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Update dspace-statistics-api for DSpace 6&#43; UUIDs
Tag version 1.2.0 on GitHub
Test migrating legacy Solr statistics to UUIDs with the as-of-yet unreleased
You need to download this into the DSpace 6.x source and compile it
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Update dspace-statistics-api for DSpace 6&#43; UUIDs
Tag version 1.2.0 on GitHub
Test migrating legacy Solr statistics to UUIDs with the as-of-yet unreleased
You need to download this into the DSpace 6.x source and compile it
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<h1 class="blog-title" dir="auto"><a href="" rel="home">CGSpace Notes</a></h1>
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<h2 class="blog-post-title" dir="auto"><a href="">March, 2020</a></h2>
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<time datetime="2020-03-02T12:31:30+02:00">Mon Mar 02, 2020</time>
<span class="fas fa-folder" aria-hidden="true"></span>&nbsp;<a href="/categories/notes/" rel="category tag">Notes</a>
<h2 id="2020-03-02">2020-03-02</h2>
<li>Update <a href="">dspace-statistics-api</a> for DSpace 6+ UUIDs
<li>Tag version 1.2.0 on GitHub</li>
<li>Test migrating legacy Solr statistics to UUIDs with the as-of-yet unreleased <a href=""></a>
<li>You need to download this into the DSpace 6.x source and compile it</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>$ export JAVA_OPTS=&#34;-Xmx1024m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8&#34;
$ ~/dspace63/bin/dspace solr-upgrade-statistics-6x
</code></pre><h2 id="2020-03-03">2020-03-03</h2>
<li>Skype with Peter and Abenet to discuss the CG Core survey
<li>We also discussed some other CGSpace issues</li>
<h2 id="2020-03-04">2020-03-04</h2>
<li>Abenet asked me to add some new ILRI subjects to CGSpace
<li>I <a href="">updated the input-forms.xml</a> in our <code>5_x-prod</code> branch on GitHub</li>
<li>Abenet said we are changing <code>HEALTH</code> to <code>HUMAN HEALTH</code> so I need to fix those using my <code></code> script:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>$ ./ -i 2020-03-04-fix-1-ilri-subject.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p &#39;fuuu&#39; -f cg.subject.ilri -m 203 -t correct -d
<li>But I have not run it on CGSpace yet because we want to ask Peter if he is sure about it&hellip;</li>
<li>Send a message to Macaroni Bros to ask them about their Drupal module and its readiness for DSpace 6 UUIDs</li>
<h2 id="2020-03-05">2020-03-05</h2>
<li>I found a very <a href="">interesting comment on the Solr 8.1 guide</a> about Java compatibility:</li>
<p>Lucene/Solr 7.0 was the first version that successfully passed our tests using Java 9 and higher. You should avoid Java 9 or later for Lucene/Solr 6.x or earlier.</p>
<h2 id="2020-03-08">2020-03-08</h2>
<li>I want to try to consolidate our yearly Solr statistics cores back into one <code>statistics</code> core using the solr-import-export-json tool</li>
<li>I will try it on DSpace test, doing one year at a time:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>$ ./ -s http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics-2010 -a export -o /tmp/statistics-2010.json -k uid
$ ./ -s http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics -a import -o /tmp/statistics-2010.json -k uid
$ curl -s &#34;http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics-2010/update?softCommit=true&#34; -H &#34;Content-Type: text/xml&#34; --data-binary &#34;&lt;delete&gt;&lt;query&gt;time:2010*&lt;/query&gt;&lt;/delete&gt;&#34;
$ ./ -s http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics-2011 -a export -o /tmp/statistics-2011.json -k uid
$ ./ -s http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics -a import -o /tmp/statistics-2011.json -k uid
$ curl -s &#34;http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics-2011/update?softCommit=true&#34; -H &#34;Content-Type: text/xml&#34; --data-binary &#34;&lt;delete&gt;&lt;query&gt;time:2011*&lt;/query&gt;&lt;/delete&gt;&#34;
$ ./ -s http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics -a import -o /tmp/statistics-2012.json -k uid
$ curl -s &#39;http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/select?q=time:2012*&amp;rows=0&amp;wt=json&amp;indent=true&#39; | grep numFound
$ curl -s &#39;http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics-2012/select?q=time:2012*&amp;rows=0&amp;wt=json&amp;indent=true&#39; | grep numFound
$ curl -s &#34;http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics-2012/update?softCommit=true&#34; -H &#34;Content-Type: text/xml&#34; --data-binary &#34;&lt;delete&gt;&lt;query&gt;time:2012*&lt;/query&gt;&lt;/delete&gt;&#34;
<li>I will do this for as many cores as I can (disk space limited) and then monitor the effect on the system and JVM memory usage
<li>Exporting half years might work, using a filter query with months as a regular expression:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>$ ./ -s http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics-2014 -a export -o /tmp/statistics-2014-1.json -k uid -f &#39;time:/2014-0[1-6].*/&#39;
<li>Upgrade PostgreSQL from 9.6 to 10 on DSpace Test (linode19)
<li>I&rsquo;ve been running it for one month in my local environment, and others have reported on the dspace-tech mailing list that they are using 10 and 11</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code># apt install postgresql-10 postgresql-contrib-10
# systemctl stop tomcat7
# pg_ctlcluster 9.6 main stop
# tar -cvzpf var-lib-postgresql-9.6.tar.gz /var/lib/postgresql/9.6
# tar -cvzpf etc-postgresql-9.6.tar.gz /etc/postgresql/9.6
# pg_ctlcluster 10 main stop
# pg_dropcluster 10 main
# pg_upgradecluster 9.6 main
# pg_dropcluster 9.6 main
# dpkg -l | grep postgresql | grep 9.6 | awk &#39;{print $2}&#39; | xargs dpkg -r
</code></pre><h2 id="2020-03-09">2020-03-09</h2>
<li>Peter noticed that the Solr stats were not showing anything before 2020
<li>I had to restart Tomcat three times before all cores loaded properly&hellip;</li>
<h2 id="2020-03-10">2020-03-10</h2>
<li>Fix some logic issues in the nginx config
<li>Use generic blocking of <code>[Bb]ot</code> and <code>[Cc]rawl</code> and <code>[Ss]pider</code> in the &ldquo;badbots&rdquo; rate limiting logic instead of trying to list them all one by one (bots should not be trying to index dynamic pages <em>no matter what</em> so we punish hard here)</li>
<li>We were not properly forwarding the remote IP address to Tomcat in all nginx location blocks, which led some locations to log a hit from (because we need to explicitly add the global proxy params when setting other headers in location blocks)</li>
<li>Unfortunately this affected the REST API and there are a few hundred thousand requests from this user agent:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
<li>It seems to only be a problem in the last week:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code># zgrep -c /var/log/nginx/rest.log.{1..9}
<li>In Solr the IP is, but in the nginx logs I can luckily see the real IP (, which is on Digital Ocean</li>
<li>I will purge them from Solr statistics:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>$ curl -s &#34;http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/update?softCommit=true&#34; -H &#34;Content-Type: text/xml&#34; --data-binary &#39;&lt;delete&gt;&lt;query&gt;userAgent:&#34;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)&#34;&lt;/query&gt;&lt;/delete&gt;&#39;
<li>Another user agent that seems to be a bot is:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>Mozilla/5.0 ((Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; fr; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6)
<li>In Solr the IP is because of the misconfiguration, but in nginx&rsquo;s logs I see it belongs to three IPs on in France:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code># zcat /var/log/nginx/access.log.*.gz /var/log/nginx/rest.log.*.gz | grep &#39;Mozilla/5.0 ((Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; fr; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6)&#39; | awk &#39;{print $1}&#39; | sort | uniq -c
<li>It is making 10,000 to 40,000 requests to XMLUI per day&hellip;</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code># zgrep -c &#39;Mozilla/5.0 ((Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; fr; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6)&#39; /var/log/nginx/access.log.{1..9}
<li>I will purge those hits too!</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>$ curl -s &#34;http://localhost:8081/solr/statistics/update?softCommit=true&#34; -H &#34;Content-Type: text/xml&#34; --data-binary &#39;&lt;delete&gt;&lt;query&gt;userAgent:&#34;Mozilla/5.0 ((Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; fr; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6)&#34;&lt;/query&gt;&lt;/delete&gt;&#39;
<li>Shit, and something happened and a few thousand hits from user agents with &ldquo;Bot&rdquo; in their user agent got through
<li>I need to re-run the <code></code> script with the standard COUNTER-Robots list again, but add my own versions of a few because the script/Solr doesn&rsquo;t support case-insensitive regular expressions:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>$ ./ -f /tmp/bots -d -p
(DEBUG) Using spiders pattern file: /tmp/bots
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: Citoid
Purging 11 hits from Citoid in statistics
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: ecointernet
Purging 375 hits from ecointernet in statistics
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: ^Pattern\/[0-9]
Purging 1 hits from ^Pattern\/[0-9] in statistics
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: sqlmap
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: Typhoeus
Purging 6 hits from Typhoeus in statistics
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: 7siters
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: Apache-HttpClient
Purging 3178 hits from Apache-HttpClient in statistics
Total number of bot hits purged: 3571
$ ./ -f /tmp/bots -d -p
(DEBUG) Using spiders pattern file: /tmp/bots
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: [Bb]ot
Purging 8317 hits from [Bb]ot in statistics
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: [Cc]rawl
Purging 1314 hits from [Cc]rawl in statistics
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: [Ss]pider
Purging 62 hits from [Ss]pider in statistics
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: Citoid
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: ecointernet
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: ^Pattern\/[0-9]
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: sqlmap
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: Typhoeus
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: 7siters
(DEBUG) Checking for hits from spider: Apache-HttpClient
</code></pre><h2 id="2020-03-11">2020-03-11</h2>
<li>Ask Michael Victor for permission to create a new Linode server for DSpace Test</li>
<h2 id="2020-3-12">2020-3-12</h2>
<li>I&rsquo;m working on the 170 IITA records on <a href="">DSpace Test</a> from January finally
<li>It&rsquo;s been two months since I last looked and I want to do a thorough check to make sure Bosede didn&rsquo;t introduce any new issues, but I want to consolidate all the text languages for these records so it&rsquo;s easier to check them in OpenRefine</li>
<li>First I got a list of IDs from <code>csvcut</code> and then I updated the text languages for only those records:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>dspace=# SELECT DISTINCT text_lang, COUNT(*) FROM metadatavalue WHERE resource_type_id=2 AND resource_id in (111295,111294,111293,111292,111291,111290,111288,111286,111285,111284,111283,111282,111281,111280,111279,111278,111277,111276,111275,111274,111273,111272,111271,111270,111269,111268,111267,111266,111265,111264,111263,111262,111261,111260,111259,111258,111257,111256,111255,111254,111253,111252,111251,111250,111249,111248,111247,111246,111245,111244,111243,111242,111241,111240,111238,111237,111236,111235,111234,111233,111232,111231,111230,111229,111228,111227,111226,111225,111224,111223,111222,111221,111220,111219,111218,111217,111216,111215,111214,111213,111212,111211,111209,111208,111207,111206,111205,111204,111203,111202,111201,111200,111199,111198,111197,111196,111195,111194,111193,111192,111191,111190,111189,111188,111187,111186,111185,111184,111183,111182,111181,111180,111179,111178,111177,111176,111175,111174,111173,111172,111171,111170,111169,111168,111299,111298,111297,111296,111167,111166,111165,111164,111163,111162,111161,111160,111159,111158,111157,111156,111155,111154,111153,111152,111151,111150,111149,111148,111147,111146,111145,111144,111143,111142,111141,111140,111139,111138,111137,111136,111135,111134,111133,111132,111131,111129,111128,111127,111126,111125) GROUP BY text_lang ORDER BY count;
<li>Then I exported the metadata from DSpace Test and imported it into OpenRefine
<li>I corrected one invalid AGROVOC subject using my <code>csv-metadata-quality</code> script</li>
<li>I exported a new list of affiliations from the database, added line numbers with <code>csvcut</code>, and then validated them in OpenRefine using <code>reconcile-csv</code>:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>dspace=# \COPY (SELECT DISTINCT text_value, count(*) FROM metadatavalue WHERE resource_type_id = 2 AND metadata_field_id = 211 GROUP BY text_value ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 1500) to /tmp/2020-03-12-affiliations.csv WITH CSV HEADER;`
dspace=# \q
$ csvcut -l -c 0 /tmp/2020-03-12-affiliations.csv | sed -e &#39;s/^line_number/id/&#39; -e &#39;s/text_value/name/&#39; &gt; /tmp/affiliations.csv
$ lein run /tmp/affiliations.csv name id
<li>I always forget how to copy the reconciled values in OpenRefine, but you need to make a new column and populate it using this GREL: <code>if(cell.recon.matched,, value)</code></li>
<li>I mapped all 170 items to their appropriate collections based on type and uploaded them to CGSpace</li>
<h2 id="2020-03-16">2020-03-16</h2>
<li>I&rsquo;m looking at the CPU usage of CGSpace (linode18) over the past year and I see we <em>rarely</em> even go over two CPUs on average sustained usage:</li>
<p><img src="/cgspace-notes/2020/03/cgspace-cpu-year.png" alt="linode18 CPU usage year"></p>
<li>Also clearly visible is the effect of CPU steal in 2019-03</li>
<p><img src="/cgspace-notes/2020/03/cgspace-memory-year.png" alt="linode18 RAM usage year"></p>
<p><img src="/cgspace-notes/2020/03/cgspace-heap-year.png" alt="linode18 JVM heap usage year"></p>
<li>At max we have committed 10GB of RAM, the rest is used opportunistically by the filesystem cache, likely for Solr
<li>There was a huge drop in 2019-07 when I changed the JVM settings</li>
<li>I think we should re-evaluate our deployment and perhaps target a different instance type and add block storage for assetstore (as we determined Linode&rsquo;s block storage to be too slow for Solr)</li>
<h2 id="2020-03-17">2020-03-17</h2>
<li>Update the PostgreSQL JDBC driver to version 42.2.11</li>
<li>Maria from Bioversity asked me to add a new field for the combined subjects of Bioversity and CIAT, since they merged recently
<li>We will use <code>cg.subject.alliancebiovciat</code></li>
<h2 id="2020-03-18">2020-03-18</h2>
<li>Provision new Linode server (linode26) for DSpace Test to replace the current linode19 server</li>
<li>Improve DSpace role of <a href="">Ansible infrastructure playbooks</a>
<li>We should install npm packages in the DSpace user&rsquo;s home directory instead of globally as root</li>
<h2 id="2020-03-19">2020-03-19</h2>
<li>Finalized migration of DSpace Test to linode26 and removed linode19</li>
<h2 id="2020-03-22">2020-03-22</h2>
<li>Look over the AReS ToRs sent by Enrico and Moayad and add a few notes about missing GitHub issues
<li>Hopefully now they can start working on the development!</li>
<h2 id="2020-03-24">2020-03-24</h2>
<li>Skype meeting about CGSpace with Peter and Abenet</li>
<h2 id="2020-03-25">2020-03-25</h2>
<li>I sent Atmire a message to ask if they managed to start working on the DSpace 6 port, as the last communication was twenty-six days ago when they said they were going to secure technical resources to do so</li>
<li>Start adapting the <code>dspace</code> role in our <a href="">Ansible infrastructure playbooks</a> for DSpace 6 support</li>
<h2 id="2020-03-26">2020-03-26</h2>
<li>More work adapting the <code>dspace</code> role in our Ansible infrastructure scripts to DSpace 6</li>
<li>Update Tomcat to version 7.0.103 in the Ansible infrastrcutrue playbooks and deploy on DSpace Test (linode26)</li>
<li>Maria sent me a few new ORCID identifiers from Bioversity so I combined them with our existing ones, filtered the unique ones, and then resolved their names using my <code></code> script:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>$ cat ~/src/git/DSpace/dspace/config/controlled-vocabularies/cg-creator-id.xml /tmp/bioversity-orcids | grep -oE &#39;[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{4}-[A-Z0-9]{4}&#39; | sort | uniq &gt; /tmp/2020-03-26-combined-orcids.txt
$ ./ -i /tmp/2020-03-26-combined-orcids.txt -o /tmp/2020-03-26-combined-names.txt -d
# sort names, copy to cg-creator-id.xml, add XML formatting, and then format with tidy (preserving accents)
$ tidy -xml -utf8 -iq -m -w 0 dspace/config/controlled-vocabularies/cg-creator-id.xml
<li>I checked the database for likely matches to the author name and then created a CSV with the author names and ORCID iDs:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>,
&#34;King, Brian&#34;,&#34;Brian King: 0000-0002-7056-9214&#34;
&#34;Ortiz-Crespo, Berta&#34;,&#34;Berta Ortiz-Crespo: 0000-0002-6664-0815&#34;
&#34;Ekesa, Beatrice&#34;,&#34;Beatrice Ekesa: 0000-0002-2630-258X&#34;
&#34;Ekesa, B.&#34;,&#34;Beatrice Ekesa: 0000-0002-2630-258X&#34;
&#34;Ekesa, B.N.&#34;,&#34;Beatrice Ekesa: 0000-0002-2630-258X&#34;
&#34;Gullotta, G.&#34;,&#34;Gaia Gullotta: 0000-0002-2240-3869&#34;
<li>Running the <code></code> script I added 32 ORCID iDs to items on CGSpace!</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>$ ./ -i /tmp/2020-03-26-ciat-orcids.csv -db dspace -u dspace -p &#39;fuuu&#39;
<li>Udana from IWMI asked about some items that are missing Altmetric donuts on CGSpace
<li><a href="">One of them</a> had a link to the paper on Nature, but was missing a DOI</li>
<li><a href="">The second item</a> had no donut so I <a href="">tweeted its handle</a></li>
<li><a href="">The third item</a> also had no handle so I <a href="">tweeted it</a> as well</li>
<li>Abenet pointed out <a href="">one item</a> that she had tweeted last week that is missing a donut as well, so I <a href="">tweeted it</a> too</li>
<h2 id="2020-03-29">2020-03-29</h2>
<li>Add two more Bioversity ORCID iDs to CGSpace and then tag ~70 of the authors&rsquo; existing publications in the database using this CSV with my <code></code> script:</li>
<pre tabindex="0"><code>,
&#34;Snook, L.K.&#34;,&#34;Laura Snook: 0000-0002-9168-1301&#34;
&#34;Snook, L.&#34;,&#34;Laura Snook: 0000-0002-9168-1301&#34;
&#34;Zheng, S.J.&#34;,&#34;Sijun Zheng: 0000-0003-1550-3738&#34;
&#34;Zheng, S.&#34;,&#34;Sijun Zheng: 0000-0003-1550-3738&#34;
<li>Deploy latest Bioversity and CIAT updates on CGSpace (linode18) and DSpace Test (linode26)</li>
<li>Deploy latest Ansible infrastructure playbooks on CGSpace and DSpace Test to get the latest dspace-statistics-api (v1.1.1) and Tomcat (7.0.103) versions</li>
<li>Run system updates on CGSpace and DSpace Test and reboot them
<li>After reboot all the Solr statistics cores came back up on the first time on both servers (yay)</li>
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