Alan Orth ffe7a872dd
roles: strict truthy values
According to Ansible we can use yes, true, True, "or any quoted st-
ring" for a boolean true, but ansible-lint wants us to use either
true or false.

2022-09-10 22:33:19 +03:00

16 lines
640 B

- block:
- name: Install WordPress
ansible.builtin.git: repo= dest={{ nginx_root_prefix }}/{{ item.domain_name }}/wordpress version={{ item.wordpress_version }} depth=1 force=true
when: item.has_wordpress is defined and item.has_wordpress
loop: "{{ nginx_vhosts }}"
- name: Fix WordPress directory permissions
ansible.builtin.file: path={{ nginx_root_prefix }}/{{ item.domain_name }} state=directory owner=nginx group=nginx recurse=true
when: item.has_wordpress is defined and item.has_wordpress
loop: "{{ nginx_vhosts }}"
tags: wordpress
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