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# indexer.py
# Copyright 2018 Alan Orth.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ---
# Connects to a DSpace Solr statistics core and ingests item views and downloads
# into a PostgreSQL database for use by other applications (like an API).
# This script is written for Python 3.5+ and requires several modules that you
# can install with pip (I recommend using a Python virtual environment):
# $ pip install SolrClient psycopg2-binary
# See: https://solrclient.readthedocs.io/en/latest/SolrClient.html
# See: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/Solr
from .database import database_connection
import json
import psycopg2.extras
from .solr import solr_connection
def index_views():
# get total number of distinct facets for items with a minimum of 1 view,
# otherwise Solr returns all kinds of weird ids that are actually not in
# the database. Also, stats are expensive, but we need stats.calcdistinct
# so we can get the countDistinct summary.
# see: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/6_6/the-stats-component.html
res = solr.query('statistics', {
'fq':'isBot:false AND statistics_type:view',
}, rows=0)
# get total number of distinct facets (countDistinct)
results_totalNumFacets = json.loads(res.get_json())['stats']['stats_fields']['id']['countDistinct']
# divide results into "pages" (cast to int to effectively round down)
results_per_page = 100
results_num_pages = int(results_totalNumFacets / results_per_page)
results_current_page = 0
cursor = db.cursor()
# create an empty list to store values for batch insertion
data = []
while results_current_page <= results_num_pages:
print('Indexing item views (page {} of {})'.format(results_current_page, results_num_pages))
res = solr.query('statistics', {
'fq':'isBot:false AND statistics_type:view',
'facet.offset':results_current_page * results_per_page
}, rows=0)
# SolrClient's get_facets() returns a dict of dicts
views = res.get_facets()
# in this case iterate over the 'id' dict and get the item ids and views
for item_id, item_views in views['id'].items():
data.append((item_id, item_views))
# do a batch insert of values from the current "page" of results
sql = 'INSERT INTO items(id, views) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET views=excluded.views'
psycopg2.extras.execute_values(cursor, sql, data, template='(%s, %s)')
# clear all items from the list so we can populate it with the next batch
results_current_page += 1
def index_downloads():
# get the total number of distinct facets for items with at least 1 download
res = solr.query('statistics', {
'fq':'isBot:false AND statistics_type:view AND bundleName:ORIGINAL',
}, rows=0)
# get total number of distinct facets (countDistinct)
results_totalNumFacets = json.loads(res.get_json())['stats']['stats_fields']['owningItem']['countDistinct']
# divide results into "pages" (cast to int to effectively round down)
results_per_page = 100
results_num_pages = int(results_totalNumFacets / results_per_page)
results_current_page = 0
cursor = db.cursor()
# create an empty list to store values for batch insertion
data = []
while results_current_page <= results_num_pages:
print('Indexing item downloads (page {} of {})'.format(results_current_page, results_num_pages))
res = solr.query('statistics', {
'fq':'isBot:false AND statistics_type:view AND bundleName:ORIGINAL',
'facet.offset':results_current_page * results_per_page
}, rows=0)
# SolrClient's get_facets() returns a dict of dicts
downloads = res.get_facets()
# in this case iterate over the 'owningItem' dict and get the item ids and downloads
for item_id, item_downloads in downloads['owningItem'].items():
data.append((item_id, item_downloads))
# do a batch insert of values from the current "page" of results
sql = 'INSERT INTO items(id, downloads) VALUES %s ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET downloads=excluded.downloads'
psycopg2.extras.execute_values(cursor, sql, data, template='(%s, %s)')
# clear all items from the list so we can populate it with the next batch
results_current_page += 1
db = database_connection()
solr = solr_connection()
# create table to store item views and downloads
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS items
(id INT PRIMARY KEY, views INT DEFAULT 0, downloads INT DEFAULT 0)''')
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