import requests from .config import SOLR_SERVER from .util import get_statistics_shards def get_views(solr_date_string: str, items: list): """ Get view statistics for a list of items from Solr. :parameter solr_date_string (str): Solr date string, for example "[* TO *]" :parameter items (list): a list of item IDs :returns: A dict of item IDs and views """ shards = get_statistics_shards() # Join the UUIDs with "OR" and escape the hyphens for Solr solr_items_string: str = " OR ".join(items).replace("-", r"\-") solr_query_params = { "q": f"id:({solr_items_string})", "fq": f"type:2 AND isBot:false AND statistics_type:view AND time:{solr_date_string}", "fl": "id", "facet": "true", "facet.field": "id", "facet.mincount": 1, "shards": shards, "rows": 0, "wt": "json", "": "map", # return facets as a dict instead of a flat list } solr_url = SOLR_SERVER + "/statistics/select" res = requests.get(solr_url, params=solr_query_params) # Create an empty dict to store views data = {} # Solr returns facets as a dict of dicts (see the parameter) views = res.json()["facet_counts"]["facet_fields"] # iterate over the 'id' dict and get the item ids and views for item_id, item_views in views["id"].items(): data[item_id] = item_views # Check if any items have missing stats so we can set them to 0 if len(data) < len(items): # List comprehension to get a list of item ids (keys) in the data data_ids = [k for k, v in data.items()] for item_id in items: if item_id not in data_ids: data[item_id] = 0 continue return data def get_downloads(solr_date_string: str, items: list): """ Get download statistics for a list of items from Solr. :parameter solr_date_string (str): Solr date string, for example "[* TO *]" :parameter items (list): a list of item IDs :returns: A dict of item IDs and downloads """ shards = get_statistics_shards() # Join the UUIDs with "OR" and escape the hyphens for Solr solr_items_string: str = " OR ".join(items).replace("-", r"\-") solr_query_params = { "q": f"owningItem:({solr_items_string})", "fq": f"type:0 AND isBot:false AND statistics_type:view AND bundleName:ORIGINAL AND time:{solr_date_string}", "fl": "owningItem", "facet": "true", "facet.field": "owningItem", "facet.mincount": 1, "shards": shards, "rows": 0, "wt": "json", "": "map", # return facets as a dict instead of a flat list } solr_url = SOLR_SERVER + "/statistics/select" res = requests.get(solr_url, params=solr_query_params) # Create an empty dict to store downloads data = {} # Solr returns facets as a dict of dicts (see the parameter) downloads = res.json()["facet_counts"]["facet_fields"] # Iterate over the 'owningItem' dict and get the item ids and downloads for item_id, item_downloads in downloads["owningItem"].items(): data[item_id] = item_downloads # Check if any items have missing stats so we can set them to 0 if len(data) < len(items): # List comprehension to get a list of item ids (keys) in the data data_ids = [k for k, v in data.items()] for item_id in items: if item_id not in data_ids: data[item_id] = 0 continue return data # vim: set sw=4 ts=4 expandtab: