When I originally created the pipenv environment I used the standard
pip requirements.txt that I already had, which captured all the mod-
ules and their exact versions at the time. This makes it hard to se-
parate the project's actual dependencies from the dependencies' dep-
endencies, complicating the Pipfile and making it hard to update mo-
dule versions later.
I've re-created the environment with the following commands:
$ pipenv install gunicorn falcon psycopg2-binary git+https://github.com/alanorth/SolrClient.git@kazoo-2.5.0#egg=SolrClient
$ pipenv install --dev ipython flake8 pytest
Now that I'm only using pipenv locally it shouldn't create problems
for people. They can still just create a vanilla virtualenv and use
pip to install the dependencies.
Pipenv is great for local development, but I don't think many people
are using it yet. I can use it locally and on Travis, but still keep
vanilla requirements.txt for use with pip. The requirements.txt file
can be generated easily from pipenv itself:
$ pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt
The same for the development requirements:
$ pipenv lock -r -d > requirements-dev.txt
Falcon's response content is raw bytes, while its text is a string.
Let's use the latter so we can use json.loads() in Python 3.5, 3.6,
and 3.7 with the same code.
See: https://falcon.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/testing.html
It's nicer to manager module versions using pipenv, and I can still
generate a requirements.txt for deploying the exact versions on the
production server.
Uses 'kazoo-2.5.0' branch name for installing SolrClient instead of
the commit hash and adds flake8 as a dev package. This means that I
can track dependencies for production and development and still end
up with a requirements.txt for produciton.
Eventually I'd like to be able to use pipenv instead of plain pip.
For now I'll just keep using pipenv and generating requirements.txt
like this:
$ pipenv run pip freeze > requirements.txt
Then I can kinda have the best of both worlds, where I use pipenv
on my local machine and pip with requirements.txt on the server.
Will check all pull requests in the project to make sure they don't
violate PEP 8 style (except the E501 for long lines because I think
it makes code hard to read).
Flake8 validates code style against PEP 8 in order to encourage the
writing of idiomatic Python. For reference, I am currently ignoring
errors about line length (E501) because I feel it makes code harder
to read.
This is the invocation I am using:
$ flake8 --ignore E501 dspace_statistics_api