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+++ date = "2017-08-01T11:51:52+03:00" author = "Alan Orth" title = "August, 2017" tags = ["Notes"]



  • Linode sent an alert that CGSpace (linode18) was using 350% CPU for the past two hours
  • I looked in the Activity pane of the Admin Control Panel and it seems that Google, Baidu, Yahoo, and Bing are all crawling with massive numbers of bots concurrently (~100 total, mostly Baidu and Google)
  • The good thing is that, according to dspace.log.2017-08-01, they are all using the same Tomcat session
  • This means our Tomcat Crawler Session Valve is working
  • But many of the bots are browsing dynamic URLs like:
    • /handle/10568/3353/discover
    • /handle/10568/16510/browse
  • The robots.txt only blocks the top-level /discover and /browse URLs... we will need to find a way to forbid them from accessing these!
  • Relevant issue from DSpace Jira (semi resolved in DSpace 6.0):
  • It turns out that we're already adding the X-Robots-Tag "none" HTTP header, but this only forbids the search engine from indexing the page, not crawling it!
  • Also, the bot has to successfully browse the page first so it can receive the HTTP header...