I got rid of these when initially trying to group the elements for
each module together under their clusters, but actually now there
are less elements so we can keep this bubble style. A bonus is that
we don't need to figure out how to delimit by comma in Hugo's Go
templates (the last one is always tricky).
We use a custom style block in the base that defaults to ISEAL, but
gets overridden in the FSC layout. Layout is determined in the term
frontmatter, either "home" or "fsc".
I don't like the "hanging" icons now that I look again. Better to
use normal Bootstrap columns and rows here with the icons in the
header. I need to figure out how to add spacing between these when
we are on small devices and the columns stack, though!
The ISEAL Branding Guidelines Version 3.0 (June 2021) say we should
use Arial font for online material and it specifies the RGB values
to use for headings, sub-headings, and body text. It also specifies
four secondary colors to be used in support of the primary colors.
Re-organize content and navigation around the concept of clusters
and modules. Elements that have suggested field names are displayed
prominently near the top of each cluster.
I am still exploring how to present the clusters and modules better.
Perhaps as a badge on each element?
After running the util/generate_docs.py script to parse and extract
the metadata term specifications and their controlled vocabularies,
we use Hugo to generate the HTML site. The HTML site uses Bootstrap
with several ISEAL brand colors gleaned from the corporate website.