Alan Orth f3614d4ad4
roles/common: Remove buster-backports
I was using it to get iptables 1.8.3 to work around an issue with
firewalld, but I've solved that another way.
2019-10-18 22:56:52 +03:00

17 lines
879 B

{% if ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' %}
{% set apt_mirror = apt_mirror | default("") %}
deb http://{{ apt_mirror }}/ubuntu/ {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://{{ apt_mirror }}/ubuntu/ {{ ansible_distribution_release }}-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb {{ ansible_distribution_release }}-security main restricted universe multiverse
{% else %}
{% set apt_mirror = apt_mirror | default('') %}
deb http://{{ apt_mirror }}/debian/ {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main contrib non-free
deb {{ ansible_distribution_release }}/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://{{ apt_mirror }}/debian/ {{ ansible_distribution_release }}-updates main contrib non-free
{% endif %} {# ansible_distribution #}