{{ define "title" }}{{ .Site.Title }} | FSC Schema Extension{{ end }} {{/* override style for FSC layout */}} {{ define "style" }} {{ $style := resources.Get "css/fsc.min.css" | resources.Fingerprint }} {{ end }} {{ define "main" }}

FSC Schema Extension

This page provides a reference specification for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) schema extension.

Metadata Elements

{{/* Note: we need to use two ranges for each cluster because it is */}} {{/* not possible to re-use Hugo's paginate object unless you use */}} {{/* the same exact arguments each time. */}} {{ range where (where site.RegularPages "Type" "terms") "Params.cluster" "==" "Fsc" }} {{- if .Params.field -}} {{ .Params.field }} {{- end -}} {{ end }}

{{ range where (where site.RegularPages "Type" "terms") "Params.cluster" "==" "Fsc" }}
{{ .Render "term" }}
{{ end }}


The FSC schema extension is available for download in two formats:

{{ $fileCodeIcon := resources.Get "icons/file-earmark-code.svg" | resources.Fingerprint }}

File icon with earmarkTurtle

Terse RDF Triple Language (TTL). Use this format when you need to validate metadata against ISEAL Core programmatically.

{{ $fileSpreadsheetIcon := resources.Get "icons/file-earmark-spreadsheet.svg" | resources.Fingerprint }}

File icon with earmarkCSV

Comma-separated Values (CSV). Use this format when you just need a quick and easy offline reference.



If you have questions/comments please contact ____.

{{ end }} {{- /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et: */}}