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    <h2 class="blog-post-title"><a href="https://picturingjordan.com/2016/09/another-beautiful-hand-painted-wood-ceiling/" title="Another Beautiful Hand-Painted Wood Ceiling">Another Beautiful Hand-Painted Wood Ceiling</a></h2>
    <p class="blog-post-meta"><time datetime="2016-09-26T14:28:23&#43;03:00">Mon Sep 26, 2016</time> by <a href="#">Alan Orth</a>   in 
            <i class="fa fa-folder" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;<a href="/categories/architecture" rel="category tag">Architecture</a>

            <i class="fa fa-tag" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;<a href="/tags/painting" rel="tag">Painting</a>, <a href="/tags/art" rel="tag">Art</a>

  A colorful floral pattern pops out of the ceiling Another day, another exquisite, hand-painted ceiling in Amman. Just like the other hand-painted wood ceiling I posted about a few weeks ago, the work was done by an old Syrian man. This one is actually in my flat, and I may or may not have taken this picture while laying on my back on the living room floor. Technical: Nikon D3100, post processed from RAW with darktable.
  <a href='https://picturingjordan.com/2016/09/another-beautiful-hand-painted-wood-ceiling/'>Read more →</a>

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    <h2 class="blog-post-title"><a href="https://picturingjordan.com/2016/09/saint-thaddeus-church-in-amman/" title="Saint Thaddeus Church in Amman">Saint Thaddeus Church in Amman</a></h2>
    <p class="blog-post-meta"><time datetime="2016-09-20T14:58:34&#43;03:00">Tue Sep 20, 2016</time> by <a href="#">Alan Orth</a>   in 
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            <i class="fa fa-tag" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;<a href="/tags/church" rel="tag">Church</a>, <a href="/tags/armenia" rel="tag">Armenia</a>

  Easily one of the most unique buildings in Amman Even if the number number of mosques in Amman didn&rsquo;t outnumber churches by a factor of ten, the Saint Thaddeus Armenian Apostolic church would still stand out. It caught my eye once a few weeks ago and then I started seeing it every time I glanced at Jabal Al-Ashrafieh. After weeks of squinting and asking myself &ldquo;Is that an Armenian church?&rdquo; I finally went on an epic scavenger hunt and found it.
  <a href='https://picturingjordan.com/2016/09/saint-thaddeus-church-in-amman/'>Read more →</a>

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    <h2 class="blog-post-title"><a href="https://picturingjordan.com/2016/09/beautiful-hand-painted-woodwork/" title="Beautiful Hand-Painted Woodwork">Beautiful Hand-Painted Woodwork</a></h2>
    <p class="blog-post-meta"><time datetime="2016-09-17T15:48:23&#43;03:00">Sat Sep 17, 2016</time> by <a href="#">Alan Orth</a>   in 
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            <i class="fa fa-tag" aria-hidden="true"></i>&nbsp;<a href="/tags/painting" rel="tag">Painting</a>, <a href="/tags/art" rel="tag">Art</a>

  Beautiful hand-painted wood panels on the ceiling There&rsquo;s an old Syrian man who does this fantastic hand painting on wood panels in Amman. A few flats in our building have them installed on the ceiling, but this one takes the cake. I&rsquo;m not sure if it&rsquo;s typical for the region or not — the man was referencing pictures from a Russian art book — but they are exquisite.
  <a href='https://picturingjordan.com/2016/09/beautiful-hand-painted-woodwork/'>Read more →</a>


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    <p><em>Picturing Jordan</em>, sharing Jordan with the world — one picture at a time.<br><br><a href="/about">Read more →</a></p>


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    <h4>Recent Posts</h4>
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      <li><a href="/2016/09/another-beautiful-hand-painted-wood-ceiling/">Another Beautiful Hand-Painted Wood Ceiling</a></li>
      <li><a href="/2016/09/azraq-wetland-a-disappearing-oasis/">Azraq Wetland, a Disappearing Oasis</a></li>
      <li><a href="/2016/09/buying-baklava-in-amman/">Buying Baklava in Amman</a></li>
      <li><a href="/2016/09/saint-thaddeus-church-in-amman/">Saint Thaddeus Church in Amman</a></li>
      <li><a href="/2016/09/camping-in-the-dana-biosphere-reserve/">Camping in the Dana Biosphere Reserve</a></li>

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      <li><a href="https://alaninkenya.org">Alan in Kenya</a></li>
      <li><a href="https://englishbulgaria.net">English Bulgaria</a></li>
      <li><a href="https://mjanja.ch">Mjanja Tech</a></li>


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