Alan Orth 286896486e
Add initial version of schema specification site
After running the util/ script to parse and extract
the metadata term specifications and their controlled vocabularies,
we use Hugo to generate the HTML site. The HTML site uses Bootstrap
with several ISEAL brand colors gleaned from the corporate website.
2021-11-01 08:27:41 +02:00

20 lines
495 B

Assurance assessment and audit methodology
Assurance management
Assurance oversight and accreditation
Assurance systems
Capacity building
Claims management
Data and information management
Grievances, complaints and appeals
MandE communicating impact
MandE learning and improvement
MandE outcomes and impacts
MandE performance monitoring
Risk management
Stakeholder engagement and management
Standard revision
Standard setting
System governance
Theory of change
Traceability and chain of custody