Revert "added .conkyrc"
This reverts commit 308488e0cef685137411e8a7513141a90c362639.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
# -*- conf -*-
# ~/.conkyrc - Conky configuration file
# By arpbook
# Heavily inspired by .conkyrc file of
# Henrik Brix Andersen <>
# Thanks to him.
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# variables ###########################################################
# fork to background ? ################################################
background no
# font settings #######################################################
use_xft yes
#font monospace-8
xftfont Acknowledge TT BRK:size=8
#xftfont Edit Undo BRK:size=8
#xftfont Visitor TT2 BRK:size=8
uppercase yes
#override_utf8_local yes
# update every 1 secs #################################################
update_interval 2
# stay running forever ################################################
total_run_times 0
# draw to root window #################################################
own_window no
# avoid flickering ####################################################
double_buffer yes
# size ################################################################
minimum_size 1024 768
maximum_width 1024
# position ############################################################
alignment top_left
#alignment top_middle
#alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_middle
#alignment bottom_right
#alignment middle_left
#alignment middle_right
gap_x 0
gap_y 0
# colors ##############################################################
default_color white
default_shade_color white
default_outline_color black
# custom colors #######################################################
color0 FFFFFF
color1 F5F5F5
color2 A2AEC6
color3 696969
color4 D3D3D3
color5 6495ED
color6 87CEFA
color7 5F9EA0
color8 BBBBBB
color9 262729
# borders #############################################################
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders no
stippled_borders 8
border_margin 4
border_width 1
# shades ##############################################################
draw_shades no
# outline #############################################################
draw_outline no
# spacer ##############################################################
use_spacer none
# buffers (Substract (file system) buffers from used memory?)##########
no_buffers yes
# sampling ############################################################
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2
# configuration #######################################################
${voffset 10}${offset 10}$color8 /$color3 System$color8 /
${offset 10}$color2 $sysname$color9 -$color2 $machine
${offset 10}$color2 $kernel
${offset 10}$color2 Hostname: $color6 $nodename
${offset 10}$color2 Date: $color6 ${time %A %d/%m/%y %kh%M}
${offset 10}$color2 Uptime:$color6 $uptime
${voffset 10}${offset 10}$color8 /$color3 Wired (eth0)$color8 /
${offset 10}$color2 Down: $color4 ${downspeed eth0}$color2 kb/s
${offset 10}$color2 Up: ${offset 2} $color4 ${upspeed eth0}$color2 kb/s
${voffset 10}${offset 10}$color8 /$color3 Power$color8 /
${offset 10}$color2 $acpiacadapter$color4 $battery
${offset 10}$color2 Time Left:$color4 $battery_time
${offset 10}$color9 ${battery_bar 6,160}
${voffset 10}${offset 10}$color8 /$color3 Volumes$color8 /
${offset 10}$color2 Root: ${offset 0} $color9 ${fs_bar 6,320 /}
${offset 10}$color2 Home: ${offset 0} $color9 ${fs_bar 6,320 /home}
${voffset 10}${offset 10}$color8 /$color3 Memory$color8 /
${offset 10}$color2 RAM: ${offset 0} $color9 ${membar 6,200}$color4 $mem ($memperc%)
${offset 10}$color2 Swap: $color9 ${swapbar 6,200}$color4 $swap ($swapperc%)
${voffset 10}${offset 10}$color8 /$color3 Activity$color8 /
${offset 10}$color2 Read/Write: $color4 $diskio
${offset 10}$color2 Process :$color4 $running_processes$color2 /$color4 $processes
${offset 10}$color6 ${top name 1}${offset 10}$color4 ${top cpu 1}%
${offset 10}$color5 ${top name 2}${offset 10}$color4 ${top cpu 2}%
${offset 10}$color5 ${top name 3}${offset 10}$color4 ${top cpu 3}%
${offset 10}$color5 ${top name 4}${offset 10}$color4 ${top cpu 4}%
${offset 10}$color5 ${top name 5}${offset 10}$color4 ${top cpu 5}%
${offset 10} ${diskiograph 15,180 262729 87CEFA}
Reference in New Issue
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