2023-09-30 13:07:23 +03:00

243 lines
12 KiB

title: "September, 2023"
date: 2023-09-02T17:29:36+03:00
author: "Alan Orth"
categories: ["Notes"]
## 2023-09-02
- Export CGSpace to check for missing Initiative collection mappings
- Start a harvest on AReS
## 2023-09-03
- I figured out how to use Altmetric and Dimensions badges in the DSpace Angular frontend
- It still feels hacky, but using [AfterViewInit](, and importing the Altmetric `embed.js` in the component works
- The style on mobile also needs work...
## 2023-09-06
- Discussion with Marie about finalizing the output types list on GitHub
- I did some review and cleanup in preparation for publishing the new list
## 2023-09-07
- Export CGSpace to start doing a review of the metadata
- First I will start by extracting all items with DOIs, along with some fields I can compare against Crossref:
$ csvgrep -c 'cg.identifier.doi[en_US]' -r '' ~/Downloads/2023-09-07-cgspace.csv \
| csvcut -c 'id,dc.title[en_US],dcterms.issued[en_US],dcterms.available[en_US],cg.issn[en_US],cg.isbn[en_US],cg.volume[en_US],cg.issue[en_US],cg.number[en_US],dcterms.extent[en_US],cg.identifier.doi[en_US],cg.reviewStatus[en_US],cg.isijournal[en_US],dcterms.license[en_US],dcterms.accessRights[en_US],dcterms.type[en_US],dc.identifier.uri[en_US]' \
> /tmp/2023-09-07-cgspace-dois.csv
$ csvgrep -c 'cg.identifier.doi[en_US]' -r '' ~/Downloads/2023-09-07-cgspace.csv | csvcut -c 'cg.identifier.doi[en_US]' | sed 1d > /tmp/2023-09-07-cgspace-dois.txt
- Then I resolved the DOIs from Crossref:
$ ./ilri/ -i /tmp/2023-09-07-cgspace-dois.txt -o /tmp/2023-09-07-cgspace-dois-results.csv -e
- A user emailed to ask about uploading a 180MB PDF to CGSpace
- I used GhostScript to try reducing it using the `screen`, `ebook` and `prepress` presets:
$ gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=primer-screen.pdf Primer\ \(digital\)_Climate-\ smart\ and\ regenerative\ agriculture\ in\ climate\ change\ adaptation.pdf
$ gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=primer-ebook.pdf Primer\ \(digital\)_Climate-\ smart\ and\ regenerative\ agriculture\ in\ climate\ change\ adaptation.pdf
$ gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=primer-prepress.pdf Primer\ \(digital\)_Climate-\ smart\ and\ regenerative\ agriculture\ in\ climate\ change\ adaptation.pdf
- The `prepress` one is 300DPI and looks visually identical to the original, so I proposed that we use that one
## 2023-09-08
- I did a review of the metadata for our items with DOIs, comparing with data from Crossref
- I spot checked a handful of issue / online dates and licenses, and saw that Crossref's dates are always more accurate than ours when they differ
- I also filled in some missing volumes, issues, ISSNs, and extents
- This results in 14,000 changes to existing items, which will take several days to import unfortunately
- After eight hours the first file is only about 2/3 finished... sigh
- Meet with Peter to discuss changes to the DSpace 7 test
- Minor updates to submission forms and some new ideas for the home page and item page
- I figured out how to use a themed home page component and add a cards UI to our CGSpace theme
## 2023-09-09
- I can't believe that almost 18 hours later the first CSV import with 5,000 changes is not done...
- Run all system updates on CGSpace and reboot it, as it had been two months since the last time
## 2023-09-10
- Minor work on the DSpace 7 home page
## 2023-09-11
- Export CGSpace to check for missing Initiative collection mappings
- Start a harvest on AReS
## 2023-09-12
- Minor work on DSpace 7 home page
- Minor work on CG Core types
- I published a new HTML version of the updated IPtypes and archived the current version as v2.0.0 so we can still reference it
## 2023-09-13
- Stefano reminded me about the updated OAI MODS mappings on CGSpace so I re-applied them on DSpace Test and updated the OAI index so he could confirm
- Now I'm ready to put it on CGSpace if he confirms
- I created a basic theme for CIP on DSpace 7
- While doing that I noticed that a bunch of CIP bitstreams didn't have the latest 500px thumbnails so I re-ran filter-media on a handful of their collections
- I had two occurrences of an OOM kill of the Tomcat 9 java process on DSpace 7 test tonight
- Once while doing a Discovery index, the other while doing filter media
## 2023-09-15
- Discuss issues with the Altmetric API with the Altmetric support team
- Apparently we can use a different API, the [Explorer API](, since we already have access to the Explorer dashboard
- I reduced the Solr heap size on DSpace 7 from 3GB to 2GB
- Apparentlty I already did this from 4GB to 3GB a few months ago
- The Solr admin interface was showing Solr taking ~1GB of RAM so I think this should be safe
- Mark on DSpace Slack said he uses PM2's `--max-memory-restart` so the processes restart when they hit the limit
- Also, he said he had to reduce `cache:serverSide:botCache:max` from 1000 to 500 to cache less SSR pages in memory
- I decided to try deploying DSpace 7 Test on a Hetzner server with 64GB RAM, 6 CPUs, and 2x512GB NVMe SSD
## 2023-09-16
- Export CGSpace to check for missing Initiative collection mappings
- Start a harvest on AReS
- Configure the privacy policy page on DSpace 7 using a themed component with the text from our DSpace 6 site
- I realized that for all my custom Angular components I should be using `routerLink` instead of `href` when I am constructing links
- The `routerLink` routes within the single page application and saves state, while the `href` reloads the page
- Using the `routerLink` way is faster and results in less flashing and jumping in the page when navigating
- See:
## 2023-09-17
- I added an About page to DSpace 7 Test using similar logic to the privacy page
## 2023-09-18
- I filed a GitHub issue for being unable to navigate dropdown lists using the keyboard on the dspace-angular submission form:
- I filed a GitHub issue for the search filters capitalizing metadata values:
## 2023-09-19
- Complete migration of DSpace 7 Test from Linode to Hetzner
- Export some years of Solr stats from CGSpace to import on the new DSpace 7 Test:
$ chrt -b 0 ./ -s http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics -a export -o /tmp/statistics-2020-2022.json -f 'time:[2020-01-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2022-12-31T23\:59\:59Z]' -k uid -S actingGroupId,actingGroupParentId,actorMemberGroupId,author_mtdt,author_mtdt_search,bitstreamCount,bitstreamId,complete_query,complete_query_search,containerBitstream,containerCollection,containerCommunity,containerItem,core_update_run_nb,countryCode_ngram,countryCode_search,cua_version,dateYear,dateYearMonth,file_id,filterquery,first_name,geoipcountrycode,geoIpCountryCode,group_id,group_map,group_name,ip_ngram,ip_search,isArchived,isInternal,iso_mtdt,iso_mtdt_search,isWithdrawn,last_name,name,ngram_query_search,ngram_simplequery_search,orphaned,parent_count,p_communities_id,p_communities_map,p_communities_name,p_group_id,p_group_map,p_group_name,range,rangeDescription,rangeDescription_ngram,rangeDescription_search,range_ngram,range_search,referrer_ngram,referrer_search,simple_query,simple_query_search,solr_update_time_stamp,storage_nb_of_bitstreams,storage_size,storage_statistics_type,subject_mtdt,subject_mtdt_search,text,userAgent_ngram,userAgent_search,version_id,workflowItemId
- Ben sent me an export of ILRI presentations from Slideshare and asked if we could see if any are missing on CGSpace
- First I exported CGSpace and extracted the `cg.identifier.url` column so I could normalize all Slideshare URLs to use "" instead of localized variants (,, etc) as well as non-https links and links with query params and slashes at the end
- This was about 250 URLs
- I extracted the URL field from both our list and the Slideshare list and then used [GNU `join` to print non-matched lines](
$ join -t, -v 2 -11 -21 -o auto /tmp/cgspace-ilri-slideshare-sorted-only-urls-sorted.csv /tmp/ilri-slideshare-sorted-sorted.csv | wc -l
- Important to note that you must use GNU `sort` on the fiels first, as I had tried sorting in vim and it didn't satisfy `join`
- So it seems there are 542 Slideshare presentations we are missing
## 2023-09-20
- Regarding the incorrect city in Solr statistics, I see we have 1,600,000 of them
- Before filing a GitHub issue, I want to check if they maybe come from an Atmire module, as I see them clustered around two particular CUA versions:
"responseHeader": {
"status": 0,
"QTime": 2760,
"params": {
"q": "city:com.maxmind.geoip2.record.City*",
"facet.field": "cua_version",
"indent": "true",
"rows": "0",
"wt": "json",
"facet": "true",
"_": "1695192301927"
"response": {
"numFound": 1661863,
"start": 0,
"docs": []
"facet_counts": {
"facet_queries": {},
"facet_fields": {
"cua_version": [
"facet_dates": {},
"facet_ranges": {},
"facet_intervals": {}
- I migrated AReS from Linode to Hetzner
- I asked on Slack and someone told me that we need to edit `src/app/menu.resolver.ts` to add new drop down menus to the top navbar
- It works, though is unfortunate that we can't do it in a theme
## 2023-09-21
- More minor work on DSpace 7 home page and menus
- Meeting to discuss types and DSpace 7 migration plans
- Create a DSpace 7 theme for IITA
## 2023-09-22
- Create a DSpace 7 theme for IWMI
- I had some issues with pm2 on the new DSpace 7 Test
- It seems to be due to mixing systemd starting versus manually starting / stopping...
- After reading the discussion in [this pm2 issue]( I realize that we probably need to use `--no-daemon` to have systemd fully manage the processes without pm2 trying to save state
## 2023-09-23
- Export CGSpace to check for missing Initiative collection mappings
- Start a harvest on AReS
## 2023-09-25
- CGSpace metadata and community / collection cleanup
- Review some patches on DSpace Angular
- Create a basic Alliance theme for DSpace 7
## 2023-09-27
- I realized that we can get controlled vocabularies from DSpace 7's REST API, for both value-pairs and hierarchical controlled vocabularies, ie:
## 2023-09-29
- Meeting with Aditi and others to discuss plan for using CGSpace to do a systematic review of CGIAR research on climate change
- I cleaned up metadata for a hundred or so items, and realized we will need to do more to make sure abstracts and open access status are correct since there will be a laser focus on the metadata
## 2023-09-30
- Export CGSpace to check for missing Initiative collection mappings
- Still working on checking Unpaywall for access rights and licenses for our DOIs
- Regarding Unpaywall's "evidence" metadata about whether an item is open access or not, after looking at dozens of items manually:
- evidence: "oa journal (via doaj)" <---- yes
- evidence: "open (via free article)" <---- hmmm, not always correct
- evidence: "open (via page says license)" <--- noooo, can't rely on that
- evidence: "open (via page says Open Access)" <---- yes...?
- evidence: "open (via free pdf)" <---- hmmm, not always correct
- evidence: "oa journal (via publisher name)" <---- noooo
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