This adds another script to detect and remove more low-quality thu-
mbnails. For example:
- If an item has an "IM Thumbnail" and a "Generated Thumbnail" in the
THUMBNAIL bundle, remove the "Generated Thumbnail"
- If an item has a PDF bitstream and a JPEG bitstream with a name or
description "thumbnail" in the ORIGINAL bundle, remove the
"thumbnail" bitstream in the ORIGINAL bundle and try to remove the
"thumbnail.jpg" bitstream in the THUMBNAIL bundle
The idea is that we should *always* prefer thumbnails generated by
ImageMagick from PDFs in the ORIGINAL bundle and should remove any
other manually uploaded thumbnails.
This reverts commit 4d59c1a00d25c455442f8944fde4c2015e7c55e0.
Something's wrong with Java 8 in Travis's Ubuntu Focal environment:
Expected feature release number in range of 9 to 16, but got: 8
Any time I run `mvn deploy` it will upload a snapshot to OSSRH with
the version "1.0-SNAPSHOT" and some timestamp. I still haven't fig-
ured out how to "promote a release".
It's much easier to get your package verified on Central if it uses
a GitHub groupId. Otherwise you need to use DNS verification! This
changes the groupId:
- from: org.cgiar.cgspace.ctask
- to: io.github.ilri.cgspace
Also the package changed as well.
We can append the codes we will add to a List of Strings and then
actually apply them later in one addMetadata call, and update the
item with one item.update() call. This reduces identical code and
is more efficient.
Note that when testing this on a collection with thousands of items
I realized that it is really important to limit both the cache size
as well as set the database transaction model to be per object/item
or else you will crash due to Java heap issues. For example:
$ ~/dspace/bin/dspace curate -t countrycodetagger -i 10568/3 -r - -l 500 -s object