{{/* Retrieve the cluster and module from global scratch. */}} {{ $cluster := $.Scratch.Get "cluster" }} {{ $module := $.Scratch.Get "module" }} {{/* Note: we need to use two ranges for each module because it is */}} {{/* not possible to re-use Hugo's paginate object unless you use */}} {{/* the same exact arguments each time. */}}

{{ $module }} Module

Elements in the {{- $module -}} module: {{/* Use range over a nested where. The way to read this is */}} {{/* from the inside out: terms, cluster, module. */}} {{ range where (where (where site.RegularPages "Type" "terms") "Params.cluster" "==" $cluster) "Params.module" "==" $module }} {{- if .Params.required -}} {{ .Params.field }} {{- else -}} {{ .Params.field }} {{- end -}} {{ end }}
{{ range where (where (where site.RegularPages "Type" "terms") "Params.cluster" "==" $cluster) "Params.module" "==" $module }}
{{ .Render "term" }}
{{ end }} {{- /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et: */}}