Ansible 2.4 and 2.5 are moving away from specialized loop functions and the old syntax will eventually be deprecated and removed. I did not change the with_fileglob loops because I'm not sure about their syntax yet. See:
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- name: Add apt signing key
apt_key: id=0x573BFD6B3D8FBC641079A6ABABF5BD827BD9BF62 url= state=present
tags: nginx, packages
- name: Add repo
template: src=nginx_org_sources.list.j2 dest=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx_org_sources.list owner=root group=root mode=0644
tags: nginx, packages
- name: Install nginx
apt: pkg=nginx update_cache=yes state=present
tags: nginx, packages
- name: Copy nginx.conf
template: src=nginx.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf mode=0644 owner=root group=root
- reload nginx
tags: nginx
- name: Copy extra nginx configs
copy: src={{ item }} dest=/etc/nginx/{{ item }} mode=0644 owner=root group=root
- extra-security.conf
- fastcgi_cache
- reload nginx
tags: nginx
- name: Remove default nginx vhost
file: path=/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf state=absent
tags: nginx
- name: Create fastcgi cache dir
file: path=/var/cache/nginx/cached/fastcgi state=directory owner=nginx group=nginx mode=0755
tags: nginx
- name: Configure nginx virtual hosts
import_tasks: vhosts.yml
when: nginx_vhosts is defined
tags: nginx
- name: Configure blank nginx vhost
template: src=blank-vhost.conf.j2 dest={{ nginx_confd_path }}/blank-vhost.conf mode=0644 owner=root group=root
- reload nginx
tags: nginx
- name: Configure munin vhost
copy: src=munin.conf dest=/etc/nginx/conf.d/munin.conf mode=0644 owner=root group=root
- reload nginx
tags: nginx
- name: Start and enable nginx service
systemd: name=nginx state=started enabled=yes
tags: nginx
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