
3.4 KiB

title date author categories
March, 2022 2022-03-01T16:46:54+03:00 Alan Orth


  • Send Gaia the last batch of potential duplicates for items 701 to 980:
$ csvcut -c id,dc.title,dcterms.issued,dcterms.type ~/Downloads/2022-03-01-CGSpace-TAC-ICW-batch4-701-980.csv > /tmp/tac4.csv
$ ./ilri/ -i /tmp/tac4.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p 'fuuu' -o /tmp/2022-03-01-tac-batch4-701-980.csv
$ csvcut -c id,filename ~/Downloads/2022-03-01-CGSpace-TAC-ICW-batch4-701-980.csv > /tmp/tac4-filenames.csv
$ csvjoin -c id /tmp/2022-03-01-tac-batch4-701-980.csv /tmp/tac4-filenames.csv > /tmp/2022-03-01-tac-batch4-701-980-filenames.csv


]$ ./ilri/ -f dspace/config/spiders/agents/ilri -p
Purging 6 hits from scalaj-http in statistics
Purging 5 hits from lua-resty-http in statistics
Purging 9 hits from AHC in statistics
Purging 7 hits from acebookexternalhit in statistics
Purging 1011 hits from axios\/[0-9] in statistics
Purging 2216 hits from Faveeo\/[0-9] in statistics
Purging 1164 hits from Moreover\/[0-9] in statistics
Purging 740 hits from Exploratodo\/[0-9] in statistics
Purging 585 hits from GroupHigh\/[0-9] in statistics
Purging 438 hits from Crowsnest\/[0-9] in statistics
Purging 1326 hits from nbertaupete95 in statistics
Purging 182 hits from metha\/[0-9] in statistics
Purging 68 hits from ZaloPC-win32-24v454 in statistics
Purging 1644 hits from Firefox\/x\.x in statistics
Purging 678 hits from ZoteroTranslationServer in statistics
Purging 27 hits from FullStoryBot in statistics
Purging 26 hits from Link Validity Check in statistics
Purging 26 hits from OSPScraper in statistics
Purging 1 hits from 3137382e37392e3138372e313832 in statistics
Purging 2755 hits from Nutch-[0-9] in statistics

Total number of bot hits purged: 12914
  • I added a few from that list to the local overrides in our DSpace while I wait for feedback from the COUNTER-Robots project


  • Start AReS harvest