The Dome of the Rock

Golden dome, vibrant tiles, and elegant Arabic calligraphy
While not technically in Jordan, Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock is basically just a stone’s throw away from Amman (pun intended). Not only is this shrine capped with a golden dome, covered in vibrant Ottoman-era tilework, and adorned with elegant Arabic calligraphy, it also boasts an impressive resume of sacred claims to fame.

The Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount
The shrine, built nearly 1,000 years ago, stands atop a hotly contested complex called the Temple Mount (“Noble Sanctuary” in Arabic) that dates back to the Canaanites four thousand years ago — like I said, an impressive resume!
As a secular person it’s all a bit too heavy for my taste, but there’s no doubt that the complex is stunningly beautiful. Visitation of the Temple Mount is open to the non-Muslim public from 7:30 to 11:00 AM from the access bridge at the Western Wall in the Jewish Quarter of the old city.