A few months ago I had an issue setting up mocking because I was
trying to be clever importing these libraries only when I needed
them rather than at the global scope. Someone pointed out to me
that if the imports are at the top of the file Falcon will load
them once when the WSGI server starts, whereas if they are in the
on_get() or on_post() they will load for every request! Also, it
seems that PEP8 recommends keeping imports at the top of the file
anyways, so I will just do that.
Imports sorted with isort.
See: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#imports
When indexing item views and downloads the only field we need is the
the id. The `fl` parameter tells Solr which fields to return in the
search results. This should theoretically be more efficient, though
I don't have any time to figure out how to measure it right now.
It appears to be needed to compile typed-ast:
gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -fPIC -Iast27/Include -I/usr/local/include/python3.9 -c ast27/Custom/typed_ast.c -o build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.9/ast27/Custom/typed_ast.o
error: command 'gcc' failed: No such file or directory
ERROR: Failed building wheel for typed-ast
It is missing a six dependency which causes the build to fail. I
could simply add six to the virtualenv but it feels dirty. I don't
actually *need* pytest-clarity for anything so I'll just remove it.
See: https://github.com/darrenburns/pytest-clarity/issues/14
Uses multiple pipelines to test several versions of Python. A few
things to note:
- I use the -slim Python packages, which are smaller and yet still
have no problem installing psycopg2-binary with pip
- I have to start a PostgreSQL database service for each pipeline
Generated with poetry export:
$ poetry export --without-hashes -f requirements.txt > requirements.txt
$ poetry export --without-hashes --dev -f requirements.txt > requirements-dev.txt
The `--without-hashes` is required to work around an issue with
gunicorn pulling in a dependency on setuptools that poetry ignores.
See: https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/1584
Minor change to bot filtering. We should use a negated match for
documents that have `isBot:true` rather than looking for documents
that are tagged with `isBot:false` (the distinction is subtle, but
Generated with poetry export:
$ poetry export --without-hashes -f requirements.txt > requirements.txt
$ poetry export --without-hashes --dev -f requirements.txt > requirements-dev.txt
The `--without-hashes` is required to work around an issue with
gunicorn pulling in a dependency on setuptools that poetry ignores.
See: https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/1584
Generated with poetry export:
$ poetry export --no-hashes -f requirements.txt > requirements.txt
$ poetry export --no-hashes --dev -f requirements.txt > requirements-dev.txt
The `--no-hashes` is required to work around an issue with gunicorn
pulling in a dependency on setuptools that poetry ignores.
See: https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/1584
This adds tests for the new /items POST handler, both with mocked
data and a live connection to a Solr statistics core. Tests that
only work when Solr is available are marked with XFAIL so that they
don't turn the whole test suite red.
In each test I try to assert as many parameters as we can know for
each response so that we cover all expectations. For example, when
we test a valid limit parameter we should test whether the response
not only has the same limit parameter, but that the number of items
has actually been limited and the number of pages has been adjusted
See: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/skipping.html