# Hugo variables # baseurl = "http://replace-this-with-your-hugo-site.com/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Hugo Bootstrap v4 Blog" theme = "hugo-theme-bootstrap4" [permalinks] post = "/:year/:month/:title/" page = "/:slug/" [[menu.sidebar]] name = "Link 1" url = "https://example.com" [[menu.sidebar]] name = "Link 2" url = "https://example.org" # Theme variables # [params] # Site author author = "Your Name" # Description/subtitle for homepage (can be Markdown) description = "A simple Hugo theme based on the Bootstrap v4 blog example." # How many posts to show on the homepage (Default: 5) #num_recent_posts = 5 # Format dates with Go's time formatting date_format = "Mon Jan 02, 2006" # verification string for Google Webmaster Tools #google_verify_meta = "BAi57DROASu4b2mkVNA_EyUsobfA7Mq8BmSg7Rn-Zp9" [params.sidebar] # Hide the sidebar? (Default: false) hide = false # Optional about block for sidebar (can be Markdown) about = "A simple Hugo theme based on the [Bootstrap v4 blog example](http://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/examples/blog/)." # How many posts to show on the homepage (Default: 5) #num_recent_posts = 2