Alan Orth c870044584
roles/nginx: Adjust Cache-Control headers
Use "public" with "max-age" instead of Expires, as "max-age" is always
preferred if it's present.  Note: setting "public" doesn't make the
resource "more cacheable", but it is just more explicit.

Signed-off-by: Alan Orth <>
2014-11-07 00:29:53 +03:00
common roles/common: Add ECDSA public key for noma 2014-10-12 13:25:48 +03:00
mariadb roles/mariadb: Quote the password in .my.conf template 2014-09-01 12:41:56 +03:00
munin roles/munin: Fix nginx template 2014-08-28 22:08:32 +03:00
nginx roles/nginx: Adjust Cache-Control headers 2014-11-07 00:29:53 +03:00
php5-fpm roles/php5-fpm: Fix php.ini reconfiguration (pathinfo) 2014-09-14 12:34:44 +03:00