The certbot-auto client that I've been using for a long time is now
only supported if you install it using snap. I don't use snap on my
systems so I decided to switch to the client, which is imp-
lemented in POSIX shell with no dependencies. One bonus of this is
that I can start using ECC certificates.
This also configures the .well-known directory so we can use webroot
when installing and renewing certificates. I have yet to understand
how the renewal works with regards to webroot, though. I may have to
update the systemd timers to point to /var/lib/letsencrypt/.well-known.
Avoids the following error in apt:
Skipping acquire of configured file 'nginx/binary-i386/Packages' as repository ' bionic InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'
No need to give Google even more data or free advertising by using
this as the default! In practice I always use the DNS servers from
the VPS provider anyways.
I have zero idea if we have IE6 clients any more, but according to the
H5BP community IE6 actually did support gzip and only represents 0.1%
of Internet traffic in 2015 (!) anyways.
Using www-data was a temporary measure while I was waiting for the
official packages to be released for Debian 9 and we had
to use Debian's own nginx package.
There are currently no builds for Debian 9, so we need to
use the package from Debian's repository. This package provides a
www-data user and group instead of an nginx one.
We can revert some of this after Debian 9 is released and official
builds come from (though it might be useful to keep the
main nginx.conf as a template).
I'm surprised this worked all these years actually. Since Ansible
version 1.6 it has been possible to use the version_compare filter
instead of doing math logic on strings.
I realized the other day that due to complex logic in the location
blocks, various WordPress static files like images and stylesheets
didn't get the HTTP Strict Transport Security header set. We need
to include it on each level where we are setting headers, because
nginx overwrites headers if you set them again in a child block.
The `ConditionFileIsExecutable` goes in the [Unit] section! This
fixes the error:
systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/renew-letsencrypt.service:6] Unknown lvalue 'ConditionFileIsExecutable' in section 'Service'
Used to indicate if a vhost needs PHP configuration or not, like
for a static site. Set in the hosts's nginx_vhosts block. Defaults
to "False" if unset.
Take an opinionated stance on HTTPS and assume that hosts are using
HTTPS for all vhosts. This can either be via custom TLS cert/key
pairs defined in the host's variables (could even be self-signed
certificates on dev boxes) or via Let's Encrypt.
Hosts can specify use_letsencrypt: 'yes' in their host_vars. For
now this assumes that the certificates already exist (ie, you have
to manually run Let's Encrypt first to register/create the certs).