This is the new font from Microsoft in VSCode. I got the font names
from `fc-list` and tested them by printing some bold, italic, and
bold italic text:
$ ansi() { echo -e "\e[${1}m${*:2}\e[0m"; }
$ bold() { ansi 1 "$@"; }
$ italic() { ansi 3 "$@"; }
$ echo "Some $(bold bold text) next to some $(italic italic text) and some $(bold $(italic bold italic text))."
Launch swayidle and kanshi from systemd user session instead of via
sway's config. This way they bind to the sway-session target and s-
tart/stop automatically when sway is started/stopped. As a bonus,
they don't get launched again when you reload sway.
This is brilliant, except it causes the system to go to sleep also
after a period of inactivity. In many cases the machine would wake
up later with the internal display disabled, ugh. Now I just mana-
ge the displays using wdisplays.
I *never* activate tiling containers on purpose, and I don't know
how to get out of them other than closing all my windows and ope-
ning them again. Some kind redditers helped me figure out how to
undo this.
Selenized is a similar colorscheme to Solarized, but mapping to ANSI
color codes with less side effects. Note that the Selenized palatte
only has sixteen colors so we should tell vim to not attempt to make
a 256-color approximation.
I switched from Solarized to Selenized colorscheme and noticed some
things have changed in tmux and terminals since I last looked. For
starters, it seems that, if your terminal emulator is configured to
use the sixteen color ANSI palette with Selenized values, then you
should configure vim and other apps to use sixteen colors instead
of approximating "more" with 256. I will update my vim config to use
sixteen colors also.
Eventually, once all the systems I use have newer terminfo, I will
be able to set the TERM variable inside tmux to be "tmux" instead
of pretending to be screen. For now, at least CentOS 7 doesn't like
the "tmux" TERM value so I will leave this