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title: "March, 2018"
date: 2018-03-02T16:07:54+02:00
author: "Alan Orth"
categories: ["Notes"]
## 2018-03-02
- Export a CSV of the IITA community metadata for Martin Mueller
## 2018-03-06
- Add three new CCAFS project tags to `input-forms.xml` ([#357](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/357))
- Andrea from Macaroni Bros had sent me an email that CCAFS needs them
- Give Udana more feedback on his WLE records from last month
- There were some records using a non-breaking space in their AGROVOC subject field
- I checked and tested some author corrections from Peter from last week, and then applied them on CGSpace
$ ./fix-metadata-values.py -i Correct-309-authors-2018-03-06.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -f dc.contributor.author -t correct -m 3
$ ./delete-metadata-values.py -i Delete-3-Authors-2018-03-06.csv -db dspace -u dspace-p 'fuuu' -f dc.contributor.author -m 3
- This time there were no errors in whitespace but I did have to correct one incorrectly encoded accent character
- Add new CRP subject "GRAIN LEGUMES AND DRYLAND CEREALS" to `input-forms.xml` ([#358](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/358))
- Merge the ORCID integration stuff in to `5_x-prod` for deployment on CGSpace soon ([#359](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/359))
- Deploy ORCID changes on CGSpace (linode18), run all system updates, and reboot the server
- Run all system updates on DSpace Test and reboot server
- I ran the [orcid-authority-to-item.py](https://gist.github.com/alanorth/24d8081a5dc25e2a4e27e548e7e2389c) script on CGSpace and mapped 2,864 ORCID identifiers from Solr to item metadata
$ ./orcid-authority-to-item.py -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -s http://localhost:8081/solr -d
- I ran the DSpace cleanup script on CGSpace and it threw an error (as always):
Error: ERROR: update or delete on table "bitstream" violates foreign key constraint "bundle_primary_bitstream_id_fkey" on table "bundle"
Detail: Key (bitstream_id)=(150659) is still referenced from table "bundle".
- The solution is, as always:
$ psql dspace -c 'update bundle set primary_bitstream_id=NULL where primary_bitstream_id in (150659);'
- Apply the proposed PostgreSQL indexes from DS-3636 (pull request [#1791](https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/1791/) on CGSpace (linode18)
## 2018-03-07
- Add CIAT author Mauricio Efren Sotelo Cabrera to controlled vocabulary for ORCID identifiers ([#360](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/360))
- Help Sisay proof 200 IITA records on DSpace Test
- Finally import Udana's 24 items to [IWMI Journal Articles](https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/36185) on CGSpace
- Skype with James Stapleton to discuss CGSpace, ILRI website, CKM staff issues, etc
## 2018-03-08
- Looking at a CSV dump of the CIAT community I see there are tons of stupid text languages people add for their metadata
- This makes the CSV have tons of columns, for example `dc.title`, `dc.title[]`, `dc.title[en]`, `dc.title[eng]`, `dc.title[en_US]` and so on!
- I think I can fix — or at least normalize — them in the database:
dspace=# select distinct text_lang from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2;
(16 rows)
dspace=# update metadatavalue set text_lang='en_US' where resource_type_id=2 and text_lang in ('en','EN','En','en_','EN_US','en_U','eng');
UPDATE 122227
dspacetest=# select distinct text_lang from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2;
(9 rows)
- On second inspection it looks like `dc.description.provenance` fields use the text_lang "en" so that's probably why there are over 100,000 fields changed...
- If I skip that, there are about 2,000, which seems more reasonably like the amount of fields users have edited manually, or fucked up during CSV import, etc:
dspace=# update metadatavalue set text_lang='en_US' where resource_type_id=2 and text_lang in ('EN','En','en_','EN_US','en_U','eng');
- I will apply this on CGSpace right now
- In other news, I was playing with adding ORCID identifiers to a dump of CIAT's community via CSV in OpenRefine
- Using a series of filters, flags, and GREL expressions to isolate items for a certain author, I figured out how to add ORCID identifiers to the `cg.creator.id` field
- For example, a GREL expression in a custom text facet to get all items with `dc.contributor.author[en_US]` of a certain author with several name variations (this is how you use a logical OR in OpenRefine):
or(value.contains('Ceballos, Hern'), value.contains('Hernández Ceballos'))
- Then you can flag or star matching items and then use a conditional to either set the value directly or add it to an existing value:
if(isBlank(value), "Hernan Ceballos: 0000-0002-8744-7918", value + "||Hernan Ceballos: 0000-0002-8744-7918")
- One thing that bothers me is that this won't honor author order
- It might be better to do batches of these in PostgreSQL with a script that takes the `place` column of an author into account when setting the `cg.creator.id`
- I wrote a Python script to read the author names and ORCID identifiers from CSV and create matching `cg.creator.id` fields: [add-orcid-identifiers-csv.py ](https://gist.github.com/alanorth/a49d85cd9c5dea89cddbe809813a7050)
- The CSV should have two columns: author name and ORCID identifier:
"Orth, Alan",Alan S. Orth: 0000-0002-1735-7458
"Orth, A.",Alan S. Orth: 0000-0002-1735-7458
- I didn't integrate the ORCID API lookup for author names in this script for now because I was only interested in "tagging" old items for a few given authors
- I added ORCID identifers for 187 items by CIAT's Hernan Ceballos, because that is what Elizabeth was trying to do manually!
- Also, I decided to add ORCID identifiers for all records from Peter, Abenet, and Sisay as well
## 2018-03-09
- Give James Stapleton input on Sisay's KRAs
- Create a pull request to disable ORCID authority integration for `dc.contributor.author` in the submission forms and XMLUI display ([#363](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/363))
## 2018-03-11
- Peter also wrote to say he is having issues with the Atmire Listings and Reports module
- When I logged in to try it I get a blank white page after continuing and I see this in dspace.log.2018-03-11:
2018-03-11 11:38:15,592 WARN org.dspace.app.webui.servlet.InternalErrorServlet @ :session_id=91C2C0C59669B33A7683570F6010603A:internal_error:-- URL Was: https://cgspace.cgiar.or
-- Method: POST
-- Parameters were:
-- selected_admin_preset: "ilri authors2"
-- load: "normal"
-- next: "NEXT STEP >>"
-- step: "1"
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NullPointerException
- Looks like I needed to remove the Humidtropics subject from Listings and Reports because it was looking for the terms and couldn't find them
- I made a quick fix and it's working now ([#364](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/364))
## 2018-03-12
- Increase upload size on CGSpace's nginx config to 85MB so Sisay can upload some data
## 2018-03-13
- I created a new Linode server for DSpace Test (linode6623840) so I could try the block storage stuff, but when I went to add a 300GB volume it said that block storage capacity was exceeded in that datacenter (Newark, NJ)
- I deleted the Linode and created another one (linode6624164) in the Fremont, CA region
- After that I deployed the Ubuntu 16.04 image and attached a 300GB block storage volume to the image
- Magdalena wrote to ask why there was no Altmetric donut for an item on CGSpace, but there was one on the related CCAFS publication page
- It looks the the CCAFS publications page fetches the donut using its DOI, whereas CGSpace queries via Handle
- I will write to Altmetric support and ask them, as perhaps its part of a larger issue
- CGSpace item: https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/89643
- CCAFS publication page: https://ccafs.cgiar.org/publications/can-scenario-planning-catalyse-transformational-change-evaluating-climate-change-policy
- Peter tweeted the Handle link and now Altmetric shows the donut for both the DOI and the Handle
## 2018-03-14
- Help Abenet with a troublesome Listings and Report question for CIAT author Steve Beebe
- Continue migrating DSpace Test to the new server (linode6624164)
- I emailed ILRI service desk to update the DNS records for dspacetest.cgiar.org
- Abenet was having problems saving Listings and Reports configurations or layouts but I tested it and it works
## 2018-03-15
- Help Abenet troubleshoot the Listings and Reports issue again
- It looks like it's an issue with the layouts, if you create a new layout that only has one type (`dc.identifier.citation`):

- The error in the DSpace log is:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
- The full error is here: https://gist.github.com/alanorth/ea47c092725960e39610db9b0c13f6ca
- If I do a report for "Orth, Alan" with the same custom layout it works!
- I submitted a ticket to Atmire: https://tracker.atmire.com/tickets-cgiar-ilri/view-ticket?id=589
- Small fix to the example citation text in Listings and Reports ([#365](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/365))
## 2018-03-16
- ICT made the DNS updates for dspacetest.cgiar.org late last night
- I have removed the old server (linode02 aka linode578611) in favor of linode19 aka linode6624164
- Looking at the CRP subjects on CGSpace I see there is one blank one so I'll just fix it:
dspace=# delete from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and metadata_field_id=230 and text_value='';
- Copy all CRP subjects to a CSV to do the mass updates:
dspace=# \copy (select distinct text_value, count(*) from metadatavalue where resource_type_id=2 and metadata_field_id=230 group by text_value order by count desc) to /tmp/crps.csv with csv header;
- Once I prepare the new input forms ([#362](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/issues/362)) I will need to do the batch corrections:
$ ./fix-metadata-values.py -i Correct-21-CRPs-2018-03-16.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -f cg.contributor.crp -t correct -m 230 -n -d
- Create a pull request to update the input forms for the new CRP subject style ([#366](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/366))
## 2018-03-19
- Tezira has been having problems accessing CGSpace from the ILRI Nairobi campus since last week
- She is getting an HTTPS error apparently
- It's working outside, and Ethiopian users seem to be having no issues so I've asked ICT to have a look
- CGSpace crashed this morning for about seven minutes and Dani restarted Tomcat
- Around that time there were an increase of SQL errors:
2018-03-19 09:10:54,856 ERROR org.dspace.storage.rdbms.DatabaseManager @ SQL QueryTable Error -
2018-03-19 09:10:54,862 ERROR org.dspace.storage.rdbms.DatabaseManager @ SQL query singleTable Error -
- But these errors, I don't even know what they mean, because a handful of them happen every day:
$ grep -c 'ERROR org.dspace.storage.rdbms.DatabaseManager' dspace.log.2018-03-1*
- There wasn't even a lot of traffic at the time (8–9 AM):
# zcat --force /var/log/nginx/*.log /var/log/nginx/*.log.1 | grep -E "19/Mar/2018:0[89]:" | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail -n 10
- Well there is a hint in Tomcat's `catalina.out`:
Mon Mar 19 09:05:28 UTC 2018 | Query:id: 92032 AND type:2
Exception in thread "http-bio-" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
- So someone was doing something heavy somehow... my guess is content and usage stats!
- ICT responded that they "fixed" the CGSpace connectivity issue in Nairobi without telling me the problem
- When I asked, Robert Okal said CGNET messed up when updating the DNS for cgspace.cgiar.org last week
- I told him that my request last week was for dspacetest.cgiar.org, not cgspace.cgiar.org!
- So they updated the wrong fucking DNS records
- Magdalena from CCAFS wrote to ask about one record that has a bunch of metadata missing in her Listings and Reports export
- It appears to be this one: https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/83473?show=full
- The title is "Untitled" and there is some metadata but indeed the citation is missing
- I don't know what would cause that
## 2018-03-20
- DSpace Test has been down for a few hours with SQL and memory errors starting this morning:
2018-03-20 08:47:10,177 ERROR org.dspace.storage.rdbms.DatabaseManager @ SQL QueryTable Error -
2018-03-20 08:53:11,624 ERROR org.dspace.app.xmlui.cocoon.DSpaceCocoonServletFilter @ Serious Error Occurred Processing Request!
org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Handler processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
- I have no idea why it crashed
- I ran all system updates and rebooted it
- Abenet told me that one of Lance Robinson's ORCID iDs on CGSpace is incorrect
- I will remove it from the controlled vocabulary ([#367](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/367)) and update any items using the old one:
dspace=# update metadatavalue set text_value='Lance W. Robinson: 0000-0002-5224-8644' where resource_type_id=2 and metadata_field_id=240 and text_value like '%0000-0002-6344-195X%';
- Communicate with DSpace editors on Yammer about being more careful about spaces and character editing when doing manual metadata edits
- Merge the changes to CRP names to the `5_x-prod` branch and deploy on CGSpace ([#363](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/363))
- Run corrections for CRP names in the database:
$ ./fix-metadata-values.py -i /tmp/Correct-21-CRPs-2018-03-16.csv -f cg.contributor.crp -t correct -m 230 -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu'
- Run all system updates on CGSpace (linode18) and reboot the server
- I started a full Discovery re-index on CGSpace because of the updated CRPs
- I see this error in the DSpace log:
2018-03-20 19:03:14,844 ERROR com.atmire.dspace.discovery.AtmireSolrService @ No choices plugin was configured for field "dc_contributor_author".
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No choices plugin was configured for field "dc_contributor_author".
at org.dspace.content.authority.ChoiceAuthorityManager.getLabel(ChoiceAuthorityManager.java:261)
at org.dspace.content.authority.ChoiceAuthorityManager.getLabel(ChoiceAuthorityManager.java:249)
at org.dspace.browse.SolrBrowseCreateDAO.additionalIndex(SolrBrowseCreateDAO.java:215)
at com.atmire.dspace.discovery.AtmireSolrService.buildDocument(AtmireSolrService.java:662)
at com.atmire.dspace.discovery.AtmireSolrService.indexContent(AtmireSolrService.java:807)
at com.atmire.dspace.discovery.AtmireSolrService.updateIndex(AtmireSolrService.java:876)
at org.dspace.discovery.SolrServiceImpl.createIndex(SolrServiceImpl.java:370)
at org.dspace.discovery.IndexClient.main(IndexClient.java:117)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
at org.dspace.app.launcher.ScriptLauncher.runOneCommand(ScriptLauncher.java:226)
at org.dspace.app.launcher.ScriptLauncher.main(ScriptLauncher.java:78)
- I have to figure that one out...
## 2018-03-21
- Looks like the indexing gets confused that there is still data in the `authority` column
- Unfortunately this causes those items to simply not be indexed, which users noticed because item counts were cut in half and old items showed up in RSS!
- Since we've migrated the ORCID identifiers associated with the authority data to the `cg.creator.id` field we can nullify the authorities remaining in the database:
dspace=# UPDATE metadatavalue SET authority=NULL WHERE resource_type_id=2 AND metadata_field_id=3 AND authority IS NOT NULL;
UPDATE 195463
- After this the indexing works as usual and item counts and facets are back to normal
- Send Peter a list of all authors to correct:
dspace=# \copy (select distinct text_value, count(*) as count from metadatavalue where metadata_field_id = (select metadata_field_id from metadatafieldregistry where element = 'contributor' and qualifier = 'author') AND resource_type_id = 2 group by text_value order by count desc) to /tmp/authors.csv with csv header;
COPY 56156
- Afterwards we'll want to do some batch tagging of ORCID identifiers to these names
- CGSpace crashed again this afternoon, I'm not sure of the cause but there are a lot of SQL errors in the DSpace log:
2018-03-21 15:11:08,166 ERROR org.dspace.storage.rdbms.DatabaseManager @ SQL QueryTable Error -
java.sql.SQLException: Connection has already been closed.
- I have no idea why so many connections were abandoned this afternoon:
# grep 'Mar 21, 2018' /var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out | grep -c 'org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.ConnectionPool abandon'
- DSpace Test crashed again due to Java heap space, this is from the DSpace log:
2018-03-21 15:18:48,149 ERROR org.dspace.app.xmlui.cocoon.DSpaceCocoonServletFilter @ Serious Error Occurred Processing Request!
org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Handler processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
- And this is from the Tomcat Catalina log:
Mar 21, 2018 11:20:00 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$ContainerBackgroundProcessor run
SEVERE: Unexpected death of background thread ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
- But there are tons of heap space errors on DSpace Test actually:
# grep -c 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space' /var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out
- I guess we need to give it more RAM because it now has CGSpace's large Solr core
- I will increase the memory from 3072m to 4096m
- Update [Ansible playbooks](https://github.com/ilri/rmg-ansible-public) to use [PostgreSQL JBDC driver](https://jdbc.postgresql.org/) 42.2.2
- Deploy the new JDBC driver on DSpace Test
- I'm also curious to see how long the `dspace index-discovery -b` takes on DSpace Test where the DSpace installation directory is on one of Linode's new block storage volumes
$ time schedtool -D -e ionice -c2 -n7 nice -n19 dspace index-discovery -b
real 208m19.155s
user 8m39.138s
sys 2m45.135s
- So that's about three times as long as it took on CGSpace this morning
- I should also check the raw read speed with `hdparm -tT /dev/sdc`
- Looking at Peter's author corrections there are some mistakes due to Windows 1252 encoding
- I need to find a way to filter these easily with OpenRefine
- For example, Peter has inadvertantly introduced Unicode character 0xfffd into several fields
- I can search for Unicode values by their hex code in OpenRefine using the following GREL expression:
- I need to be able to add many common characters though so that it is useful to copy and paste into a new project to find issues
## 2018-03-22
- Add ORCID identifier for Silvia Alonso
- Update my Mirage 2 setup notes for Ubuntu 18.04: https://gist.github.com/alanorth/9bfd29feb7d2e836a9d417633319b3f5
## 2018-03-24
- More work on the Ubuntu 18.04 readiness stuff for the [Ansible playbooks](https://github.com/ilri/rmg-ansible-public)
- The playbook now uses the system's Ruby and Node.js so I don't have to manually install RVM and NVM after
## 2018-03-25
- Looking at Peter's author corrections and trying to work out a way to find errors in OpenRefine easily
- I can find all names that have acceptable characters using a GREL expression like:
- But it's probably better to just say which characters I know for sure are not valid (like parentheses, pipe, or weird Unicode characters):
- And here's one combined GREL expression to check for items marked as to delete or check so I can flag them and export them to a separate CSV (though perhaps it's time to add delete support to my `fix-metadata-values.py` script:
- So I guess the routine is in OpenRefine is:
- Transform: trim leading/trailing whitespace
- Transform: collapse consecutive whitespace
- Custom text facet for items to delete/check
- Custom text facet for illegal characters
- Test the corrections and deletions locally, then run them on CGSpace:
$ ./fix-metadata-values.py -i /tmp/Correct-2928-Authors-2018-03-21.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -f dc.contributor.author -t correct -m 3
$ ./delete-metadata-values.py -i /tmp/Delete-8-Authors-2018-03-21.csv -f dc.contributor.author -m 3 -db dspacetest -u dspace -p 'fuuu'
- Afterwards I started a full Discovery reindexing on both CGSpace and DSpace Test
- CGSpace took 76m28.292s
- DSpace Test took 194m56.048s
## 2018-03-26
- Atmire got back to me about the [Listings and Reports issue](https://tracker.atmire.com/tickets-cgiar-ilri/view-ticket?id=589) and said it's caused by items that have missing `dc.identifier.citation` fields
- The will send a fix
## 2018-03-27
- Atmire got back with an updated quote about the DSpace 5.8 compatibility so I've forwarded it to Peter
## 2018-03-28
- DSpace Test crashed due to heap space so I've increased it from 4096m to 5120m
- The error in Tomcat's `catalina.out` was:
Exception in thread "RMI TCP Connection(idle)" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
- Add ISI Journal (cg.isijournal) as an option in Atmire's Listing and Reports layout ([#370](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/370)) for Abenet
- I noticed a few hundred CRPs using the old capitalized formatting so I corrected them:
$ ./fix-metadata-values.py -i /tmp/Correct-21-CRPs-2018-03-16.csv -f cg.contributor.crp -t correct -m 230 -db cgspace -u cgspace -p 'fuuu'
Fixed 7 occurences of: WATER, LAND AND ECOSYSTEMS
Fixed 100 occurences of: ROOTS, TUBERS AND BANANAS
Fixed 31 occurences of: HUMIDTROPICS
Fixed 21 occurences of: MAIZE
Fixed 28 occurences of: GRAIN LEGUMES
Fixed 5 occurences of: GENEBANKS
- That's weird because we just updated them last week...
- Create a pull request to enable searching by ORCID identifier (`cg.creator.id`) in Discovery and Listings and Reports ([#371](https://github.com/ilri/DSpace/pull/371))
- I will test it on DSpace Test first!
- Fix one missing XMLUI string for "Access Status" (cg.identifier.status)
- Run all system updates on DSpace Test and reboot the machine