Picturing Jordan

Sharing Jordan with the world — one picture at a time.

Greco–Roman Ruins of Pella

Remains of the classical basilica of Pella

Remains of the classical basilica of Pella

These days there isn’t much to see of the Greco–Roman city of Pella in northwestern Jordan. Sadly, the ancient ruins here suffer from being slightly smaller, slightly less well-preserved, and slightly less convenient to visit than the similar ruins at Jerash. With a bit of imagination and some historical background, however, they are equally enchanting and even have a unique character of their own.

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Cleanliness Comes From Faith

Graffiti with Arabic inscription depicting someone putting trash in a trash can

Graffiti in downtown Amman appeals to the faithful

There is a popular notion that cleanliness is an important part of the Islamic faith, though you wouldn’t know it from walking around Jordan. I have never seen people throw coffee cups, half-eaten sandwiches, tissues, etc on the street so carelessly — and often times with such finesse — as here in Jordan.

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Emperor Hadrian’s Arch in Jerash

The Arch of Hadrian welcomes you to Jerash

The Arch of Hadrian welcomes you to Jerash

There are apparently two arches built around 130 CE to honor Roman Emperor Hadrian—one in Athens and one in Jerash. The former is undoubtedly more studied, but the latter is objectively more beautiful! Maybe it’s the color of the stones in the afternoon light, the unconventional architectural features, or just the sheer size of it.

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