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# Scripts
Java-based helpers used on the [CGSpace]( institutional repository:
- **FixJpgJpgThumbnails**: fix low-quality ".jpg.jpg" thumbnails by replacing them with their originals
- **FixLowQualityThumbnails**: remove low-quality thumbnails when PDF bitstreams are present
Tested on DSpace 7.6.1. Read more about the [DSpace curation system](
## Build and Install
### Integrate into DSpace Build
To use these curation tasks in a DSpace project add the following dependency to `dspace/modules/additions/pom.xml`:
The jar will be copied to all DSpace applications.
### Manual Build and Install
To build the standalone jar:
$ mvn package
Copy the resulting jar to the DSpace `lib` directory:
$ cp target/cgspace-java-helpers- ~/dspace/lib/
## Invocation
The scripts take only one argument, which is a community, collection, or item:
$ dspace dsrun io.github.ilri.cgspace.scripts.FixJpgJpgThumbnails 10568/83389