Will eventually include more than just curation tasks.
CGSpace Java Helpers
DSpace curation tasks and other Java-based helpers used on the CGSpace institutional repository:
- CountryCodeTagger: add ISO 3166-1 Alpha2 country codes to items based on their existing country metadata
Tested on DSpace 6.3. Read more about the DSpace curation system.
Build and Install
Integrate into DSpace Build
To use these curation tasks in a DSpace project add the following dependency to dspace/modules/additions/pom.xml
The jar will be copied to all DSpace applications.
Manual Build and Install
To build the standalone jar:
$ mvn package
Copy the resulting jar to the DSpace lib
$ cp target/cgspace-java-helpers-6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ~/dspace/lib/dspace-curation-tasks-6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Add the curation task to DSpace's config/modules/curate.cfg
plugin.named.org.dspace.curate.CurationTask = io.github.ilri.cgspace.ctasks.CountryCodeTagger = countrycodetagger
plugin.named.org.dspace.curate.CurationTask = io.github.ilri.cgspace.ctasks.CountryCodeTagger = countrycodetagger.force
And then add the following variables to your local.cfg
or some other configuration file that is included:
# name of the field containing ISO 3166-1 country names
countrycodetagger.iso3166.field = cg.coverage.country
# name of the field containing ISO 3166-1 Alpha2 country codes
countrycodetagger.iso3166-alpha2.field = cg.coverage.iso3166-alpha2
# only add country codes if an item doesn't have any (default false)
#countrycodetagger.forceupdate = false
Note: DSpace's curation system supports "profiles" where you can use the same task with different options, for example above I have a normal country code tagger task and a "force" variant. The "force" variant is the same task, but it looks for configuration variables using the countrycodetagger.force
instead. To use the "force" variant you simply need to add these new variables with the forceupdate
parameter overridden to the same configuration file where you put the other variables. The "force" profile clears all existing country codes and updates everything.
Once the jar is installed and you have added appropriate configuration in ~/dspace/config/modules
$ ~/dspace/bin/dspace curate -t countrycodetagger -i 10568/3 -r - -l 500 -s object
Note: it is very important to set the cache limit (-l
) and the database transaction scope to something sensible (object
) if you're curating a community or collection with more than a few hundred items.
This project was initially created according to the Maven Getting Started Guide:
$ mvn -B archetype:generate -DgroupId=io.github.ilri.cgspace -DartifactId=cgspace-java-helpers -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4
- Make sure this doesn't work on items in the workflow
- Check for existence of metadata field before trying to add metadata
- Add tests
This work is licensed under the GPLv3.
This repository contains data from the Debian iso-codes project project, which is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1.