Alan Orth d3d413c991
Fix image references in content
The theme used to have a <base> tag, which tells the browser which
base to use for relative URLs, but this was actually a buggy and
incorrect theme behavior, so we need to update our links.

  $ sed -i 's/(\(201[567]\)/(\/cgspace-notes\/\1/' content/post/*.md
2017-01-09 16:18:07 +02:00

3.5 KiB

+++ date = "2016-01-13T13:18:00+03:00" author = "Alan Orth" title = "January, 2016" tags = ["Notes"]



  • Move ILRI collection 10568/12503 from 10568/27869 to 10568/27629 using the script I wrote last year.
  • I realized it is only necessary to clear the Cocoon cache after moving collections—rather than reindexing—as no metadata has changed, and therefore no search or browse indexes need to be updated.
  • Update GitHub wiki for documentation of maintenance tasks.


  • Update CCAFS project identifiers in input-forms.xml
  • Run system updates and restart the server


  • Change "Extension material" to "Extension Material" in input-forms.xml (a mistake that fell through the cracks when we fixed the others in DSpace 4 era)


  • Work on tweaks and updates for the social sharing icons on item pages: add Delicious and Mendeley (from Academicons), make links open in new windows, and set the icon color to the theme's primary color (#157)
  • Tweak date-based facets to show more values in drill-down ranges (#162)
  • Need to remember to clear the Cocoon cache after deployment or else you don't see the new ranges immediately
  • Set up recipe on IFTTT to tweet new items from the CGSpace Atom feed to my twitter account
  • Altmetrics' support for Handles is kinda weak, so they can't associate our items with DOIs until they are tweeted or blogged, etc first.


  • Still waiting for my IFTTT recipe to fire, two days later
  • It looks like the Atom feed on CGSpace hasn't changed in two days, but there have definitely been new items
  • The RSS feed is nearly as old, but has different old items there
  • On a hunch I cleared the Cocoon cache and now the feeds are fresh
  • Looks like there is configuration option related to this, webui.feed.cache.age, which defaults to 48 hours, though I'm not sure what relation it has to the Cocoon cache
  • In any case, we should change this cache to be something more like 6 hours, as we publish new items several times per day.
  • Work around a CSS issue with long URLs in the item view (#172)


  • Re-deploy CGSpace and DSpace Test with latest 5_x-prod branch
  • This included the social icon fixes/updates, date-based facet tweaks, reducing the feed cache age, and fixing a layout issue in XMLUI item view when an item had long URLs


  • Run nginx updates on CGSpace and DSpace Test (1.8.1 and 1.9.10, respectively)
  • Run updates on DSpace Test and reboot for new Linode kernel Linux 4.4.0-x86_64-linode63 (first update in months)


  • Start looking at importing some Bioversity data that had been prepared earlier this week

  • While checking the data I noticed something strange, there are 79 items but only 8 unique PDFs:

    $ ls SimpleArchiveForBio/ | wc -l 79 $ find SimpleArchiveForBio/ -iname "*.pdf" -exec basename {} ; | sort -u | wc -l 8


  • Add five missing center-specific subjects to XMLUI item view (#174)
  • This CCAFS item Before:

XMLUI subjects before

  • After:

XMLUI subjects after