I never modify file in the git repo, but the WordPress updater does
updates from the web (for example TwentySixteen theme), and this
always causes the task to fail when I switch WordPress versions.
Take an opinionated stance on HTTPS and assume that hosts are using
HTTPS for all vhosts. This can either be via custom TLS cert/key
pairs defined in the host's variables (could even be self-signed
certificates on dev boxes) or via Let's Encrypt.
It's just deduplication, since it's already obvious that the dict
is for nginx-related vars:
- nginx_domain_name→domain_name
- nginx_domain_aliases→domain_aliases
- nginx_enable_https→enable_https
- nginx_enable_hsts→enable_hsts
Signed-off-by: Alan Orth <alan.orth@gmail.com>
I realized there was no need to do a full clone when I was working
in a Vagrant environment in a coffee shop with slow Internet. ;)
Signed-off-by: Alan Orth <alan.orth@gmail.com>