DSpace Statistics API v1.3.2

This site is running the DSpace Statistics API. The following endpoints are available:

The id is the internal UUID for an item, community, or collection. You can get these from the standard DSpace REST API.

¹ We are querying the Solr statistics core, which technically only knows about items, communities, or collections that have either views or downloads. If an item, community, or collection is not present here you can assume it has zero views and zero downloads, but not necessarily that it does not exist in the repository.

² POST requests to /items, /communities, and /collections should be in JSON format with the following parameters (substitute the "items" list for communities or collections accordingly):

	"limit": 100, // optional, integer between 1 and 100, default 100
	"page": 0, // optional, integer greater than 0, default 0
	"dateFrom": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", // optional, default *
	"dateTo": "2020-09-09T00:00:00Z", // optional, default *
	"items": [