Alan Orth 67a18c4f49
roles/mariadb: Reduce key buffer size shows currently 6M out of 33M being used.
2020-12-29 10:58:12 +02:00

27 lines
892 B

# file: roles/mariadb/defaults/main.yml
# Based on my running of on a host with three WordPress databases
# and a Piwik instance monitoring three sites.
# default is 128MB but is a waste because it seems only the mysql table uses it
key_buffer_size: 8M
# default is 128MB but is a waste because it seems only information_schema uses
# AriaDB, see:
aria_pagecache_buffer_size: 8M
# default is 128M, but set to at least the size of your InnoDB data
innodb_buffer_pool_size: 256M
# Ansible 2.7.x with PyMySQL seems to default to TCP connection so we should
# force it to use a Unix socket.
# See:
mariadb_login_unix_socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
# default is 100 but the max I've seen used is 5, so let's reduce it
max_connections: 33
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