Alan Orth b8411fa3bd
content/post: Add alt tags to images
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2016-09-19 09:46:43 +03:00

739 B

+++ date = "2016-09-15T14:10:48+03:00" title = "Don't WhatsApp and Drive" slug = "dont-whatsapp-and-drive" author = "Alan Orth" tags = ['WhatsApp', 'Driving'] description = "Certain common sense public safety considerations haven't reached Jordan yet." image = "/2016/09/IMG_20160810_162505.jpg" +++

{{< figure src="/2016/09/IMG_20160810_162505.jpg" title="Billboard in Amman cautions against using your phone while driving" alt="Billboard in Amman cautions against using your phone while driving" >}}

I can't even read Arabic but I'm pretty sure that billboard is telling people to put their fucking phones down while driving. It's like an epidemic here. I've never seen people look less at the road while driving than here in Amman.