Alan Orth 0f512a5bf7
roles/common: Use blocks to tag children of dynamic tasks
When using dynamic includes, child tasks do not inherit tags from their
parents. You must tag the parent and each child task separately, or use
a block to group children and then apply a tag to a block.

2018-04-26 16:58:35 +03:00

53 lines
1.1 KiB

- block:
- name: Configure apt mirror
template: src=sources.list.j2 dest=/etc/apt/sources.list owner=root group=root mode=0644
when: ansible_architecture != 'armv7l'
- name: Upgrade base OS
apt: upgrade=dist update_cache=yes
- name: Install base packages
apt: pkg={{ item }}
- git
- tmux
- iotop
- htop
- strace
- s3cmd
- cron-apt
- safe-rm
- debian-goodies
- mosh
- python-pycurl # for ansible's apt_repository
- lzop
- vim
- lrzip
- unzip
- apt-transport-https # for https support in apt
- name: Security hardening (CIS Benchmark 1.0)
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=absent purge=yes
- whoopsie # CIS 4.1
- apport # CIS 4.1
- name: Remove annoying packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=absent purge=yes
- command-not-found
- command-not-found-data
- python3-commandnotfound
- name: Configure cron-apt
import_tasks: cron-apt.yml
tags: cron-apt
- name: Install tarsnap
import_tasks: tarsnap.yml
tags: packages
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