Falcon can optionally use ujson to speed up JSON (de)serialization,
but Falcon's already really fast and requiring ujson actually makes
deployment trickier in some cases (for example in Docker containers
that are based on Alpine Linux).
Here are some tests of Falcon 1.4.1 on Python 3.5 from my laptop:
1. falcon...............60172 req/sec or 16.62 μs/req (36x)
2. falcon-ext...........34186 req/sec or 29.25 μs/req (20x)
3. bottle...............32924 req/sec or 30.37 μs/req (20x)
4. werkzeug.............11948 req/sec or 83.70 μs/req (7x)
5. flask.................6654 req/sec or 150.30 μs/req (4x)
6. django................4565 req/sec or 219.04 μs/req (3x)
7. pecan.................1672 req/sec or 598.19 μs/req (1x)
The tests were conducted with Falcon's official Docker benchmarking
tools on my Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz on Arch Linux.
See: https://github.com/falconry/falcon/tree/master/docker
SolrClient 0.2.1 currently depends on kazoo 2.2.1, but there is an
issue with Python 3.7 in kazoo <= 2.5.0. Kazoo 2.5.0 fixes the is-
sue with Python 3.7, and for my limited usage of SolrClient it se-
ems to work fine.
See: https://github.com/moonlitesolutions/SolrClient/issues/79
Generated with `pip freeze`. This is so I can pin the versions of
packages that I've tested with as well as to allow Travis to test
whether the project runs on various Pythons and to let GitHub in-
form me of vulnerabilities in some libraries.