mirror of https://github.com/ilri/dspace-statistics-api.git synced 2024-09-28 21:14:18 +02:00
Alan Orth 4dbf734a4b
Move all imports to top of file
A few months ago I had an issue setting up mocking because I was
trying to be clever importing these libraries only when I needed
them rather than at the global scope. Someone pointed out to me
that if the imports are at the top of the file Falcon will load
them once when the WSGI server starts, whereas if they are in the
on_get() or on_post() they will load for every request! Also, it
seems that PEP8 recommends keeping imports at the top of the file
anyways, so I will just do that.

Imports sorted with isort.

See: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#imports
2020-12-18 22:42:06 +02:00

139 lines
4.7 KiB

import datetime
import json
import re
import falcon
import requests
from .config import SOLR_SERVER
def get_statistics_shards():
"""Enumerate the cores in Solr to determine if statistics have been sharded into
yearly shards by DSpace's stats-util or not (for example: statistics-2018).
str:A list of Solr statistics shards separated by commas.
# Initialize an empty list for statistics core years
statistics_core_years = []
# URL for Solr status to check active cores
solr_query_params = {"action": "STATUS", "wt": "json"}
solr_url = SOLR_SERVER + "/admin/cores"
res = requests.get(solr_url, params=solr_query_params)
if res.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
data = res.json()
# Iterate over active cores from Solr's STATUS response (cores are in
# the status array of this response).
for core in data["status"]:
# Pattern to match, for example: statistics-2018
pattern = re.compile("^statistics-[0-9]{4}$")
if not pattern.match(core):
# Append current core to list
# Initialize a string to hold our shards (may end up being empty if the Solr
# core has not been processed by stats-util).
shards = str()
if len(statistics_core_years) > 0:
# Begin building a string of shards starting with the default one
shards = f"{SOLR_SERVER}/statistics"
for core in statistics_core_years:
# Create a comma-separated list of shards to pass to our Solr query
# See: https://wiki.apache.org/solr/DistributedSearch
shards += f",{SOLR_SERVER}/{core}"
# Return the string of shards, which may actually be empty. Solr doesn't
# seem to mind if the shards query parameter is empty and I haven't seen
# any negative performance impact so this should be fine.
return shards
def is_valid_date(date):
# Solr date format is: 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z
# See: https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior
datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
return True
except ValueError:
raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(
title="Invalid parameter",
description=f"Invalid date format: {date}. The value must be in format: 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z.",
def validate_items_post_parameters(req, resp, resource, params):
"""Check the POSTed request parameters for the `/items` endpoint.
Meant to be used as a `before` hook.
# Only attempt to read the POSTed request if its length is not 0 (or
# rather, in the Python sense, if length is not a False-y value).
if req.content_length:
doc = json.load(req.bounded_stream)
raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(
title="Invalid request", description="Request body is empty."
# Parse date parameters from request body (will raise an HTTPBadRequest
# from is_valid_date() if any parameters are invalid)
if "dateFrom" in doc and is_valid_date(doc["dateFrom"]):
req.context.dateFrom = doc["dateFrom"]
req.context.dateFrom = None
if "dateTo" in doc and is_valid_date(doc["dateTo"]):
req.context.dateTo = doc["dateTo"]
req.context.dateTo = None
# Parse the limit parameter from the POST request body
if "limit" in doc:
if isinstance(doc["limit"], int) and 0 < doc["limit"] <= 100:
req.context.limit = doc["limit"]
raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(
title="Invalid parameter",
description='The "limit" parameter is invalid. The value must be an integer between 1 and 100.',
req.context.limit = 100
# Parse the page parameter from the POST request body
if "page" in doc:
if isinstance(doc["page"], int) and doc["page"] >= 0:
req.context.page = doc["page"]
raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(
title="Invalid parameter",
description='The "page" parameter is invalid. The value must be at least 0.',
req.context.page = 0
# Parse the list of items from the POST request body
if "items" in doc:
if isinstance(doc["items"], list) and len(doc["items"]) > 0:
req.context.items = doc["items"]
raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest(
title="Invalid parameter",
description='The "items" parameter is invalid. The value must be a comma-separated list of item UUIDs.',
req.context.items = list()