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2018-03-02 15:09:18 +01:00
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2018-03-06 09:17:14 +01:00
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2018-03-02 15:09:18 +01:00
Export a CSV of the IITA community metadata for Martin Mueller
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2018-03-02 15:09:18 +01:00
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2018-03-02 15:09:18 +01:00
Export a CSV of the IITA community metadata for Martin Mueller
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"@context": "",
"@type": "BlogPosting",
"headline": "March, 2018",
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"wordCount": "275",
2018-03-02 15:09:18 +01:00
"datePublished": "2018-03-02T16:07:54&#43;02:00",
2018-03-06 23:24:03 +01:00
"dateModified": "2018-03-06T21:48:10&#43;02:00",
2018-03-02 15:09:18 +01:00
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<h1 class="blog-title"><a href="" rel="home">CGSpace Notes</a></h1>
<p class="lead blog-description">Documenting day-to-day work on the <a href="">CGSpace</a> repository.</p>
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<h2 class="blog-post-title"><a href="">March, 2018</a></h2>
<p class="blog-post-meta"><time datetime="2018-03-02T16:07:54&#43;02:00">Fri Mar 02, 2018</time> by Alan Orth in
<i class="fa fa-tag" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;<a href="/cgspace-notes/tags/notes" rel="tag">Notes</a>
2018-03-06 09:17:14 +01:00
<h2 id="2018-03-02">2018-03-02</h2>
2018-03-02 15:09:18 +01:00
<li>Export a CSV of the IITA community metadata for Martin Mueller</li>
2018-03-06 09:17:14 +01:00
<h2 id="2018-03-06">2018-03-06</h2>
<li>Add three new CCAFS project tags to <code>input-forms.xml</code> (<a href="">#357</a>)</li>
<li>Andrea from Macaroni Bros had sent me an email that CCAFS needs them</li>
2018-03-06 11:25:26 +01:00
<li>Give Udana more feedback on his WLE records from last month</li>
<li>There were some records using a non-breaking space in their AGROVOC subject field</li>
<li>I checked and tested some author corrections from Peter from last week, and then applied them on CGSpace</li>
<pre><code>$ ./ -i Correct-309-authors-2018-03-06.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -f -t correct -m 3
$ ./ -i Delete-3-Authors-2018-03-06.csv -db dspace -u dspace-p 'fuuu' -f -m 3
<li>This time there were no errors in whitespace but I did have to correct one incorrectly encoded accent character</li>
2018-03-06 13:45:51 +01:00
<li>Add new CRP subject &ldquo;GRAIN LEGUMES AND DRYLAND CEREALS&rdquo; to <code>input-forms.xml</code> (<a href="">#358</a>)</li>
2018-03-06 20:48:10 +01:00
<li>Merge the ORCID integration stuff in to <code>5_x-prod</code> for deployment on CGSpace soon (<a href="">#359</a>)</li>
<li>Deploy ORCID changes on CGSpace (linode18), run all system updates, and reboot the server</li>
<li>Run all system updates on DSpace Test and reboot server</li>
<li>I ran the <a href=""></a> script on CGSpace and mapped 2,864 ORCID identifiers from Solr to item metadata</li>
<pre><code>$ ./ -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -s http://localhost:8081/solr -d
<li>I ran the DSpace cleanup script on CGSpace and it threw an error (as always):</li>
<pre><code>Error: ERROR: update or delete on table &quot;bitstream&quot; violates foreign key constraint &quot;bundle_primary_bitstream_id_fkey&quot; on table &quot;bundle&quot;
Detail: Key (bitstream_id)=(150659) is still referenced from table &quot;bundle&quot;.
2018-03-06 23:24:03 +01:00
<li><p>The solution is, as always:</p>
<pre><code>$ psql dspace -c 'update bundle set primary_bitstream_id=NULL where primary_bitstream_id in (150659);'
2018-03-06 20:48:10 +01:00
2018-03-06 23:24:03 +01:00
<li><p>Apply the proposed PostgreSQL indexes from DS-3636 (pull request <a href="">#1791</a> on CGSpace (linode18)</p></li>
2018-03-06 09:17:14 +01:00
2018-03-02 15:09:18 +01:00
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