import falcon from .database import DatabaseManager from .util import validate_items_post_parameters class RootResource: def on_get(self, req, resp): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 resp.content_type = "text/html" with open("dspace_statistics_api/docs/index.html", "r") as f: resp.body = class AllItemsResource: def on_get(self, req, resp): """Handles GET requests""" # Return HTTPBadRequest if id parameter is not present and valid limit = req.get_param_as_int("limit", min_value=0, max_value=100) or 100 page = req.get_param_as_int("page", min_value=0) or 0 offset = limit * page with DatabaseManager() as db: db.set_session(readonly=True) with db.cursor() as cursor: # get total number of items so we can estimate the pages cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM items") pages = round(cursor.fetchone()[0] / limit) # get statistics and use limit and offset to page through results cursor.execute( "SELECT id, views, downloads FROM items LIMIT %s OFFSET %s", [limit, offset], ) # create a list to hold dicts of item stats statistics = list() # iterate over results and build statistics object for item in cursor: statistics.append( { "id": str(item["id"]), "views": item["views"], "downloads": item["downloads"], } ) message = { "currentPage": page, "totalPages": pages, "limit": limit, "statistics": statistics, } = message @falcon.before(validate_items_post_parameters) def on_post(self, req, resp): """Handles POST requests""" from .items import get_views from .items import get_downloads # Build the Solr date string, ie: [* TO *] if req.context.dateFrom and req.context.dateTo: solr_date_string = f"[{req.context.dateFrom} TO {req.context.dateTo}]" elif not req.context.dateFrom and req.context.dateTo: solr_date_string = f"[* TO {req.context.dateTo}]" elif req.context.dateFrom and not req.context.dateTo: solr_date_string = f"[{req.context.dateFrom} TO *]" else: solr_date_string = "[* TO *]" # Helper variables to make working with pages/items/results easier and # to make the code easier to understand number_of_items: int = len(req.context.items) pages: int = int(number_of_items / req.context.limit) first_item: int = * req.context.limit last_item: int = first_item + req.context.limit # Get a subset of the POSTed items based on our limit. Note that Python # list slicing and indexing are both zero based, but the first and last # items in a slice can be confusing. See this ASCII diagram: # # +---+---+---+---+---+---+ # | P | y | t | h | o | n | # +---+---+---+---+---+---+ # Slice position: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Index position: 0 1 2 3 4 5 # # So if we have a list items with 240 items: # # 1st set: items[0:100] would give items at indexes 0 to 99 # 2nd set: items[100:200] would give items at indexes 100 to 199 # 3rd set: items[200:300] would give items at indexes 200 to 239 items_subset: list = req.context.items[first_item:last_item] views: dict = get_views(solr_date_string, items_subset) downloads: dict = get_downloads(solr_date_string, items_subset) # create a list to hold dicts of item stats statistics = list() # iterate over views dict to extract views and use the item id as an # index to the downloads dict to extract downloads. for k, v in views.items(): statistics.append({"id": k, "views": v, "downloads": downloads[k]}) message = { "currentPage":, "totalPages": pages, "limit": req.context.limit, "statistics": statistics, } resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 = message class ItemResource: def on_get(self, req, resp, item_id): """Handles GET requests""" import psycopg2.extras # Adapt Python’s uuid.UUID type to PostgreSQL’s uuid # See: psycopg2.extras.register_uuid() with DatabaseManager() as db: db.set_session(readonly=True) with db.cursor() as cursor: cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT views, downloads FROM items WHERE id=%s", [str(item_id)] ) if cursor.rowcount == 0: raise falcon.HTTPNotFound( title="Item not found", description=f'The item with id "{str(item_id)}" was not found.', ) else: results = cursor.fetchone() statistics = { "id": str(item_id), "views": results["views"], "downloads": results["downloads"], } = statistics api = application = falcon.API() api.add_route("/", RootResource()) api.add_route("/items", AllItemsResource()) api.add_route("/item/{item_id:uuid}", ItemResource()) # vim: set sw=4 ts=4 expandtab: