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synced 2025-03-11 09:49:22 +01:00
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
dspace field name,element name,mandatory?,element description,element guidance,element link for more information,idss element cluster,idss schema module,element options,element source,element type,element link for dublin core attributes
dspace field name,element name,mandatory?,element description,element guidance,element link for more information,idss element cluster,idss schema module,element options,element source,element type,element link for dublin core attributes
dcterms.abstract,Abstract,,Narrative summary of the resource,Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/abstract/
dcterms.accessRights,Access rights,,Information about rights held in and over the resource,"Indicate whether the resource is confidential (and limited access), restricted (and limited access) or public (limited access or open access)",,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,CONTROLLED VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/accessRights/
dcterms.audience,Audience,,A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Form,REPEAT VALUES,dublin core,CONTROLLED VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/audience/
is.author.orcid,Author ORCID identifier,,ORCID identifier of individuals,Assign for each author,https://orcid.org,GLOBAL,Provenance,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
dc.contributor.author,Authors,MANDATORY,Persons or organizations intellectually responsible for the content of the resource,Consistent style recommended. Use resources like ORCID or ROR. Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. Data element used by Evidensia,https://orcid.org; https://ror.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,REPEAT VALUES,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/elements11/contributor/||https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/elements11/creator/
dc.contributor.author,Authors,mandatory,Persons or organizations intellectually responsible for the content of the resource,Consistent style recommended. Use resources like ORCID or ROR. Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. Data element used by Evidensia,https://orcid.org; https://ror.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,REPEAT VALUES,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/elements11/contributor/||https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/elements11/creator/
is.availability.fullText,Availability,,Whether the complete resource is available for use,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.certificate.ID,"Certificate code, number or ID",,Certificate ID code,,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.certificate.locations,Certificate coverage type,,Whether a certificate covers single or multiple locations,Select from control list,,CERTIFICATION,Certificate,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ dc.date.accessioned,Date accessioned by system,,Date a system takes possession o
dc.date.available,Date available through a system,,Date or date range item became available to the public,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,DATE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/available/
dcterms.modified,Date changed,,Date when the resource was changed,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,DATE,
dcterms.created,Date created,,Date of creation of the resource,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,DATE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/created/
dcterms.issued,Date issued or published,MANDATORY,"Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource","Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. Data element used by Evidensia",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,DATE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/issued/
dcterms.issued,Date issued or published,mandatory,"Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource","Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible. Data element used by Evidensia",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,DATE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/issued/
is.dateOfVersion,Date of version,,Date as indicated on the resource,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,DATE,
is.dateReviewed,Date reviewed,,"Date the resource was, is, or will be reviewed","Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,DATE,
is.dateRevised,Date revised,,"Date the resource was, is, or will be revised","Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,DATE,
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ is.identifier.isbn,ISBN,,International standard book number,,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE
is.identifier.clause,ISEAL code clause number,,ISEAL code of practice specific clause(s) associated to the resource,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.identifier.code,ISEAL code name,,ISEAL code(s) of practice associated to the resource,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.delta.sustainIndicator,ISEAL Delta project sustainability indicator,,"Farm-level, outcome/impact indicators across the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability",Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.contributor.member,ISEAL member contributor,MANDATORY,ISEAL member organization or scheme associatd to the resource ,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Provenance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.contributor.member,ISEAL member contributor,mandatory,ISEAL member organization or scheme associatd to the resource ,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Provenance,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.focus.strategyPillar,ISEAL strategic pillar,,,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.focus.systemElement,ISEAL system element,,,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.journalName,Journal name,,Journal full name in its original language,Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Provenance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ is.item.reviewStatus,Peer review status,,Whether the resource has been peer revi
is.coverage.place,Place name,,"Name(s) of specific places, sites, towns, cities, districts, etc. that the resource is about",,,GLOBAL,Coverage,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,GEO VALUE,
is.focus.products,Product focus,,Certified commodites or products,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.item.publicationPlace,Publication place,,City and country name,"Usually entered as: City, country",,GLOBAL,Provenance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
dcterms.publisher,Publisher,MANDATORY,Entity or entities responsible for making the resource available.,Usually the name of an organization. Use resources like ROR. Data element used by Evidensia,https://ror.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,REPEAT VALUES,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/publisher/
dcterms.publisher,Publisher,mandatory,Entity or entities responsible for making the resource available.,Usually the name of an organization. Use resources like ROR. Data element used by Evidensia,https://ror.org/,GLOBAL,Provenance,REPEAT VALUES,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/publisher/
is.coverage.region,Region name,,Region where data was collected or the focus of the research described in the resource. Terms should be in UN M.49 format,Select from control list,https://unstats.un.org/unsd/methodology/m49/,GLOBAL,Coverage,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.focus.sdg,SDG focus,,Sustainable development goal(s) associated to the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.focus.sectors,Sector focus,,Sectors that the resource covers,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,https://www.oecd.org/dac/financing-sustainable-development/development-finance-standards/dacandcrscodelists.htm,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ is.dateOfVersion1,Standard date of version 1,,Date when version 1 of a standard
dcterms.valid,Standard effective date,,Effective date of a code/standard or other resource,"Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. At the very least you must enter the year, but month and day is better if possible.",,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,DATE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/valid/
is.identifier.standardCode,Standard ID or code,,Official code describing or assigned to a standard,"For example ""FSC-DIR-40-004"".",,GLOBAL,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,ISEAL,FREE VALUE,
is.identifier.standardStatus,Standard status,,Status of development of a standard,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.item.status,Status,MANDATORY,Stage the resource has reached,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.item.status,Status,mandatory,Stage the resource has reached,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Status,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
dcterms.subject,Subject focus,,Keywords that help to describe the resource content or coverage. The topic or thematic focus of the resource.,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,REPEAT VALUES,dublin core,FREE VALUE,
is.focus.sustainLens,Sustainability cross-cutting lens,,,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,Evidensia,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.focus.sustainDimension,Sustainability dimension,,Primary sustainability focus of the the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,Evidensia,CONTROLLED VALUE,
@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ is.focus.sustainIssue,Sustainability issue,,Specific sustainability issue(s) cov
is.focus.sustainOutcome,Sustainability outcome,,Specific sustainability outcome(s) covered in the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,Evidensia,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.identifier.schemeName,Sustainability scheme name,,Name of certification scheme or body associated with the resource,Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
is.identifier.schemeType,Sustainability scheme type,,The approach that best characterizes the sustainability scheme covered by the resource,Select from control list. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Scope,MULTI SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,ISEAL,CONTROLLED VALUE,
dc.title,Title,MANDATORY,Full official name given to a resource,Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Provenance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/title/
dcterms.type,Type,MANDATORY,"Nature, type or genre of the resource",Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,dublin core,CONTROLLED VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/type/
dc.title,Title,mandatory,Full official name given to a resource,Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software. Data element used by Evidensia,,GLOBAL,Provenance,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/title/
dcterms.type,Type,mandatory,"Nature, type or genre of the resource",Select from control list,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,dublin core,CONTROLLED VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/type/
dc.identifier.uri,Uniform Resource Identifier,,"Usually assigned by a repository, eg a handle address in a DSpace repository",Note: using legacy “dc” namespace due to limitations with the DSpace institutional repository software.,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,URL,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/identifier/
dcterms.rightsHolder,Usage license holder,,Person(s) or organization(s) owning or managing rights over a resource,License holder of the resource,,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE VALUE ONLY,dublin core,FREE VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/rightsHolder/
dcterms.license,Usage rights license,,Legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource,"Normally the type of license, indicated by a short name/code - Select from control list",,GLOBAL,Form,SINGLE SELECT FROM CONTROL LIST,dublin core,CONTROLLED VALUE,https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/terms/license/
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def parseSchema(schema_df):
controlled_vocab = False
if "mandatory?" in df.columns and row["mandatory?"] == "MANDATORY":
if "mandatory?" in df.columns and row["mandatory?"] == "mandatory":
required = True
required = False
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