for the current certificate Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. CERTIFICATION Certificate SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL DATE date
13 is.certificate.firstStartDate Certificate first issue date First issue date for the certificate Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. CERTIFICATION Certificate SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL DATE date
14 is.certifiedOrganization.city Certificate holder address city Complete name of a city or town in an address CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
15 is.certifiedOrganization.country Certificate holder address country Full country name. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 format Select from control list CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
16 is.certifiedOrganization.email Certificate holder address email address Email address of an organization CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
17 is.certifiedOrganization.addressLat Certificate holder address latitude location coordinate Latitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m Example of a latitude coordinate in Bolivia: -16.9013 CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL GEO VALUE geo value
18 is.certifiedOrganization.addressLong Certificate holder address longitude location coordinate Longitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m Example of a longitude coordinate in Bolivia: -62.0244 CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL GEO VALUE geo value
19 is.certifiedOrganization.phoneCountryCode Certificate holder address phone country code International subscriber dialing (ISD) codes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL NUMERIC VALUE numeric value
20 is.certifiedOrganization.phoneNumber Certificate holder address phone number Official contact phone number of the organization - without country code CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL NUMERIC VALUE numeric value
21 is.certifiedOrganization.postCode Certificate holder address postcode Full postcode of an address CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
22 is.certifiedOrganization.streetName Certificate holder address street name Full street name and number of an address CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
23 is.certifiedOrganization.url Certificate holder address website url URL of the organization CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL URL url
24 is.certifiedOrganization.gln Certificate holder GLN Global Location Number of companies to identify their locations https://www.gs1.org/standards/id-keys/gln CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ITC FREE VALUE free value
25 is.certifiedOrganizationID Certificate holder ID A number or other consistent code assigned to a certificate holder by a certifying body or scheme CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
26 is.certifiedOrganization.name Certificate holder name Entity or individual certified to produce or market a product under the terms of the certificate CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
27 is.certifiedOrganization.role Certificate holder role Role(s) organization plays in a supply chain ITC database CERTIFICATION Certificate Holder, Owner or Certified organization MULTI Select from control list multi select from control list ITC CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
28 is.certificate.licenseCode Certificate license code License applied to a certificate CERTIFICATION Certificate SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
29 is.certificate.licenseStatus Certificate license status Whether a certificate license is valid or suspended Select from control list CERTIFICATION Certificate SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
30 is.certificate.ownership Certificate ownership type Whether a certificate covers individual or group owners Select from control list CERTIFICATION Certificate SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
31 is.certificate.scope Certificate scope Terms describing the scope of a certificate CERTIFICATION Certificate SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
32 is.certificate.status Certificate status The current status of a certificate Select from control list CERTIFICATION Certificate SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
33 is.certificate.type Certificate type Type of certificate Select from control list CERTIFICATION Certificate SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
34 is.certifiedSite.adminArea Certified site admin area Area in hectares CERTIFICATION Certified Resource or Site SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
35 is.certifiedSite.analysisArea Certified site analysis area Area in hectares CERTIFICATION Certified Resource or Site SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
36 is.certifiedSite.area Certified site area Total area certified (in hectares). For a group certificate, this would be the sum of the area of all certified farms in the certificate CERTIFICATION Certified Resource or Site SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
37 is.certificate.siteID Certified site ID Certified site ID code CERTIFICATION Certified Resource or Site SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
38 is.certifiedSite.coordDetail Certified site latitude and longitude location coordinates detail Specific details on the coordinates and how collected/measured CERTIFICATION Certified Resource or Site SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
39 is.certifiedSite.lat Certified site latitude location coordinate Latitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m Example of a latitude coordinate in Bolivia: -16.9013 CERTIFICATION Certified Resource or Site SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL GEO VALUE geo value
40 is.certifiedSite.locationName Certified site location name The normal name used to describe the location CERTIFICATION Certified Resource or Site SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
41 is.certifiedSite.long Certified site longitude location coordinate Longitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m Example of a longitude coordinate in Bolivia: -62.0244 CERTIFICATION Certified Resource or Site SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL GEO VALUE geo value
42 is.certifiedSite.naturalSetAside Certified site natural ecosystem set-aside Area in hectares CERTIFICATION Certified Resource or Site SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
43 is.certifiedSite.productionArea Certified site production area Area in hectares CERTIFICATION Certified Resource or Site SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
44 is.certifiedSite.restorationSetAside Certified site restoration set-aside Area in hectares CERTIFICATION Certified Resource or Site SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
45 is.certificate.sites Certified sites number covered by the certificate The number of individual sites covered by a certificate CERTIFICATION Certified Resource or Site SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
46 is.certifyingBody.accreditationEndDate Certifying body accreditation end date Date when a body's accreditation begins Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ASI DATE date
47 is.certifyingBody.accreditationStartDate Certifying body accreditation start date Date when a body's accreditation ends Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ASI DATE date
48 is.certifyingBody.accreditationStatus Certifying body accreditation status Select from control list CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ASI CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
49 is.certifyingBody.accreditedGeoScope Certifying body accredited geographic scope Countries the body is certified to work in. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 format Select from control list CERTIFICATION Assurance MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ASI CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
50 is.certifyingBody.accreditedTechScope Certifying body accredited technical scope Select from control list CERTIFICATION Assurance MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ASI CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
51 is.certifyingBody.accreditedTechScopeType Certifying body accredited technical scope type Select from control list CERTIFICATION Assurance MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ASI CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
52 is.certifyingBody.city Certifying body address city Complete name of a city or town in an address CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ASI FREE VALUE free value
53 is.certifyingBody.country Certifying body address country Full country name. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 format Select from control list CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ASI CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
54 is.certifyingBody.email Certifying body address email address Email address of an organization CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ASI FREE VALUE free value
55 is.certifyingBody.addressLat Certifying body address latitude location coordinate Latitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m Example of a latitude coordinate in Bolivia: -16.9013 CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ASI GEO VALUE geo value
56 is.certifyingBody.addressLong Certifying body address longitude location coordinate Longitude location coordinates in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m Example of a longitude coordinate in Bolivia: -62.0244 CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ASI GEO VALUE geo value
57 is.certifyingBody.phoneCountryCode Certifying body address phone country code International subscriber dialing (ISD) codes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ASI NUMERIC VALUE numeric value
58 is.certifyingBody.phoneNumber Certifying body address phone number Official contact phone number of the organization - without country code CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ASI NUMERIC VALUE numeric value
59 is.certifyingBody.postcode Certifying body address postcode Full postcode of an address CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ASI FREE VALUE free value
60 is.certifyingBody.streetName Certifying body address street name Full street name and number of an address CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ASI FREE VALUE free value
61 is.certifyingBody.url Certifying body address website url URL of the organization CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ASI URL url
62 is.certifyingBody.asiCode Certifying body ASI accreditation code Select from control list https://www.asi-assurance.org/s/find-a-cab CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ASI CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
63 is.certifyingBody.name Certifying body name Entity assuring/assessing the status and performance of a certificate holder/owner CERTIFICATION Assurance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ASI CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
64 is.certifyingBody.schemeAccredited Certifying body program or scheme accredited for Scheme names the body is certified for Select from control list CERTIFICATION Assurance MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ASI CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
65 is.certifyingBody.standardAccredited Certifying body standards accredited for Standard a body is accredited for - the official ID of the standard CERTIFICATION Assurance REPEAT VALUES repeat values ASI FREE VALUE free value
66 is.certifyingBody.standardCertified Certifying body standards certified for Standard a body can certify for - the official ID of the standard CERTIFICATION Assurance REPEAT VALUES repeat values ASI FREE VALUE free value
67 dcterms.bibliographicCitation Citation Sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the resource as unambiguously as possible consistent style recommended. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core FREE VALUE free value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/bibliographicCitation/
68 is.contact.email Contact email Email address of an organization or person that can be contacted about the resource Avoid addresses that are short-lived; check permission first GLOBAL Provenance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
69 is.contact.name Contact name Name of an organization or person that can be contacted about the resource Avoid links that are short-lived; check permission first GLOBAL Provenance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
70 is.coverage.countryAlpha2 Country ISO code Country code. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 format Select from control list https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search/code/ GLOBAL Coverage MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
71 is.coverage.country Country name Official country name. Terms should be in ISO 3166-1 format Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search/code/ GLOBAL Coverage MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list dublin core CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
72 dc.date.accessioned Date accessioned by system Date a system takes possession of item Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. GLOBAL Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core DATE date
73 dc.date.available Date available through a system Date or date range item became available to the public Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. GLOBAL Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core DATE date https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/available/
74 dcterms.modified Date changed Date when the resource was changed Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. GLOBAL Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL DATE date
75 dcterms.created Date created Date of creation of the resource Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. GLOBAL Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core DATE date https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/created/
76 dcterms.issued Date issued or published mandatory Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core DATE date https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/issued/
77 is.dateOfVersion Date of version Date as indicated on the resource Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. GLOBAL Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL DATE date
78 is.dateReviewed Date reviewed Date the resource was, is, or will be reviewed Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. GLOBAL Status REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL DATE date
79 is.dateRevised Date revised Date the resource was, is, or will be revised Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. GLOBAL Status REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL DATE date
80 dcterms.dateSubmitted Date submitted Date when the resource is submitted to a repository or database Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. GLOBAL Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core DATE date https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/dateSubmitted/
81 is.identifier.doi DOI Digital object identifier - usually for articles and books/chapters Data element used by Evidensia https://www.doi.org/ GLOBAL Form REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL URL url
82 is.extent.edition Edition GLOBAL Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
83 is.evaluation.authorDirectionality Evaluation author directionality Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia IMPACT Evaluation SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
84 is.evaluation.comparison Evaluation comparison Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia IMPACT Evaluation SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
85 is.evaluation.counterfacts Evaluation counterfactuals yes, no, not applicable IMPACT Evaluation SINGLE Select from control list single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
86 is.evaluation.dataSource Evaluation data source Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia IMPACT Evaluation SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
87 is.evaluation.collection Evaluation data/evidence collection method Select from control list IMPACT Evaluation SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
88 is.evaluation.findings Evaluation findings Summary of the key finding of an evaluative study IMPACT Evaluation REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
89 is.evaluation.noDifferenceDirectionality Evaluation no difference directionality Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia IMPACT Evaluation SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
90 is.evaluation.notes Evaluation notes Notes from a study, not elsewhere covered IMPACT Evaluation REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
91 is.evaluation.outcome Evaluation outcome identified? yes, no, not applicable IMPACT Evaluation SINGLE Select from control list single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
92 is.evaluation.quotes Evaluation quotes on impact Quotes from an evaluative study IMPACT Evaluation REPEAT VALUES repeat values FSC FREE VALUE free value
93 is.evaluation.recommendations Evaluation recommendations Recommendations from an evaluative study IMPACT Evaluation REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
94 is.evaluation.significance Evaluation statistical significance Select from control list IMPACT Evaluation SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
95 is.evaluation.test Evaluation statistical test Data element used by Evidensia IMPACT Evaluation REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
96 is.evaluation.scope Evaluation study scope IMPACT Evaluation REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
97 is.evidenceSubType Evidence resource subtype Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia IMPACT Evaluation SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list Evidensia CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
98 is.evidenceResourceType Evidence resource type Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia IMPACT Evaluation SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list Evidensia CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
99 is.evidenceSummary Evidence summary Narrative summary of the evidence presented in the resource IMPACT Evaluation SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only Evidensia FREE VALUE free value
100 is.evidenceType Evidence type or category Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia IMPACT Evaluation SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list Evidensia CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
101 dcterms.extent Extent Size or duration of the resource; Usually the total pages or other dimensions GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core FREE VALUE free value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/extent/
102 dcterms.format Format File format or physical medium of the resource Select from control list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_formats GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/format/
103 is.contributor.funder Funding source name Full name(s) of funders/investors that sponsored the resource Usually the full name of an organization. Use resources like ROR. https://ror.org/ GLOBAL Provenance REPEAT VALUES repeat values dublin core FREE VALUE free value
104 is.contributor.funderType Funding source type Funder or investor types Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Provenance MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
105 is.coverage.geographicLevel Geographic level Level of geographic focus or coverage Select from control list GLOBAL Coverage SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
106 is.identifier.ID ID Any ID associated with the item or resource Use other elements for ISBN or DOI. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
107 dcterms.isReplacedBy Is replaced by another item or resource A related resource that supplants, displaces, or supersedes the described resource Normally a link to a later or improved resource GLOBAL Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core URL url https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/isReplacedBy/
108 is.identifier.isbn ISBN International standard book number GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
109 is.identifier.clause ISEAL code clause number ISEAL code of practice specific clause(s) associated to the resource Select from control list GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
110 is.identifier.code ISEAL code name ISEAL code(s) of practice associated to the resource Select from control list GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
111 is.delta.sustainIndicator ISEAL Delta project sustainability indicator Farm-level, outcome/impact indicators across the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability Select from control list GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
112 is.contributor.member ISEAL member contributor mandatory ISEAL member organization or scheme associatd to the resource Select from control list GLOBAL Provenance MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
113 is.focus.strategyPillar ISEAL strategic pillar Select from control list GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
114 is.focus.systemElement ISEAL system element Select from control list GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
115 is.journalName Journal name Journal full name in its original language Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Provenance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
116 dcterms.language Language ISO code Official 2 letter ISO language code of the resource. Terms should be in lower case ISO 639-1 (aka Alpha 2) format Select from control list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes GLOBAL Form SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list dublin core CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/language/
117 is.language Language name Popular name for the language of the resource Select from control list GLOBAL Form SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
118 is.coverage.latitude Latitude location coordinate for the resource or its focus Use for polygons, shapes, study sites etc. Latitude location coordinates should be recorded in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m Example of a latitude in Bolivia: -16.9013 GLOBAL Coverage SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL GEO VALUE geo value
119 is.link.url Link to a URL Internet link to any other associated item Try to always link to any standard and permament identifier (eg, not a PDF). Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Form REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL URL url
120 is.link.image Link to an image, photo or other multimedia Internet link to an associated image Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Form REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL URL url
121 is.coverage.longitude Longitude location coordinate for the resource or its focus Use for polygons, shapes, study sites etc. Longitude location coordinates should be recorded in decimal degrees (DD). Recording 4 digits to the right of the decimal provides an accuracy of 10m Example of a longitude in Bolivia: -62.0244 GLOBAL Coverage SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL GEO VALUE geo value
122 dcterms.description Notes An account of the resource Any additional information about the resource not covered in any other element GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
123 is.extent.number Number Journal article issue number, series number, or any other identifying number GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
124 is.organization.bluenumber Organization Bluenumber ID https://bluenumber.org/ GLOBAL Provenance REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
125 is.organization.ror Organization ROR ID ROR ID for an organization Assign for resources associated to organizations https://ror.org/ GLOBAL Provenance REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
126 dcterms.alternative Other titles Alternative name for the resource eg, the title another language; Only if explicitly mentioned on the resource GLOBAL Provenance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core FREE VALUE free value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/alternative/
127 is.extent.pages Pagination Start/end pagination of a journal article or chapter GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
128 is.item.reviewStatus Peer review status Whether the resource has been peer reviewed Select from control list GLOBAL Status SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
129 is.coverage.place Place name Name(s) of specific places, sites, towns, cities, districts, etc. that the resource is about GLOBAL Coverage REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL GEO VALUE geo value
130 is.focus.products Product focus Certified commodites or products Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
131 is.item.publicationPlace Publication place City and country name Usually entered as: City, country GLOBAL Provenance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
132 dcterms.publisher Publisher mandatory Entity or entities responsible for making the resource available. Usually the name of an organization. Use resources like ROR. Data element used by Evidensia https://ror.org/ GLOBAL Provenance REPEAT VALUES repeat values dublin core FREE VALUE free value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/publisher/
133 is.coverage.region Region name Region where data was collected or the focus of the research described in the resource. Terms should be in UN M.49 format Select from control list https://unstats.un.org/unsd/methodology/m49/ GLOBAL Coverage MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
134 is.focus.sdg SDG focus Sustainable development goal(s) associated to the resource Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
135 is.focus.sectors Sector focus Sectors that the resource covers Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia https://www.oecd.org/dac/financing-sustainable-development/development-finance-standards/dacandcrscodelists.htm GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
136 dcterms.isPartOf Series name A related resource or series of resources in which the described resource is physically or logically included Only if explicitly mentioned on the resource GLOBAL Provenance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core FREE VALUE free value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/isPartOf/
137 is.dateOfVersion1 Standard date of version 1 Date when version 1 of a standard was first issued Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. GLOBAL Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only FSC DATE date
138 dcterms.valid Standard effective date Effective date of a code/standard or other resource Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. GLOBAL Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core DATE date https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/valid/
139 is.identifier.standardCode Standard ID or code Official code describing or assigned to a standard For example "FSC-DIR-40-004". GLOBAL Scope REPEAT VALUES repeat values ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
140 is.identifier.standardStatus Standard status Status of development of a standard Select from control list GLOBAL Status SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
141 is.item.status Status mandatory Stage the resource has reached Select from control list GLOBAL Status SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
142 dcterms.subject Subject focus Keywords that help to describe the resource content or coverage. The topic or thematic focus of the resource. Select from control list GLOBAL Scope REPEAT VALUES repeat values dublin core FREE VALUE free value
143 is.focus.sustainLens Sustainability cross-cutting lens Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list Evidensia CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
144 is.focus.sustainDimension Sustainability dimension Primary sustainability focus of the the resource Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list Evidensia CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
145 is.focus.sustainIssue Sustainability issue Specific sustainability issue(s) covered in the resource Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list Evidensia CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
146 is.focus.sustainOutcome Sustainability outcome Specific sustainability outcome(s) covered in the resource Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list Evidensia CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
147 is.identifier.schemeName Sustainability scheme name Name of certification scheme or body associated with the resource Select from control list GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
148 is.identifier.schemeType Sustainability scheme type The approach that best characterizes the sustainability scheme covered by the resource Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Scope MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST multi select from control list ISEAL CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value
149 dc.title Title mandatory Full official name given to a resource Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. Data element used by Evidensia GLOBAL Provenance SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core FREE VALUE free value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/title/
150 dcterms.type Type mandatory Nature, type or genre of the resource Select from control list GLOBAL Form SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list dublin core CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/type/
151 dc.identifier.uri Uniform Resource Identifier Usually assigned by a repository, eg a handle address in a DSpace repository Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core URL url https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/identifier/
152 dcterms.rightsHolder Usage license holder Person(s) or organization(s) owning or managing rights over a resource License holder of the resource GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only dublin core FREE VALUE free value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/rightsHolder/
153 dcterms.license Usage rights license Legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource Normally the type of license, indicated by a short name/code - Select from control list GLOBAL Form SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST single select from control list dublin core CONTROLLED VALUE controlled value https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/license/
154 is.extent.version Version number Version number of a resource Only if explicitly mentioned on the resource GLOBAL Status SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
155 is.extent.volume Volume number Journal article volume number GLOBAL Form SINGLE VALUE ONLY single value only ISEAL FREE VALUE free value
156 is.focus.gtin Product GTIN Global Trade Item Numbers of products and items traded Mainly used with barcodes assigned to products https://www.gtin.info GLOBAL Scope REPEAT VALUES repeat values ITC FREE VALUE free value

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def make_rdf(file, ns):
## create properties
elementURI = URIRef(NS + dspace.replace(".", "-").lower())
if prop_type == "CONTROLLED VALUE": ## object property
if prop_type == "controlled value": ## object property
g.add((elementURI, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(element_name)))
g.add((elementURI, RDF.type, OWL.ObjectProperty))
g.add((elementURI, RDFS.domain, conceptUri))
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ def make_rdf(file, ns):
## cardinality
if cardinality == "multi select from control list":
br = BNode()
g.add((br, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
g.add((br, OWL.onProperty, elementURI))
@ -180,17 +180,17 @@ def make_rdf(file, ns):
range = None
if prop_type == "DATE":
if prop_type == "date":
g.add((elementURI, RDFS.range, XSD.date))
range = XSD.date
elif prop_type == "NUMERIC VALUE":
elif prop_type == "numeric value":
g.add((elementURI, RDFS.range, XSD.float))
range = XSD.float
g.add((elementURI, RDFS.range, XSD.string))
range = XSD.string
if cardinality == "REPEAT VALUES":
if cardinality == "repeat values":
br = BNode()
g.add((br, RDF.type, OWL.Restriction))
g.add((br, OWL.onProperty, elementURI))

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def parseSchema(schema_df):
required = False
# Combine element type and options into a "policy" of sorts and convert
# them to sentence case because they are ALL CAPS in the Excel. We don't
# them to sentence case because they are lowercase in the CSV. We don't
# need to do any checks because these fields should always exist.
policy = f'{row["element type"].capitalize()}. {row["element options"].capitalize()}.'