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+++ date = "2017-07-01T18:03:52+03:00" author = "Alan Orth" title = "July, 2017" tags = ["Notes"]



  • Run system updates and reboot DSpace Test


  • Merge changes for WLE Phase II theme rename (#329)
  • Looking at extracting the metadata registries from ICARDA's MEL DSpace database so we can compare fields with CGSpace
  • We can use PostgreSQL's extended output format (-x) plus sed to format the output into quasi XML:
$ psql dspacenew -x -c 'select element, qualifier, scope_note from metadatafieldregistry where metadata_schema_id=5 order by element, qualifier;' | sed -r 's:^-\[ RECORD (.*) \]-+$:</dc-type>\n<dc-type>\n<schema>cg</schema>:;s:([^ ]*) +\| (.*):  <\1>\2</\1>:;s:^$:</dc-type>:;1s:</dc-type>\n::'
  • The sed script is from a post on the PostgreSQL mailing list
  • Abenet says the ILRI board wants to be able to have "lead author" for every item, so I've whipped up a WIP test in the 5_x-lead-author branch
  • It works but is still very rough and we haven't thought out the whole lifecycle yet

Testing lead author in submission form

  • I assume that "lead author" would actually be the first question on the item submission form
  • We also need to check to see which ORCID authority core this uses, because it seems to be using an entirely new one rather than the one for (which makes sense of course, but fuck, all the author problems aren't bad enough?!)
  • Also would need to edit XMLUI item displays to incorporate this into authors list
  • And fuck, then anyone consuming our data via REST / OAI will not notice that we have an author outside of dc.contributor.authors... ugh
  • What if we modify the item submission form to use type-bind fields to show/hide certain fields depending on the type?


  • Adjust WLE Research Theme to include both Phase I and II on the submission form according to editor feedback (#330)
  • Generate list of fields in the current CGSpace cg scheme so we can record them properly in the metadata registry:
$ psql dspace -x -c 'select element, qualifier, scope_note from metadatafieldregistry where metadata_schema_id=2 order by element, qualifier;' | sed -r 's:^-\[ RECORD (.*) \]-+$:</dc-type>\n<dc-type>\n<schema>cg</schema>:;s:([^ ]*) +\| (.*):  <\1>\2</\1>:;s:^$:</dc-type>:;1s:</dc-type>\n::' > cg-types.xml