All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
I just noticed that the Bootstrap blog example has the order of the buttons reversed from how I expected. They word them as "older" and "newer" and they are opposite to how I expected. For now I will keep these the same as the example, but eventually I might change them to "previous" and "next" as is more commonly used. See:
Hugo Bootstrap v5 Blog 
A simple but opinionated Hugo theme geared towards blog-style content. Based on the "snarky" (their words) Bootstrap v5 blog example that originally debuted in Bootstrap 4's final release.
- Responsive design
- Supports automatic generation of
srcsets for images in page bundles using a [new figure shortcode] (falls back to default Hugo behavior of looking up images in the static directory)
Building (For Developers)
This theme uses the Bootstrap framework. A static version of this is already included, but if you want to bump the version, tweak the style, etc, you'll need to rebuild the assets. Make sure you have NodeJS >= v10 installed, and then run the following from inside the theme's directory:
$ npm install
$ npm run dist
This repository contains SASS and HTML code from the Bootstrap project, which is licensed under the MIT and CC BY 3.0 licenses, and the Playfair Display font, which is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, 1.1.