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2024-03-04 10:02:14 +03:00
title: "March, 2024"
date: 2024-03-01T09:55:00+03:00
author: "Alan Orth"
categories: ["Notes"]
## 2024-03-01
- Last week Bizu reported an issue with the "browse by issue date" drop down
- I verified it, and suspect it could be due to missing issue dates...
- It might be this issue: https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/issues/2808
- I spent some time trying to reproduce the bug affecting `onebox` fields that are configured to use external vocabularies and are not repeatable
- I filed an issue: https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/issues/2846
## 2024-03-03
- I did some cleanups on abstracts, licenses, and dates from CrossRef
- I also did some minor cleanups to affiliations because I saw some incorrect and duplicate ones in our list
2024-03-08 17:31:19 +03:00
## 2024-03-05
- I tried a new technique to get some affiliations from Crossref using OpenRefine
- First I split them and clustered, resolving a few hundred clusters out of 1500 (!)
- Then I used a custom text facet with a few dozen CGIAR and other large affiliations to reduce the work
- Then I joined them with our affiliations, paying no attention to duplicates
- Then I deduped them using the Jython technique I learned in 2023-02
## 2024-03-06
- Peter sent me some more corrections for the authors that I had sent him in 2023-12
## 2024-03-08
- IFPRI sent me their 2023 records from CONTENTdm so I started working on those
- I found a way to match their ORCID identifiers in our list using Jython in OpenRefine:
import re
with open(r"/tmp/cg-creator-identifier.txt",'r') as f :
orcid_ids = [orcid_id.strip() for orcid_id in f]
matched = False
for orcid_id in orcid_ids:
if re.search(r'.+: {}'.format(value), orcid_id):
matched = True
if matched:
return orcid_id
return value
- I realized that [UNICEF was renamed to its current name in 1953](https://www.unicef.org/about-unicef/frequently-asked-questions#3) so I replaced all other variations in our vocabularies and metadata:
UPDATE metadatavalue SET text_value='United Nations Children''s Fund' WHERE dspace_object_id IN (SELECT uuid FROM item) AND text_value IN ('United Nations International Children''s Emergency Fund', 'United Nations International Children''s Emergency Fund', 'UNICEF');
- Note the use of two single quotes to escape the one in the name
2024-03-11 18:04:40 +03:00
## 2024-03-11
- Experimenting with moving some of my Python scripts to the DSpace 7 REST API
- I need a way to get UUIDs for Handles...
- Seems that I can use a Discovery query like: https://dspace7test.ilri.org/server/api/discover/search/objects?dsoType=item&query=handle:10568/130864
- Then just take the first result...?
- I spent some time working on the script get abstracts from CGSpace, and found a bug in my logic
- I also noticed that one item had two abstracts, but the first one was blank!
- Looking deeper, I found 113 blank metadata values so I deleted those:
DELETE FROM metadatavalue WHERE dspace_object_id IN (SELECT uuid FROM item) AND text_value='';
- I also found a few dozen items with "N/A" for their citation, so I deleted those too:
DELETE FROM metadatavalue WHERE dspace_object_id IN (SELECT uuid FROM item) AND text_value='N/A' AND metadata_field_id=146;
2024-03-11 21:58:15 +03:00
- I deployed the change to disable Angular SSR's `inlineCriticalCss` on production because we had heavy load on the frontend and I've been meaning to do this permanently for some time
- Maria asked me for a CSV with all the broken Bioversity permalinks so I exported them for her:
$ csvcut -c 'id,dc.title[en_US],dc.identifier.uri[en_US],cg.link.permalink[en_US]' ~/Downloads/2024-03-05-cgspace.csv \
| csvgrep -c 'cg.link.permalink[en_US]' -r '^.+$' > /tmp/2024-03-11-Bioversity-Permalinks.csv
2024-03-14 09:29:05 +03:00
## 2024-03-12
- Run the duplicate checker for IFPRI 2023 batch upload
## 2024-03-13
- I found about 428 duplicates in the IFPRI 2023 batch records
- Alarmingly, I found about 18 that are duplicated on CGSpace as well!
- I looked closer and decided that 11 were duplicates, so I merged the metadata and withdrew the later ones
- Alliance asked me to get him the Handles for items submitted by TIP that are not discoverable
- I found it easiest to use the `ds6_item2itemhandle` [DSpace SQL helper function](https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSPACE/Helper+SQL+functions+for+DSpace+6) with a nested query on the provenance:
SELECT ds6_item2itemhandle(dspace_object_id) AS handle FROM metadatavalue WHERE dspace_object_id IN (SELECT uuid FROM item WHERE NOT discoverable) AND metadata_field_id=28 AND text_value LIKE 'Submitted by Alliance TIP Submit%';
2024-03-19 09:01:13 +03:00
## 2024-03-14
- Looking in to reports of rate limiting of Altmetric's bot on CGSpace
- I don't see any HTTP 429 responses for their user agents in any of our logs...
- I tried myself on an item page and never hit a limit...
$ for num in {1..60}; do echo -n "Request ${num}: "; curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" https://dspace7test.ilri.org/items/c9b8999d-3001-42ba-a267-14f4bfa90b53 && echo; done
Request 1: 200
Request 2: 200
Request 3: 200
Request 4: 200
Request 60: 200
- All responses were HTTP 200...
- In any case, I whitelisted their production IPs and told them to try again
- I imported 468 of IFPRI's 2023 records that were confirmed to not be duplicates to CGSpace
- I also spent some time merging metadata from 415 of the remaining 432 duplicates with the metadata for the existing items on CGSpace
- This was a bit of dirty work using csvkit, xsv, and OpenRefine
## 2024-03-17
- There are 17 records from IFPRI's 2023 batch that are remaining from the 432 that I identified as already being on CGSpace
- These are different in that they are duplicates on CGSpace as well, so the csvjoin failed and the metadata got messed up in my migration
- I looked closer and whittled this down to 14 actual records, and spent some time working on them
- I isolated 12 of these items that existed on CGSpace and added publication ranks, project identifiers, and provenance links
- Now there only remain two confusing records about the Inkomati catchment
## 2024-03-18
- Checking to see how many IFPRI records we have migrated so far:
$ csvgrep -c 'dc.description.provenance[en_US]' -m 'Original URL from IFPRI CONTENTdm' cgspace.csv \
| csvcut -c 'id,dc.title[en_US],dc.identifier.uri[en_US],dc.description.provenance[en_US],dcterms.type[en_US]' \
| tee /tmp/ifpri-records.csv \
| csvstat --count
- I finalized the remaining two on Inkomati catchment and now we are at 900!
2024-03-19 16:24:20 +03:00
# 2024-03-19
- IWMI sent me some new author ORCID identifiers so I updated our list
- Started working on updating my data for the Ontology CoP webinar on CGIAR and AGROVOC
- First extracting all unique subjects on CGSpace:
localhost/dspace7= ☘ \COPY (SELECT DISTINCT(lower(text_value)) AS "subject" FROM metadatavalue WHERE dspace_object_id in (SELECT dspace_object_id FROM item) AND metadata_field_id IN (187, 120, 210, 122, 215, 127, 208, 124, 128, 123, 125, 135, 203, 236, 238, 119)) to /tmp/2024-03-19-cgspace-subjects.csv WITH CSV HEADER;
COPY 28024
- Then I extracted the subjects and looked them up against AGROVOC:
$ csvcut -c subject /tmp/2024-03-19-cgspace-subjects.csv | sed '1d' > /tmp/2024-03-19-cgspace-subjects.txt
$ ./ilri/agrovoc_lookup.py -i /tmp/2024-03-19-cgspace-subjects.txt -o /tmp/2024-03-19-cgspace-subjects-results.csv
2024-03-25 18:53:18 +03:00
## 2024-03-20
- Identify seven duplicates on CGSpace from the PRMS results and withdraw them from CGSpace
## 2024-03-21
- Look more closely at duplicates on CGSpace based on a fresh export
- Using DOIs I found ~842 that occur more than once for journal articles alone, so probably around 400 duplicates
- I did a handful of them, merging the metadata and withdrawing the duplicate, and decided to add `dcterms.replaces` with the handle in the original
## 2024-03-22
- Look at duplicate DOIs on CGSpace and address a dozen or so
## 2024-03-23
- Look at duplicate DOIs on CGSpace and address a dozen or so
- Update Tomcat and Solr to latest versions
- I had done some tests with these last week, and did a last minute test on DSpace 7 Test to make sure submission and searching worked
## 2024-03-24
- Slowly process several dozen more duplicate DOIs on CGSpace, sigh...
2024-04-04 10:23:49 +03:00
## 2024-03-26
- File an issue on dspace-angular about improving withdrawn item tombstones: https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/issues/2880
- Merge metadata and withdraw more duplicates on CGSpace
2024-03-04 10:02:14 +03:00
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