DSpace 6+ uses a UUID for item identifiers instead of an integer so
we need to update the PostgreSQL schema accordingly. Solr still re-
fers to them as "id" in its schema so we don't need to change anyt-
hing there.
The SolrClient library is unmaintained, which is starting to cause
problems due to the moving Python ecosystem. Switching to requests
does not change my code in any meaningful way and makes maintenance
DSpace's stats-util script splits the Solr statistics core into yearly
shards. We need to use Solr's `shards` query parameter in order to get
the statistics for previous years. This commit adds a helper function
to enumerate the active Solr cores to find yearly shards matching the
statistics-YYYY pattern and add them to the query.
Flake8 validates code style against PEP 8 in order to encourage the
writing of idiomatic Python. For reference, I am currently ignoring
errors about line length (E501) because I feel it makes code harder
to read.
This is the invocation I am using:
$ flake8 --ignore E501 dspace_statistics_api
I had imagined plugging in an interactive Swagger or OpenAPI instance
here, but that's actually much more involved in Falcon than I want to
deal with right now.