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synced 2025-02-15 14:34:27 +01:00
Generated with poetry: $ poetry export -f requirements.txt > requirements.txt This is useful for people who don't have poetry.
36 lines
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36 lines
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appnope==0.1.2; platform_system == "Darwin" and python_version >= "3.7" and sys_platform == "darwin"
backcall==0.2.0; python_version >= "3.7"
cffi==1.15.0; python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version >= "3.7" and implementation_name == "pypy"
colorama==0.4.4; python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" and sys_platform == "win32" or sys_platform == "win32" and python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version >= "3.5.0"
debugpy==1.5.1; python_version >= "3.7" and python_full_version < "3.0.0" or python_full_version >= "3.5.0" and python_version >= "3.7"
decorator==5.1.0; python_version >= "3.7"
entrypoints==0.3; python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version >= "3.7"
ipykernel==6.6.0; python_version >= "3.7"
ipython==7.30.1; python_version >= "3.7"
isodate==0.6.0; python_version >= "3.7"
jedi==0.18.1; python_version >= "3.7"
jupyter-client==7.1.0; python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version >= "3.7"
jupyter-core==4.9.1; python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version >= "3.7"
matplotlib-inline==0.1.3; python_version >= "3.7"
nest-asyncio==1.5.4; python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version >= "3.7"
pandas==1.3.4; python_full_version >= "3.7.1"
parso==0.8.3; python_version >= "3.7"
pexpect==4.8.0; sys_platform != "win32" and python_version >= "3.7"
pickleshare==0.7.5; python_version >= "3.7"
prompt-toolkit==3.0.23; python_full_version >= "3.6.2" and python_version >= "3.7"
ptyprocess==0.7.0; sys_platform != "win32" and python_version >= "3.7"
py==1.11.0; python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version >= "3.7" and implementation_name == "pypy"
pycparser==2.21; python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version >= "3.7" and implementation_name == "pypy"
pygments==2.10.0; python_version >= "3.7"
pyparsing==3.0.6; python_version >= "3.7"
python-dateutil==2.8.2; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version >= "3.7"
pytz==2021.3; python_full_version >= "3.7.1"
pywin32==302; sys_platform == "win32" and platform_python_implementation != "PyPy" and python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version >= "3.7"
pyzmq==22.3.0; python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version >= "3.7"
rdflib==6.0.2; python_version >= "3.7"
six==1.16.0; python_full_version >= "3.7.1" and python_version >= "3.7"
tornado==6.1; python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version >= "3.7"
traitlets==5.1.1; python_full_version >= "3.6.1" and python_version >= "3.7"
wcwidth==0.2.5; python_full_version >= "3.6.2" and python_version >= "3.7"