mirror of https://github.com/ilri/csv-metadata-quality.git synced 2025-03-01 04:58:48 +01:00

26 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Add SPDX short license identifier to all Python files
See: https://spdx.github.io/spdx-spec/appendix-V-using-SPDX-short-identifiers-in-source-files/
2021-03-19 16:04:40 +02:00
Add checks and unsafe fixes for mojibake
This detects whether text has likely been encoded in one encoding
and decoded in another, perhaps multiple times. This often results
in display of "mojibake" characters.

For example, a file encoded in UTF-8 is opened as CP-1252 (Windows
Latin codepage) in Microsoft Excel, and saved again as UTF-8. You
will see strings like this in the resulting file:

    - CIAT Publicaçao
    - CIAT Publicación

The correct version of these in UTF-8 would be:

    - CIAT Publicaçao
    - CIAT Publicación

I use a code snippet from Martijn Pieters on StackOverflow to de-
tect whether a string is "weird" as determined by the excellent
"fixes text for you" (ftfy) Python library, then check if a weird
string encodes as CP-1252 or not. If so, I can try to fix it.

See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29071995/identify-garbage-unicode-string-using-python
2021-03-19 10:22:21 +02:00
csv_metadata_quality/fix.py: Fixes should be green 2021-03-11 11:47:24 +02:00
Colorize output
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
Messages will be colorized:

- Red for errors
- Yellow for warnings or information
- Green for fixes
2021-02-21 13:01:25 +02:00
Expand check/fix for multi-value separators
I just came across some metadata that had unnecessary multi-value
separators at the end of a field, causing a blank value to be used.

For example: "Kenya||Tanzania||"
2021-01-03 15:30:03 +02:00
csv_metadata_quality: Move scoped imports to global
According to PEP8 we should avoid scoped imports unless you have a
good reason. Here there are two cases where we do (issn and isbn),
but I will move the others to the global scope.
2020-10-06 17:11:39 +03:00
Output field name for more fixes and checks
This helps identify which field has the error.
2020-01-16 12:35:11 +02:00
Add utility function to check normalization
Python's built-in unicodedata library includes the is_normalized()
function starting with Python 3.8. This utility function allows us
to do the same thing with earlier Python versions.

See: https://docs.python.org/3/library/unicodedata.html
2020-01-15 12:17:52 +02:00
Add Unicode normalization
This will check all strings for un-normalized Unicode characters.
Normalization is done using NFC. This includes tests and updated
sample data (data/test.csv).

See: https://withblue.ink/2019/03/11/why-you-need-to-normalize-unicode-strings.html
2020-01-15 11:37:54 +02:00
csv_metadata_quality/fix.py: Harmonize language in fix output
We should always say if we're removing or replacing something.
2019-10-01 17:09:49 +03:00
csv_metadata_quality/fix.py: Replace non-breaking spaces
We should be replacing non-breaking spaces (U+00A0) with normal sp-
aces instead of removing them.
2019-10-01 16:55:04 +03:00
Sort imports with isort
See: https://sourcery.ai/blog/python-best-practices/
2019-08-29 01:15:04 +03:00
Format with black 2019-08-29 01:10:39 +03:00
Add fix for missing space after commas
This happens in names very often, for example in the contributor
and citation fields. I will limit this to those fields for now and
hide this fix behind the "unsafe fixes" option until I test it more.
2019-08-28 00:05:52 +03:00
csv_metadata_quality/fix.py: Add more unneccessary Unicode fixes
Add a check for soft hyphens (U+00AD). In one sample CSV I have a
normal hyphen followed by a soft hyphen in an ISBN. This causes the
ISBN validation to fail.
2019-08-11 00:07:21 +03:00
Add support for removing newlines
This was tricky because of the nature of newlines. In actuality we
are removing Unix line feeds here (U+000A) because Windows carriage
returns are actually already removed by the string stripping in the
whitespace fix.

Creating the test case in Vim was difficult because I couldn't fig-
ure out how to manually enter a line feed character. In the end I
used a search and replace on a known pattern like "ALAN", replacing
it with \r. Neither entering the Unicode code point (U+000A) direc-
tly or typing an "Enter" character after ^V worked. Grrr.
2019-07-30 20:05:12 +03:00
Add fix for duplicate metadata values 2019-07-29 18:05:03 +03:00
csv_metadata_quality/fix.py: Fix indent 2019-07-29 17:14:48 +03:00
Add support for fixing "unnecessary" Unicode
These are things like non-breaking spaces, "replacement" characters,
etc that add nothing to the metadata and often cause errors during
parsing or displaying in a UI.
2019-07-29 16:38:10 +03:00
Test Python regular expression matches directly
Match objects always have a boolean value of True.

See: https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/re.html
2019-07-29 16:16:30 +03:00
Add "unsafe fixes" runtime option
In this case it fixes occurences of invalid multi-value separators.
DSpace uses "||" to separate multiple values in one field, but our
editors sometimes give us files with mistakes like "|". We can fix
these to be correct multi-value separators if we are sure that the
metadata is not actually using "|" for some legitimate purpose.
2019-07-28 22:53:39 +03:00
Fix whitespace errors found by flake8 2019-07-28 17:47:28 +03:00
Make output less debuggy 2019-07-27 09:21:13 +03:00
csv_metadata_quality/fix.py: Remove extra newline 2019-07-27 01:29:22 +03:00
csv_metadata_quality/fix.py: Remove test function 2019-07-26 22:56:40 +03:00
Refactor as package with subpackages
This makes it cleaner for introducing checks, fixes, tests, docs,
and tests in the future. Currently can be run like this:

  python -m csv_metadata_quality

CSV input and output paths are still hard coded.

See: https://dev.to/codemouse92/dead-simple-python-project-structure-and-imports-38c6
2019-07-26 22:11:10 +03:00