# Hugo variables # baseurl = "https://picturingjordan.com/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Picturing Jordan" theme = "hugo-theme-bootstrap4-blog" enableRobotsTXT = true # number of posts to show on home/category/tag pages (Default: 10) paginate = 3 copyright = "Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license." enableGitInfo = true [permalinks] posts = "/:year/:month/:slug/" page = "/:slug/" [params] # Site author author = "Alan Orth" # Description/subtitle for homepage (can be Markdown) description = "Sharing Jordan with the world — one picture at a time." # Format dates with Go's time formatting date_format = "Mon Jan 02, 2006" # verification string for Google Webmaster Tools google_verify_meta = "BAi69DROASu2b2mkVNA_EyUsobfH7Mq8BmSg2Rn-Zp4" # verification string for Bing Webmaster Tools bing_verify_meta = "2CA373095D945D1AA256B1CD8A3DF872" # verification string for Yandex Webmaster Tools yandex_verify_meta = "96b099438f75a04a" # show sharing icons on pages/posts (default: true) #sharingicons = true [params.sidebar] # Optional about block for sidebar (can be Markdown) about = "*Picturing Jordan*, sharing Jordan with the world — one picture at a time. [Read more →](/about)" # How many posts to show on the sidebar (Default: 5) #num_recent_posts = 2 [params.social] # twitter handle for the site (ideally not a person, eg: nytimes, flickr, etc) twitter = "picturingjordan" [[menu.sidebar]] name = "Alan in Kenya" url = "https://alaninkenya.org" [[menu.sidebar]] name = "Mjanja Tech" url = "https://mjanja.ch" [[menu.sidebar]] name = "English Bulgaria" url = "https://englishbulgaria.net" # Default content language for Hugo 0.17's multilingual support (default is "en") # See: https://github.com/spf13/hugo/blob/master/docs/content/content/multilingual.md DefaultContentLanguage = "en" # Languages to render [languages.en] [languages.bg] author = "Алън Орт" # Bulgarian date format is dd.mm.yyyy date_format = "02.01.2006" [languages.ar] # Arabic date format is dd/mm/yyyy date_format = "02/01/2006" [languages.ar.params] author = "ألِن أورث" [languages.fa] description = "به اشتراک گذاشتن اُردن با جهان — تصویر به تصویر" # Persian date format is yyyy/mm/dd date_format = "2006/1/2" [languages.fa.params] author = "اَلن اورث" [languages.fa.params.sidebar] about = " به اشتراک گذاشتن اُردن با جهان — تصویر به تصویر [بیشتر بخوانید ←](/fa/about)" # vim: ts=2 sw=2 et