Alan Orth 60b8ecdd4c
Initial commit
Signed-off-by: Alan Orth <>
2014-08-17 00:35:57 +03:00

25 lines
663 B

- name: Install php5-fpm and deps
apt: name={{ item }} state=present update_cache=yes
- php5-fpm
# probably belong in wordpress role
- php5-mysql
- php5-gd
- php5-curl
tags: php5-fpm
- name: Copy php5-fpm pool config
copy: src=www.conf dest=/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644
notify: restart php5-fpm
tags: php5-fpm
# re-configure php to only process exact paths, see:
- name: Update php.ini
lineinfile: dest=/etc/php5/fpm/php.ini regexp=^;cgi.fix_pathinfo line=cgi.fix_pathinfo=0
notify: restart php5-fpm
tags: php5-fpm
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