Alan Orth 57b766838b
content/post: Add aliases to posts whose URL changed
I changed the post URL structure to use the post's slug, so now I
need to alias old post URLs to the new ones.
2016-10-05 12:48:35 +03:00

812 B

+++ date = "2016-09-07T19:32:36+03:00" title = "No Noise Near the Noisy Mosque" slug = "no-noise-near-noisy-mosque" aliases = ["/2016/09/no-noise-near-the-noisy-mosque/"] author = "Alan Orth" description = "Ironic double standard for noise pollution from our local mosque in Amman." tags = ["Mosque", "Noise", "Amman"] image = "/2016/09/no-noise-near-mosque.jpg" +++

{{< figure src="/2016/09/no-noise-near-mosque.jpg" title="Sign forbidding sound near mosque on Rainbow Street, Amman" alt="Sign forbidding sound near mosque on Rainbow Street, Amman" >}}

The irony is rich with this one, because this mosque has a sound system from another planet. If I wasn't worried about my personal safety I'd put up a sign right next to it saying: Please mute your mosque, there is a sleeping Alan 50m away.