<li>Last week Bizu reported an issue with the “browse by issue date” drop down
<li>I verified it, and suspect it could be due to missing issue dates…</li>
<li>It might be this issue: <ahref="https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/issues/2808">https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/issues/2808</a></li>
<li>I spent some time trying to reproduce the bug affecting <code>onebox</code> fields that are configured to use external vocabularies and are not repeatable
<li>I filed an issue: <ahref="https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/issues/2846">https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/issues/2846</a></li>
<li>I did some cleanups on abstracts, licenses, and dates from CrossRef</li>
<li>I also did some minor cleanups to affiliations because I saw some incorrect and duplicate ones in our list</li>
<li>I tried a new technique to get some affiliations from Crossref using OpenRefine
<li>First I split them and clustered, resolving a few hundred clusters out of 1500 (!)</li>
<li>Then I used a custom text facet with a few dozen CGIAR and other large affiliations to reduce the work</li>
<li>Then I joined them with our affiliations, paying no attention to duplicates</li>
<li>Then I deduped them using the Jython technique I learned in 2023-02</li>
<li>Peter sent me some more corrections for the authors that I had sent him in 2023-12</li>
<li>IFPRI sent me their 2023 records from CONTENTdm so I started working on those
<li>I found a way to match their ORCID identifiers in our list using Jython in OpenRefine:</li>
<divclass="highlight"><pretabindex="0"style="color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#272822;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;"><codeclass="language-python"data-lang="python"><spanstyle="display:flex;"><span><spanstyle="color:#f92672">import</span> re
</span></span><spanstyle="display:flex;"><span><spanstyle="color:#66d9ef">with</span> open(<spanstyle="color:#e6db74">r</span><spanstyle="color:#e6db74">"/tmp/cg-creator-identifier.txt"</span>,<spanstyle="color:#e6db74">'r'</span>) <spanstyle="color:#66d9ef">as</span> f :
</span></span><spanstyle="display:flex;"><span><spanstyle="color:#66d9ef">return</span> value
<li>I realized that <ahref="https://www.unicef.org/about-unicef/frequently-asked-questions#3">UNICEF was renamed to its current name in 1953</a> so I replaced all other variations in our vocabularies and metadata:</li>
<li>Experimenting with moving some of my Python scripts to the DSpace 7 REST API
<li>I need a way to get UUIDs for Handles…</li>
<li>Seems that I can use a Discovery query like: <ahref="https://dspace7test.ilri.org/server/api/discover/search/objects?dsoType=item&query=handle:10568/130864">https://dspace7test.ilri.org/server/api/discover/search/objects?dsoType=item&query=handle:10568/130864</a></li>
<li>Then just take the first result…?</li>
<li>I spent some time working on the script get abstracts from CGSpace, and found a bug in my logic
<li>I also noticed that one item had two abstracts, but the first one was blank!</li>
<li>Looking deeper, I found 113 blank metadata values so I deleted those:</li>