diff --git a/content/about.ar.md b/content/about.ar.md index ad3a9171..a1d81e53 100644 --- a/content/about.ar.md +++ b/content/about.ar.md @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ title = "عن المُدَوَّنَة" sharingicons = false menu = "navbar" author = "أَلِن" +images = ["/2019/04/2018-04-28-alan-wadi-assal.jpg"] +++

diff --git a/content/about.bg.md b/content/about.bg.md index 1833fabb..58c87532 100644 --- a/content/about.bg.md +++ b/content/about.bg.md @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ date = "2017-01-24T16:33:27+03:00" title = "За Нас" sharingicons = false menu = "navbar" +images = ["/2019/04/2018-04-28-alan-wadi-assal.jpg"] +++ Алън живее и работи в Кения в продължение на осем години, първо като доброволец учител по компютърни науки в селско училище, а по-късно като Linux системен администратор в [институт за селскостопански животни в Найроби](https://www.ilri.org). По време на престоя си в Кения той пътува из Източна Африка и пише [блог за преживяванията си](https://alaninkenya.org). Негобата страст е софтуерът с отворен код, информационната сигурност, както и свободата на информация — естествено, той пише [блог и за това](https://mjanja.ch). diff --git a/content/about.md b/content/about.md index b21886b0..0d20c527 100644 --- a/content/about.md +++ b/content/about.md @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ date = "2016-09-14T16:33:27+03:00" title = "About" sharingicons = false menu = "navbar" +images = ["/2019/04/2018-04-28-alan-wadi-assal.jpg"] +++ Alan lived and worked in Kenya for eight years, first as a volunteer teaching computer science at a rural college, and later as a Linux systems administrator at a [livestock research institute in Nairobi](https://www.ilri.org). During his time in Kenya he traveled extensively around East Africa and [blogged about his experiences](https://alaninkenya.org). He is passionate about open-source software, information security, and the freedom of information — naturally, he [blogs about that too](https://mjanja.ch). diff --git a/static/2019/04/2018-04-28-alan-wadi-assal.jpg b/static/2019/04/2018-04-28-alan-wadi-assal.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a168306 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/2019/04/2018-04-28-alan-wadi-assal.jpg differ